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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Tubing ! I used to take our kids when they were little to a small ski area an hour away that had tubing slopes. We had a blast doing that ! A two year old is small . She would have to ride with you . Or in some places maybe not be allowed . But most ski areas that have tubing runs have some kiddie tube slopes for the whole family. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/adirondacks/2015/11/adirondacks_snow_tube_tubing_venues_winter.html
  2. You are WRONG ! Im surprised that the Loony Left Fruitcakes haven't called for The Great WHITE SUPREMACIST Of The Ocean be destroyed at all costs and methods . Im sure Demented Biden would sign an executive order to harpoon , shoot , bomb , or poison every one of those Slimy WHITE SUPREMACISTS .
  3. Germany tried to go renewable on their power sources. They out their nuclear plants and put up wind and solar. The electric bill for the common household went up 375 percent ! now they are building modern coal plants to make up the difference . There are tons of articles about this . The wind turbines only produce less than 30 percent of what they claim are rated for. Not only did they not produce the rated power , they were also destroying the landscape and the environment . The cutting of all the trees to make the access roads and the pads have deteriorated the hillsides
  4. soft boiled eggs , pork breakfast sausage links , with english muffins And of course my little buddy bringing me the salt and pepper !
  5. They look great Chef ! If they are all the same 1/2 pork 1/2 venison mix what makes them different . Just the spices ? Have you made any sausages with beef suet or beef hamburger mixed with venison .Or that doesn't mix well with venison .
  6. Get a Peloton bike for cardio and take Yoga classes for flexibility . You will be one happy man . Just taking up tennis now you risk pulling muscles and twisting joints . .Tennis is a great sport but you kinda needed that flexibility and stamina in the cardio to jump into it. You will get more cardio workout in 30 min on a Peloton bike than you will playing tennis all day without the aching joints. You cant beat Yoga for building flexibility and balance, to your body . Dont think for a second its not a big workout . You will be sweating . The only risk you have with Yoga is dying from a heart attach when viewing the scenery around you .
  7. I stand corrected Elmo . I typed the wrong one down. I meant SARS
  8. So you are the " Monday Morning Quarterback ". So let me waste my time and go through sequence of events . President Trump restricts travel from all " affected " areas in Jan 2020. There were 40,000 Americans that were stuck outside the country that were allowed to come home. Nobody at the end of January even knows how big this thing is . Do you tell American citizens " Sorry you cant come home " ? Of course not. The testing equipment and quarantine facilities you mention. Did a single airport in the US have or had any of those at that time or any other time ? NOPE ! They didn't have any of that during the H1N1 outbreak either. That affected over 20 million Americans. But luckily it wasn't as deadly. 27,000 Americans died from that virus. Obama didn't do anything about that outbreak for 6 months . When he did he cleaned out the PPE supply and ventilators and never replaced any of it. On the contrary , under his administration 85 percent of our PPE manufacturing was outsourced to other countries . By the end of Feb the entire world was scrambling for reliable test kits. I brought my wife to the emergency room . She was sicker than sick . I thought she definitely had Covid . They ran all kinds of tests on her. The result was she had food poisoning from a lunch she bought at a local restaurant. I asked the Doc if he tested for Covid and he said No . He said the tests were garbage and could not be counted on for any reliable result. They had 100 people in a row test positive They tested the same people 3 days later and got 85 negatives . And again the same hundred 7 days later and got 96 positives . They threw the test kits away. None of those people had any symptoms whatsoever. In Jan. After the ban went into place we have Fauci telling us this ban is unnecessary because the outbreak is small and well contained by the Chinese medical facilities . We have the WHO condemning the travel ban as outrageous and unnecessary .We also hear it cant be spread from human to human . Then he tells us masks are not necessary either and go about life as usual . The Democrats all chime in with their xenophobic crap and we have Pelosi prancing around in Chinatown telling everyone to come on down ! Meanwhile Candidate Joe Dementia is holding rallies . In March Trump shuts down travel from Europe . Remember your fruitcake NYC Mayor telling everyone that its a bunch of crap and to go out on the town ? Cuomo calling the ban a disgrace to our European allies ? Two weeks later Cuomo and De Blabbermouth had to shut down NYC and NYS . So now that we are at one of the highest points in virus spread, where is the outrage over Dementia Joe's new travel ban ? All it did was add a couple countries to Trumps travel ban with the EXACT same wording on foreign nationals . Dementia Joe's travel ban only adds a couple countries because of the new strain of the virus . But it still only includes foreign nationals from affected areas . So to use your terminology HE"S FAILING https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/president-biden-issues-new-covid-19-4914490/ But the good part to all of this if there is one is, Demented Joe has 4 vaccines now to work with. It was said here awhile ago that Trump shouldn't get credit for the vaccines being created because they didn't fund the research But in reality they did through huge non refundable down payments to purchase millions of doses . It wasn't called " Research And Development " for the vaccines , but it accomplishes the same thing. Just different words in the form of a purchase and sale agreement rather than directly funding the research and development
  9. I believe the Politicians would of been included in the classification of " Thieves "
  10. Now just imagine what Chicago would look like crime wise if police only were allowed to carry a night stick . It would be a free for all for the drug dealers , thieves and looters .
