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  1. Ive spent many hung over mornings in the woods. Who cares, it was my time and hunt to waste, no reason for anyone else to be worried about it. I actually took some of my best naps ever on those mornings, probably had plenty of deer walk right by me too.
    3 points
  2. Had a recent experience with my pistol permit that I've decided to share. It goes on for a bit but please jump to the lessons learned/thoughts at the end if you get bored. I'm hoping that more gun owners will be inspired to contact their legislators to end the silliness. I’d possessed an unrestricted pistol permit for 23 years. On August 28, while getting my permit amended, the county clerk added hunt and target restrictions to my permit. Schenectady County has a procedure set up that may allow a person to obtain an unrestricted permit, however the course is $200, requires one to bring 4 boxes of ammo ($100 for my 45) and some particular holsters. I didn’t like the expense and I figured my case was unique so I wrote the issuing agent a letter requesting the restrictions be removed. To demonstrate proper cause (or at least show that I know which end of a handgun the bullet comes out of), I noted: I had an unrestricted permit for approximately 23 years (obtained fall of 1989 in Herkimer County and later transferred to Schenectady County). I have hunted responsibly since the age of 14 including successfully hunting deer with a handgun. I am a NYS Hunter Education Instructor. I am qualified by the NRA as an Instructor for Certified Home Firearm Safety, Certified Pistol and Personal Protection in the Home. The judge’s secretary called to tell me the judge questioned whether my permit was unrestricted in Herkimer County and asked me to prove such. If I did he would consider removing the restrictions. I talked to the pistol permit clerk from Herkimer County and she sent a letter stating that my permit was unrestricted as the judge at the time of issuance and transfer didn’t put restrictions on permits. I forwarded the letter to the Schenectady County judge and he stated that he was inclined to remove the restrictions but I must first submit an amendment form to the County for his approval. So I made an appointment and stopped down to sign the form on October 16th. On October 23rd I received a notice from the clerk that my request for an unrestricted permit had been granted and I picked it up today. Lessons Learned/Thoughts; 1. I asked the Clerk why the restriction was added now. She stated that my permit came up on the system as restricted. (Note: This is after 19 years in Schenectady County.) This baffles me as you’d think this would have come up a long time ago. I’ve made several address changes and amendments over the years. 2. I asked if there was a procedure for removing the restrictions when this happened. I was handed directions to the County’s website to take the course. I chose to write a letter to the decision maker instead, which I sent directly to him. If I’d had my permit for a shorter period, I likely would be stuck taking the course. The time and money spent on the course is no guarantee of restriction removal. 3. Why should we have to pay additional fees (application fees, finger print fees, course fees, etc.) to have your 2nd amendment rights unjustly restricted? We already pay taxes. Why aren’t these services provided with the tax money that we already pay? 4. This just isn’t right. Please contact your Legislators regarding NY’s pistol permit system. In my opinion, at a minimum, it should be: a. shall issue. The Supreme Court has ruled that the right to bear arms is an individual constitutional right. b. consistent from area to area with no restrictions and no special city ordinances (i.e. Albany, Buffalo, etc. and yes, NYC in particular.) Would anyone find it acceptable to have their 1st Amendment rights vary state by state, let alone within their own state? c. up to the individual to carry open or concealed. d. protected from FOIL. Permit holder information should not be a matter of public record. The NY pistol permit system really should be abolished as a whole. Vermont seems to be doing just fine without a pistol permit system, not to mention a few others states out there.
    1 point
  3. seen her on way out and as i got closer another one scared me, she was on other side of the trees
    1 point
  4. YOU ARE KILLING ME. The deer won't come out of your feild.Cut that darn corn!
    1 point
  5. every chance i got air horn about 3am right near his house
    1 point
  6. Rather hunt with a hangover than a cold with a fever.I have done both.I have been out in 2 ft of snow hile i was sick as all heck.Sipping on a dayquill bottle.Sucking on Leudins.Saw nothing and thought it was still a good time. Been so hung over couldn't see straight from the head ache.By the time the sun came up i was better but still not great.I felt better later that day than if i had slept.Gotta burn out the hang over.My gun never even go loaded on that one occasion.
