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  1. Killing "or culling" bucks from any herd because his antlers aren't meeting your standards is NOT deer management.. it is however trophy management... they are not the same thing. One is based on YOUR standards.. the other is based on herd health and balance. The buck looks to be a healthy buck of at least 3 years old with a big 6 point frame... shooting him for "deer" management purposes would be pointless... I would take him simply because he is a good mature big racked 6-pt... six points that size don't appear too often.
    3 points
  2. It is not about need - it's about setting a precedent for control. So the level of "need" get's set at 1000. We have agreed to control. Then someone decides hunters only shoot at most a handful of deer - 20 is all they need. No longer about whether the number should be regulated - now we are fighting for what the number should be. And you know what - someone bent on doing bad will still find a way to fill their "need". How much ammo a person buys does not make them a criminal - committing a crime with it does.
    2 points
  3. Some guys buy alot of rounds at once to save money on the ammo, shipping costs, etc. This isnt just about hunting here guys. What about competitive shooters and guys that spend alot of time at the range? Honestly, you guys sitting here saying that you support this law because YOU have no need to buy more than 1000 rounds at a time, are being pretty doggone selfish and short sighted. Just wait till they keep whittling it down further and further. At some point it will affect you and youll be crying about it. Like the old saying goes, give them an inch, theyll take a mile.
    2 points
  4. Shure does .The winter rye will most likely come up first and choke some of the other seed out.
    1 point
  5. Dd I read this right? Thats 174 lbs of seed for 1 acre. Sounds awfully high number to me.
    1 point
  6. It is all about averages, Dave...lol The big ones make up for the little ones taken
    1 point
  7. Try this mix its very popular on qdma forum. Plants 1acre. Wr-56lbs Oats-80 lbs Winter peas or 4010-25lbs Red clover-8lbs Radish-5lbs
    1 point
  8. Thanks Bill for bringing a little common sense to this forum.
    1 point
  9. Why is this a issue of right wing vs left wing. Sure seems like a reasonable requirement, why would a normal god fearing hunter be buying over a 1000 rounds at a time. If you are buying for a total of a gun club, maybe, but they are saying ou still could buy but just notify to verify why you have a need for 1000 + rounds...with the cost of BOX OF 308 CAL hunting shells I sure the most I ever purchased at one time was 3 boxs of 20 shells per box. as a hunter I support this change to our laws.
    1 point
  10. do you have to have one or the other to use it?
    1 point
  11. Leave the camera alone . The little chubby kid on the bike will be looking for it !
    1 point
  12. Sorry Eddie, but I had to post this... not implying that you are anything like Biden, just thought it was funny.
    1 point
  13. You can adjust most things with a 20 ounce hammer ........
    1 point
  14. What's up Mark, glad you decided to look into this site!
    1 point
  15. I tell you, the philosophy some of you guys have is totally messed up!! Do you guys realize that you don't own the bloody deer? If you pass up a buck because it isn't big enough for your standards, you have absolutely NO reason to be pissed if the guy on the next property shoots him. Absolutely NONE! These are free ranging deer and it's just too bad that it didn't lie down for you and stay on your property until it gets it's bigger set of antlers next year. I think you guys need to only hunt behind fences where there would be no chance of the deer escaping with your attitudes. Just mind boggling how hunters think these days. I guess watching too many deer hunting TV shows and screwing a camera to every tree in the woods will do this to people. Someone might as well come up with a device where a number is spray painted on a deer when it walks by so then you can argue with the guy on the next property when he shoots it that the deer was numbered on your property and that you are claiming it! Unbelievable!
    1 point
  16. Certainly good advice for those who can take Oct. 25 to November 25 off. My big issue with these "charts" is that most guys use it to determine their 1,2, 3, 4, or 5 days off of work. I'm more likely to take November 5-12 off every year than October, assuming I can at least get out on a weekend or maybe before or after work during that last week in October. You can legit argue that the final OCtober week is primo, but from an odds perspective, more book bucks are taken during that week in November than October. When you only have a few days of vaca, you need to play the odds.
    1 point
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