  11. I agree that your statement about Australia having no " locally acquired " shows they have done very well . But they have had 117 new cases in the last 2 weeks . I dont know what they mean as local though. Since they have a full travel ban in place , where did the 117 cases come from ? The article I liked the most was the second article where Australia defied the WHO advice about its wrong to impose travel bans from other countries . This was the same policy that President Trump put in place and was crucified by the Democrats calling him every name in the book . Its hard to compare the widespread land mass of Australia and the fact of it being an island to the USA . Its much easier to control movement restrictions for a country with a population of 25 million than a diverse country of 330 million like the USA . The country you dont hear much about is Taiwan . They did the best job of all . They were ready from the beginning. Why ? Because they are used to the crap that comes across the border from China like the H1N1 virus . Taiwan was the one that warned the WHO back late Nov or early Dec of 2019 about this unknown virus . The WHO ignored them. Taiwan has been testing every traveler coming into the country for years . https://www.google.com/search?ei=C68WYLmnH4GL5wKr8rbYCQ&q=covid-19+australia&oq=covid+active+cases+in+australia&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgFMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHMgQIABBHUABYAGCjiAJoAHACeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQCqAQdnd3Mtd2l6yAEIwAEB&sclient=psy-ab https://www.cbsnews.com/news/australia-covid-19-ignored-who-coronavirus-advice-border-closures-beat-coronavirus/
  12. Have you not read the " new and improved " anti gun tactics in the form of the proposed house bill HB 127 ? I think the NRA was right on the money . All I have seen in my 54 years I've been a .hunter from the democrats is many schemes of them trying to end hunting. Bloomberg spent 20 million trying to buy votes and get his bullchit anti gun laws and policies passed in Maine 2 years ago and also spent 10 million trying to get bear hunting in Maine banned . Then when he couldn't do that he spent another 5 million trying to outlaw bear trapping , baiting , and hunting bear with dogs. He Is NOT From Maine. He also tried to get absolutely ridiculous gun laws passed here in NH financing the democrat fruitcakes that somehow got the majority of the state house and senate in 2018 in NH. Our great Governor Sununu vetoed them all. They only got the majority for one reason. The Russia Collusion Hoax ! We fixed that in this past election. Voted them all out ! Now the Republicans have a larger majority than they have had in NH in decades . Meanwhile in NJ , the Governor there has done everything in his power to shut down hunting. By executive order he shut down all bear hunting on all state lands indefinitely against the advice of NJ F+G . I'm done with typing on this subject because I can give examples all day and wasting my time .
  13. Looks like this buck died from exhaustion carrying all that weight on its head !
  14. Thats because the freakin creep is afraid China will cut his dividend and bonuses off.
  15. Finding only bones and hair sounds like it's been dead since early fall. Did he happen to find it in an area that was affected by EHD ?
