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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/25 in all areas

  1. Maybe we should be studying how many crows, buzzards, hawks, and foxes, and other carnivorous critters are dying of lead poison before we worry too much about the lead ammo that we have been using since pre-pioneer days. I am getting tired of people messing with hunters in every way imaginable. I have a lifetime's supply of loaded lead bullets and shotshells that I suppose they would like to have me just throw away. And by the way, just because gut-piles are visited by all kinds of critters does not mean that there ever was any lead in any of those gut-piles, although I am sure they will make that assumption in their studies. Sorry for the outburst, but it seems that there is no end to the harassment of hunters and I am getting pretty tired of it.
    3 points
  2. The politics especially in this state should be followed very closely by every hunter and gun owner.Our rights are diminished daily by the commies that run this state.
    2 points
  3. Been out .... couple Perch so far !
    2 points
  4. No boiling, I just skin the raw head and power wash it. The skulls get too yellowish for my liking, if they are boiled.
    2 points
  5. But as I understand it, that is where notification and discussion of new gun and hunting laws would be posted and commented on. It seems a shame to bury or ignore something that is so important to the theme of this entire site. Also, whether we want to admit it or not, there is a huge political aspect to all the outdoor activities that this whole site is involved in. Perhaps there should have been a title revision that indicated that the politics part of that sub-forum was only to involve outdoor politics or something to that effect, but we should not be ignoring or hiding the legal and political parts of our outdoor activities that we all know exist.
    2 points
  6. Don't book a flight for your vacation . They need the plane seats for those leaving th country .
    2 points
  7. Anybody besides me think that it is time to bring the "Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions" sub-forum back from exile? Half of that does relate to "Gun and hunting Laws" which is kind of vital to hunting issues. Do we even have the ability to make that kind of change without Burmjohn being here?
    1 point
  8. Picked up my Euro Mount from my son from the buck I shot opening day of gun season . Put it in my cluttered office area .
    1 point
  9. I use to Cut off a bit of the skull with the antlers And hang them in the garage rafters . Never cared about anything else until I saw some euro mounts . To each his own ..........
    1 point
  10. That gut shot deer i put in my field was eaten on by mostly crows. Next Fox, skunk and a coyote. As for birds of pray 1 hawk and 1 eagle. Oh 1 Turkey Vulture. Seems the eagles are doing fine.
    1 point
  11. I cover the antlers with a dark garbage bag tied off. I then install the head carefully on the pheasant coop roof. In about 6 months, its good enough for my liking.
    1 point
  12. Well my neighbor put some holes in his pond may give it a try this weekend. He said it was about 6 inches.
    1 point
  13. It takes me 45 minutes and 2/3 of a gallon of gas to do one from a raw head. 15 minutes to skin and 30 minutes to blow out all the soft tissue with a 3100 psi pressure washer. I like the natural bone color, from the raw method, more than the slightly yellow look that results when heat is used, or bleached white or various dips. Cleanup is the best. Just blow the offal to the edge of the concrete pad and the vermin and birds take care of it overnight. Another big plus is no smell and less nagging. I’m surprised that my mother and wife didn’t run me off, after the ones that I did on their stoves.
    1 point
  14. My neighbor did it last year I did it this year. 5 gal bucket and an aquarium heater. Skin the head and put it in took me 12 days to have a perfect euro. Dry then bleach1
    1 point
  15. How did that work out for you?
    1 point
  16. Control ammunition and you will control firearms, any kind of ban on lead core ammo will do just that. The Democrats are looking at every angle to get some kind of ban on traditional lead core bullets and believe me this is nothing more than the beginnings of a back door route to control firearms. First they tried to put a scare into hunters that ate their game meat shot with ammo that contained lead, when it was found that no human ever was proven to have been lead poisoned and become seriously ill from eating game meat they abandoned that line of crap. That did not stop NY from pulling their stunt with background checks and an added fee just to buy a box of ammo, they are going to make it as hard as they can. I have nothing against anyone that wants to fire copper ammo, I use copper bullets when I want to when the style and weight are suited for a certain load I want to try. The propaganda that a copper bullet is superior to a traditional lead core bullet is baloney! They are not more accurate, they do not kill any better than a quality traditional bullet and they cost twice as much with very limited availability. I have taken a fair amount of game in my lifetime and I can not think of one single instance where a copper bullet would have made any difference other than lightening my wallet, dead is dead! 151042 people died from various illegal drugs in this country last year, I would say their priorities about a few birds dying are misplaced! Al
    1 point
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