    1 point
  7. Does feel go in the stand, feels right, fresh rub 10 yds away, we'll see if he shows his face tonight
    1 point
  8. seems foolish to keep going back to the same places if you know exactly what is going to happen, if there was a point to it then i sure missed it.
    1 point
  9. I don't really subscribe to the notion that you should take-off on a dead run trying to push the deer to it's death .... lol. I generally wait at least a half-hour before taking up the trail. And with gut shots, it usually means an over-night wait. That's what I was told and there is some good logic behind it. However, I will say that on deer that have survived that 1/2 hour wait and still had some life left in them, generally makes one heck of a project out of picking up the blood again after that first bed. My theory is that the bed provides an opportunity for the blood to clot, and the deer to lick the wound and stem the blood flow a bit, and it may be 100 yards or even much farther before it starts to flow again. Would chasing the deer right away have made the result come out any better? ..... Probably not. That deer that made it past that first half hour probably is not hit as bad as we might wish. Chasing after him will just push him farther than you can go .... lol.
    1 point
  10. I'm usually hungover the second day of southern tier gun. We usually spend the night if opening day drinking and catching up which turns into be being up too Damn late. Killed a deer two years in a row like that. Even been know to take a celebratory nip off the flask AFTER a kill in the woods. No drinking turning during hunting hours though. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
    1 point
  11. Same here. I think it shows a much higher level of dedication to drag yourself out of bed and get into the woods when you are hung over. Anyone can hunt when they feel good.
    1 point
  12. Good lord, you just dont get it do you. All Im saying is that an attitude like the one you are espousing is elitist and bad for the sport. Stop worrying about what other guys are shooting, as long as its legal who are you to tell them they are doing something wrong just because its not what YOU choose to do.
    1 point
  13. That is my understanding . It eliminates the need to tune anything .
    1 point
  14. Had a girl friend named sandy once.So i know this storm is out to get me.
    1 point
  15. I certainly believe that this was mishandled from the beginning and the administration covered up. I agree with the others that we should leave these countries and cut off every cent of aid. They hate us if Bush is the president, they hate us if Obama is the president and will continue to hate us. Our mistake is treating these people like they are civilized 21st century humans when they choose to live like complete barbarians in the 17th century.
    1 point
  16. I have had good luck with the Rage II's but want to try the Swhackers this season .
    1 point
  17. View of Gardiners Bay on Eastern Long Island.
    1 point
  18. It's called a crossbow, haha... and my Dad and Uncle each just got the same one my grandfather got for christmas...They are down in PA so they can use them during archery...solves the dominant eye/favored shooting side dilemma.
    1 point
  19. I have been small game and bird hunting with doubles for many years and enjoy using them, there is just something about their classic look and handling I like especially in the smaller gauges. As with anything else you will get what you pay for and when it comes to doubles I would avoid the cheap stuff because they can be real crap! Used Savage, SKBs and some imported Spanish doubles can be had at a reasonable price if you shop around and hit some gun shows. The CZ doubles are probably one of the better buys today for new and they can also can be found used for a good deal.Save up and get a nice one and it will give you a lifetime of hunting memories. Al
    1 point
  20. Hahaha your dirty Irish redneck!
    1 point
  21. Yea, so I missed with the first shot. The next two killed this pair out of a flock of 50-60 this morning in the pea soup fog. Saw some ducks but they were out of range. The dog did good, she's only handled a handful of geese over the years and these were no problem. Good times.....
    1 point
  22. Cant tell its a bb but can tell its a queer.... now thats skill..lol
    1 point
  23. Both nice bucks ! Class photographs as well, shows a deep respect for the harvest.... Well done all around... Dan
    1 point
  24. They have a vacancy. Pygmy knows exactly what he is talking about too. He has been captive their 5 times and his finial freedom didn't occur until the Fuzzubumpers filed a restraining order to keep him away
    1 point
  25. It's a tribal warning... The Kensico is a sacred hunting ground of the FUZZYBUMPER tribe, a tribe of primitive lesbian Amazons. If they catch you there they'll dress you up in leather, engineer boots and a chain drive wallet and lock you up in a mud hut as a love slave.
    1 point
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