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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. After reading that article it becomes apparent that UPenn in their ignorance lost a brilliant scientist.
  2. Definitely gives a new perspective when you are inviting someone over for a " Prime Rib " dinner. Little did they know it was their ribs on the menu. Have to tell them they must take a shower before coming over
  3. One hour till surf and turf feast time ! 8 lb Prime Rib in the rotisserie , scalloped potatoes , butternut squash , and lobsters . I dont think the lobsters are very happy about being invited !
  4. Here is a video of the starting procedure for that bike. Fast forward to the 1:20 mark where it shows the 4 steps to starting the bike. My guess is you are not pushing that red button into position. Hope it helps you. Good luck and Merry Christmas
  5. But it works. You only need a couple little squirts. Doing it actually helps clear out some of the flooding also.
  6. I spray some starting fluid in the air intake and my machine fires right up even when flooded . You can either spray it right on the foam filter or take it off. Works a little better if you take the filter off. That works for me just about every time for me .Not taking sides on full choke or no choke because both ways have worked for me .
  7. What gun is it ? I think every one of the good solvents will have that warning on the label not to get it on the wood or synthetic stock . Just wipe it off quick if any gets on it. If you use a gun cleaning stand just have the barrel pointing downward and stuff a cloth in the action so it cant drip down into the forearm from the chamber . You should fine. I use Birchwood Casey 2 in 1 bore cleaner which is very strong and I haven't had any issues. Shooters Choice is the same chemical composition but much weaker . The trick to getting heavy fouling out is run soaked patch through the barrel and let it sit for 20 min or so and let the cleaner loosen and dissolve the copper and lead before you scrub it . On real bad barrels I've cleaned for friends on mine on some used firearms they bought , I had to do it twice . But the end result was a spotless bore. Good luck with it.
  8. I didn't realize it was an auction with a " buy It now " for $595 . I just saw the $495 and looks like $20 for shipping . I dont reload so I have no idea how much components cost . There are no bids with over 2 days left . I was just passing the info along when I saw the primers . And you mentioned needing primers .
  9. Is this the type of pistol primer you are looking for ? This is a friend of mine that is an FFL . I happened to look on his Gunbroker account to look for a pistol for my sister. Noticed he had pistol primers for sale . A block of 3000 Remington primers and a block of 5000 Wolf pistol primers. https://www.gunbroker.com/item/887464572 https://www.gunbroker.com/item/887466340
  10. Think positive Tug . You WILL be over this soon ! Wishing you a speedy recovery for Christmas !
  11. This should be posted in the " Whats For Dinner " thread LOL
  12. I would guess its either the domestic Chinese goose you posted or a Domestic Swan Goose I found on the site Taco posted . Could be either one . But both choices say " Domestic " Its got to be some ones pet LOL https://www.birds-of-north-america.net/Domestic_Swan_Goose.html
  13. I dont think that yote is going to eat that critter anytime soon. I zoomed in on the critter and it looks like a porcupine
  14. I think it was last years shed. It's too bleached white from the sun and there is no blood on the knob.
  15. Well NY has thrown in any and every other kind of season. I think you need a " Bomb Season " too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgMcZW11VxM
  16. Nice Buck and a terrific vid ! Love it when the family is all in ! You will be watching this vid 30 years from now !
  17. You only have 3 options Chef . ( well , 4 if you want to sell your excess guns ) 1 ) Buy an inexpensive safe lightweight that can be bolted to the wall . Its no where near as good as the safe you probably own now for keeping guns safe from burning in a fire , but they are excellent at keeping guns from theft. This one is for 8 guns and has a ammo storage door . This safe only weighs108 lbs https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/homak-double-door-gun-security-cabinet-8-gun?a=533144 2 ) There are some real nice locking heavy duty hard gun cases out there for 2 guns , but they are around $200 bucks each. I have one of those that has the recesses spots for 2 scoped rifles or shotguns . I keep my 2 best scoped slug guns in that one. Slide them under the bed or on the floor under the hanging clothes in the walkin closet. 3 ) Find room in the house to build a dedicated closet to put all your guns and hunting stuff in. Put a secure deadbolt and locking door knob on it. on it .
  18. That makes it easier to switch companies. They still bitch though but too bad. The biggest thing is having a service department. Otto with all due respect , you dont want to own the tank even though you do get a small discount in price for liability reasons. It's easy enough to switch above ground tanks after negotiating a price with another company . There is the lease contract between you and the company thats usually 1-3 years, usually 1 year . If you aren't happy with them you can switch. The cost of those tanks is over 3 grand. The savings for owning your tank verses having a company install theirs is usually less than 10 cents a gallon. Thats 150 a year savings that will take you 20 years to pay for itself . Its big bucks to have someone service the tank and regulator . One thing I totally agree with you on is Suburban Propane Company sucks. They are robbers . I had one dealing with them and that was the last. They were the propane company that serviced a condo I own as a rental property. When I found out how much they were charging for the propane I got the condo association to throw them out and come and get their tanks . They were charging everyone ( 38 units ) $1.60 MORE than the market price. Their price was $3.70 a gal when the going rate was $2.00 - $2.15 a gal .
  19. You might not be able to switch if its an underground tank and the gas company owns the tank. If you want to switch companies , the company you want has to negotiate with the company that owns the tank to purchase it. If you are going to switch companies I would recommend picking a company that has a service department. A lot of heating oil and gas companies have gotten away from service. So if you have no heat in the middle of the night on a friday night in freezing cold temps you have to rely on some plumbing and heating contractor that probably dont answer the phone on weekends. Im a builder and I wont do business with a gas company thats putting underground tanks on new homes I'm building for sale that doesn't have a service department. PERIOD !
  20. Then you haven't seen a Ridgetec cellular trail cam. could be the best cell cam out there. https://www.trailcampro.com/products/ridgetec-lookout-4g-lte If you have questions about anything on how to set up and use the camera and portal setup you can go directly to the owner and designer , Anthony . You will find him at ChasinGame.com . He owns that camera review site. He was also the software designer for Spartan cellular cameras. Then decided to build his own cameras with even better technology. This is one of the prime distributors , Herd360.com. They are offering a discount code right now. https://www.herd360.com/collections/ridgetec-premium-cellular-security-and-game-cameras/trail-camera
  21. Excellent ! Congrats to both of you ! I see you decorated your son with the 1st kill stripes on his cheeks ! Awesome !
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