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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/24 in Posts

  1. I have had this happen a few times over the years. This buck is leaving a sanctuary bedding area and crossing a field and road to go up a big hill to get to a wood lot of acorns and a small corn and alfalfa field. He does all this and still gets back to his bed well before daylight. Pretty sure this is the same buck but hard to be 100% on it. Pretty cool animals.
    4 points
  2. When the magnolia flowers fall in May it’s like crack for the deer, their under it during the day vacuuming them up. I have to mow the lawn around them, they won’t move.
    2 points
  3. warm has subsided most of my daytime movement on cams. I have a feeling some bucks will be fired up on scrapes this thurs through weekend and calling may pull them in. Were heading to PA tomorrow evening for youth antlerless rifle, bringing the crossbow thurs-sat, hopefully fill that then go out with crossbow and try to get my son on his first buck. Hes dead set on 6pt or better but we have a few wonky lookin bucks with weird racks I think hed take, pa youth dont have to follow antler restrictions.
    2 points
  4. Looked out my front window to find this on my magnolia tree on the lawn.
    2 points
  5. Was out driving around and noticed a lot of deer on the move in the rainy weather. Was coming up my road and saw this, she stayed long enough to give me a great picture. I may have this one framed and put in the bunk house. On a side not we did a lot of driving yesterday to West Point and back. I just noticed an alarming amount of road kill. These animals are moving about so be careful.
    1 point
  6. Sort of, because deer meat is packaged by volume not weight (ie quart and gallon sized bags are units of volume). The chest girth method uses a perimeter measurement around the deer and that is more directly relatable to volume, compared to the weight measurement. The chest girth measurement doesn’t change that much, as a deer carcass dries out, nor does the number of quart bags required to package up the edible meat. The scale weight reduces sharply as the carcass dries out though. Folks get confused about this, because the grocery store sell meat priced by the pound. In reality, the scale weight of the carcass don’t mean that much, because more than half of that weight is made up of water, and that percentage drops off sharply, the longer one takes to get the carcass on a scale.
    1 point
  7. They dont get big cause they are dumb. Very smart critters for sure
    1 point
  8. Well I'll be. I was able to reply.
    1 point
  9. Sometimes I feel the suckers are taunting us
    1 point
  10. Under Biden/Harris, Taco Bell is the only place you can still get gas for under $2
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 219# dressed, 46"+ heart girth. 4 1/2 YO I'm about 285 in the picture. 205# dressed. Rifle has a 26" barrel. I'm way over 300# in the picture.
    1 point
  13. 217lbs dressed, my biggest although I did kill one other at 205lbs.
    1 point
  14. Took this New Hampshire buck 2 years ago, field dressed at 174lbs. I’ll never see anything that fat in Sullivan County
    1 point
  15. We weigh every deer we get. A very nice example in our area is 150-160lbs, and not very common. Average doe is 105. My heaviest buck was 168, and doe was 146.
    1 point
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