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  1. 2 points
  2. two yr jail term seems a bit steep for improperly afixed tag and wasted flesh ( whatever that means ) I don't know about you but if I pay for a guide he better be takeing care of all that or im throwing him under the bus, if you know what I mean.
    2 points
  3. They dont even tell you exactly what the main charge is. They said 1 is improper affixation of a tag and another of spoilage of meat tissue or skin. Sounds like it could be stuff that the guide messed up on. Before I start with the judgements and name calling, Id like to hear all the facts first. Most of us on this web site that have hunted in NY for 10+ years and live here to boot, dont know all of the laws and regs in NY and have to ask from time to time. How can you expect someone going on a trip somewhere to know them all, thats part of what you pay the guide for.
    2 points
  4. Just 286 days... 9 1/2 months and... we will be bowhunting again!!! Yahoo!!!!
    1 point
  5. Holy Cow ! we can't seem to get away from this "fracking" subject !
    1 point
  6. I'd like to know more of the details. Everyone is always quick to judge. I wonder if the people would call him a douche to his face............ah I doubt it. Looking foward to Dec 30th.
    1 point
  7. Maybe you should start a new topic to find out how guys can kill more than one deer a year. If you can't figure out that some areas hold more deer than others I don't know what to tell you.
    1 point
  8. After the results for this past season I think they used me for this songs inspiration!
    1 point
  9. Crossbows cannot be used in "bowhunting-only" areas of the state, or during bowhunting seasons, or during the regular season in Cortland County (due to recent rifle and crossbow legislation).
    1 point
  10. Oh how true. Adult does are probably the hardest deer in the woods to harvest. Thats one of the biggest reason,if not the biggest reason that you would never wipe out a herd in any givin area. I took the smokepole to letchworth this weekend and could not believe the amount of adult does that i saw. I said early in the year that the numbers are down on the park and i stick by that but trust me when i say there are still a good number of deer in the areas i hunt on the park.The new bow only area on the mt morris end of the park is teaming with adult doe's!! Thats good newz!!!
    1 point
  11. WNY hit it right on the head. Wait untill you know more , that said Brock Lesnar was a great champion and I hope will be again .
    1 point
  12. While I do agree with Dave that it sounds like a dream position many of s would like to be in, I think it's pretty safe to say I can see how a deer farmer would be all for AR's, QDM, and anything else that has to do with big horns. Heck, I'm pretty sure I may even change my meat hunter ways handling all them big bucks all the time. Also gotta agree with some other points here. I don't know or really even care what they eat in captivity, but I think you have to agree that whatever it is, they sure don't have to work to find it, especially in crucial times when they're looking to store reserves and recover from the rut. Top notch food sources are scarce in the wild, or at least expend a lot of effort to get to them.
    1 point
  13. 30 yrs ago people werent so addicted to the antlers as it is now.Of course a 10 or 14 pt was sure bragging rights but people didn't focus on it like now.Now its like a status quoe in the hunters would.If you can't bag a big buck you not the best hunter.The antler addiction is driven into young hunters nowadays.IMHO.its who can bag the biggest buck now.people pay so much money for big bucks so they can show of the head and brag about it.Where has the hunt gone to in hunting?what happend to men being proud of hard work dedication before they spend thousands of dollars to get satisfaction out of something that they had to pay for?If i hunted state land with a low deer population and shot a 6 pt on the ground with my bow that would be an earned kill.If i posted a pic of it and the story no one would care.Why?because it wasn;t a monster.Thats all everyone cares about now.how big is rack is.Not the hunt.All these TV shows and magazines and propaganda are pushing it more and more.I dont know but to me it isn't about the size of something i hang on the wall.Its about the hard work and using what little i had to make it work that satisfies me.And untill some of these new hunters realize this they wont be real hunters.Just an addict to something that in the end wont mean a thing.And will probably be put up for sale or put in the attic when they die from their remaining family members.Memorys of a good hunt wont ever die.the joy of a good hunt stays in you for ever.
    1 point
  14. Thanks everyone I know that the law in our area is onto him. They said next yr they'll be on him again.One cop from the town hunts the other side of this property an had no idea.I will be careful next yr these guys were actually fron nyc orginally.I had him checked on by a friend who told me its not his first run in like this.I will not be his last.Iknow that cause they blame everyone else for thier lawlessness.After all I am the problem remember. He got even madder when he found out we took 3 nice bucks off our side of the fence and we have to drag them righ by his property.
    1 point
  15. I agree, Skillet... Squirrels are more fun to hunt than deer, and they taste better... A LOT more action... It takes a few more to fill the freezer, though... This brings to mind a conversation I had with an old gent who lived in King Salmon, Alaska, about moose hunting. He told me that he used to hunt moose, but eventually he gave it up, and currently only hunts ducks.. He said they are a lot easier to carry home and the decoys are a lot lighter.
    1 point
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