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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/11 in Posts

  1. Ur supposed to say happy holidays so you don't offend anyone, so merry Christmas !
    4 points
  2. Yes, okay. I'm eating tag soup. But not sour grapes. I hunted WMU's 3F, 3N and 4Y this past season. Regarding deer sightings by Grade: 4Y- gets a C- average 2 deer per day or 1 for every 5 hours in stand 3N - gets an F - 50 hours time spent 2 deer spotted 3F - gets an F - 40 hours time spent 0 (zero) deer seen It does not take a genius to see that in many parts of the state the deer herd numbers have been on a serious decline over the past 10 years or so. The DEC needs to start listening to it's PAYING customers (the sportsman), instead of the insurance companies. The DEC is quoted as saying 2011 started out slow but then picked up, and is "on par" with 2010 harvest numbers. So that's supposed to be a good report???!!! They were both horrible years!!! Would love to see a one buck rule and better administration and management of DMP's. I'm just sayin'..
    1 point
  3. Getting my new/used truck tomorrow!!!! So excited! Havent had a p/u in 4 years! 2008 ford f150 fx4.
    1 point
  4. I won't be on here after today, so I wanted to tell you all Merry Christmas!!!!
    1 point
  5. I wear at least a blaze hat and generally a camo w/ orange vest. It's amazing how little orange is needed to be seen from several hundred yards away.
    1 point
  6. With all the places and people in NY and a deer population that fluctuates between towns and counties from hunting, road kill, nature and food source, we are bound to have differant opinions. Between long bow, compound bow, crossbow, rifle and black powder hunters we will always have opinions that will vary. Add into the mix ethics, tree stand hunters, still hunters, private and state land, AR restrictions and shortening of our seasons will cause tempers to fly even before a discussion is posted. I have to be honest, I LOVE THIS SITE and enjoy the conversations with all my fellow hunters. We are a Brotherhood and need to stick together despite our own views. I like to still hunt on vast state land but will never put anyone down who hunts from a tree stand on 10 acres. We have heated topics but that is because we are so passionate about what we do... That fact causes us to get out of control sometimes. We are a diverse group of hunters who love of the outdoors and have a passion for it and that should unite us, but because we are sooo passionate about what we do, we sometimes have heated discussions. That should not stop us from being brothers!!! To all my fellow hunters may your freezer be as full as your heart, may your sights be full of deer and may you shoot true as your ethics allow. Your Brother in Arms. NFA GETSOME
    1 point
  7. Last I checked Christmas is all about the birth of CHRIST. So Merry CHRISTmas and GOD BLESS US all!
    1 point
  8. If you're drinking Genny light I'm less concerned with hunter safety and more worried about your taste in beer! lol
    1 point
  9. Way to getter done. Nice
    1 point
  10. Have a safe and marry Christmas. keep it between the lines and enjoy your family and friends.
    1 point
  11. NICE! It's for Jesus, not allah or muhammed!
    1 point
  12. Merry Christmas to all of you out there. May god bless you and yours! - Kurt
    1 point
  13. Merry Christmas to you and your family. May God bless us all.
    1 point
  14. Merry Christmas to you as well!
    1 point
  15. I don't feel Blaze orange should be mandatory but I don't hunt without it during gun season . I don't want to be a negative statistic !
    1 point
  16. Bubba correct me ...haven't you mentioned in the past that you are a Hunter SAFETY instructor?......You really feel a need to criticize these guys for voicing what they PERSONAL experienced thus giving an assessment as to what happened at the time? The problem we have in this state is we don't have good hunter instruction on a uniformed bases around this state...yes kudos to those willing to do it ...but the state needs to either train them better or mandate a better curriculum .... Now tell me why you can criticize them for apparent assumptions you feel they made.... when you yourself are doing the EXACT same thing in doing so? This states safety records proves we need improvements and Hunter Orange is one of those improvements we need...that being said please don't bother trying to redirect by stating many of the "incidents" were self inflicted...falls or self inflicted shots..... for it doesn't change the fact that ppl on the web have been reporting many many "close calls" and the state does not.
    1 point
  17. the thing to remember is, the people here aren't the ones making the changes.. so being rude here does nothing but make us fight amongst ourselves... Trust me.. I am a strong believer in a lot of things.. When I see a post I don't agree with, I try to either avoid posting or just give my side... Attacking someone does nothing positive for anyone.. If you want to make changes, sadly the political route is in order.. Not personal attacks here... my thinking only...
    1 point
  18. Equal and opposite reacion....you are scratching you head becasue your A$$ itches
    1 point
  19. 5 H One week solo(bow) and 6 guys for 1 week rifle. 2 doe seen by one guy. Forever wild sucks for deer population... Would be nice if the DEC actually tried to help the deer out in these area's. But they are only to conserve not protect and nurture. Such a shame this resource is wasted when it is so vast... But lets close off another thousand acres to people who can not access it. THis way the only people who can access it is hikers like me. Tree huggers suck!!! Sorry needed to vent a little, lol...
    1 point
  20. I really must be working for the wrong company...lol
    1 point
  21. Did you shoot that at night? Why is the bottom of the photo chopped off, is it because you have it sitting atop the bait pile? Is that the new "trophy" doe pose?, I have seen that a few times on here now and its always you professional types. Ok thats enough jokes for now, good job Dave6x6.
    1 point
  22. Not exactly sure the weight.. She clearly needs to shop in the plus size store..
    1 point
  23. Thanks Burt and Wny, first doe that gave me a good chance this year and I didn't waste it.
    1 point
  24. Here are some...the Springbok, which is like the South African whitetail to them, I had a lucky shot...through the head at 374 yards, using my .06. (using a bipod.) My ph was saying, "shoot, Oak, shoot..." I knew I'd get drift so I aimed about 4-feet off his butt. The wind was blowing about 40 mph off the Kalahari desert. I climbed a tree over a water hole to get my warthog with a bow. Like back here. A whole pack of them came in. The Gemsbok has 40-inch horns. I passed about 12 or os up, including a couple with my bow. I wanted long horns. That's a lot of stalks. The impala was with a bunch of ewes (does.) I used a Rothhaar Snuffer for a head and it dropped him quick as a whitetail. I snuck up on some rhino's, two sleeping and a cow with a calf, got good video.
    1 point
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