  16. Interesting . I heard that term before so I had investigate a bit. Mine is definitely not a Trojan . The Trojan steel grade was stamped on the rib . Mine is stamped as Vulcan steel . On the Trojan grades I found , none of them had any checkering on the forearm. Most of them didn't have the same forearm release as mine. The barrels and receivers looked like they were made of lower grade dull steel . From the pictures I saw the elements had a toll on them being pitted and heavy discoloration of the steel . They were a working mans hunting gun. In searching , I only found one that even resembled mine , but it looked pretty decrepit condition compared to mine . Half the chrome had flaked off Looked like it went through the mill a few times. They wanted $3,000 for it. But mine will never be for sale for any price. Its the gun my Grandfather taught me how to bird hunt with. His famous words that I still go by today that made me be focused on being a good shot . " Make every shot count . Focus on the 1st shot like it's your last . And if you miss be thankful you have a second chance . But the funniest thing he would say to me out hunting with the double barrel . " Dont be like your father who thinks firing 5 shots with his Browning and filling the sky with lead is the way to get a bird . You have to aim at it to hit it. " My Dad was famous for that 5 shot show. Most of the time it had the same result. No Bird ! LOL
  17. Cold cloudy day today and the wife was going to teach a yoga class and then meet a client to sign a contract .So I made a dinner that would be ready whenever she got back . Stuffed peppers filled with beef hamburger mixed with onions , peppers , mushrooms Mexican four cheese mix and marinara sauce. Covered with mozzarella cheese and marinara . Oh I took one out and then realized I forget to take a pic of doneness so I put it back in for the photo op , but it tipped over . I had to eat that one 1st because it was now deemed as defective. LOL
  18. To keep you guys busy while sbuff gets some pics of his Dads Parker here are a couple pics of mine . Shot my 1st pheasant with this Parker over 50 years ago while hunting with my Grandfather . That is not a defect on the chrome plating . That was dust stuck to the oily film . I didn't notice it until after I uploaded the pics. Took it back out of the case and wiped it off but didn't retake the pics . Mine has hand engraving around the perimeter . The much higher grades have engraving on the entire receiver . This gun has cherished memories of hunting with my Grandfather. I haven't fired this gun in over 30 years . Its all original and almost mint condition. Thats our cat Moe at my feet wondering " What the hell is the human doing now standing on my chair ! " LOL
  19. I vote to move Obama up to number 1 as the WORST President the USA has ever had. Let me add to the list as to move him up the ladder to number 1 worst besides whats listed. 1 ) ISSIS . Remember the JV team ? The terrorist team that took over most of Syria , Libya , a huge portion of Iraq , and spread into Yemen . 2 ) Managed to become " The Food Stamp King " For 8 straight years the amount of people on food stamps rose to reach the highest level in history including the great depression by 2016 . There were 7.5 million more people on food stamps from when Obama took office than the day he left 3 ) For 8 straight years the " Workforce Participation Rate " went down . In other words , once you used up your unemployment benefits you were no longer counted and according to the unemployment rate , you didn't exist and not accounted for. This was caused by overregulation , higher taxes , Obamacare , Many who lost their higher paying jobs had to settle for lower paying part time jobs ( less than 28 hours a week at low pay to avoid paying health insurance along with companies shrinking their workforce ) I can write so much more on this subject. 4 ) Obamacare in itself . Already strained middle class had to pay through the nose much higher costs for health insurance with skyrocket deductibles . Although a novel idea , the policy was heavily flawed. I can go into detail to show the flaws but I would be typing all day. I will point one out though from experience. I'm self employed . My family healthcare plan went from $1130 a month with a $2,000 family deductible that I could be covered everywhere I traveled before Obamacare to $1,996 a month with a $13,500 deductible to only be covered in a small network of local Doctors when Obamacare went into affect . And the big lie of " It will save $2,500 a year on your health insurance " 4 ) We always see the National Debt figure . When Obama took office the national debt was around 9 trillion. When he left office the debt figure you would see was 20 trillion . But thats all you were shown . There was another 7.4 trillion of debt that the Treasury was holding . Normally the treasury may carry 200 to 500 billion for short term surprises like natural disasters . But now they were in unchartered waters holding 7.4 trillion. Bernanke bought up the debt and kept it in the treasury . I believe this number has been whittled down to under 2 trillion when the treasury sold off alot of these non performing assets for 20-30 cents on the dollar . You Wall Street guys on HNY should know about this . The worst part is Obama had NOTHING TO SHOW FOR ANY OF THIS DEBT ! There are way more negatives that I could add but I would be wasting my time . There is one big thing I will give Obama credit for . He gave the " Go Ahead " for the mission to take out Bin Laden . Clinton refused at least 3 times to give the military the green light. Didn't believe it was popular. Obama made the right decision . The only one that voted against it was Biden.
  20. I watch almost the whole Bucs / Packers game . The score should of been much higher for the Bucs. Lots of dropped balls by the Bucs receivers . The score should not have been that close . Didn't turn on the Bills/Chiefs game until it was 9/0 Bills and thought WOW ! Happy for you Bills fans ! And then it all went down the tank. Reason ? Bills pass defense was awful . Chiefs pass defense was superb . Mahomes was free to razzle dazzle around the backfield even with pressure and hit wide open receivers that should have never been that wide open. Made it look easy even with pressure. Going to be an interesting Super Bowl but I have to give the Chiefs the edge. They have more " Eye Of The Tiger " spirit running through their veins. They smell blood and are going after it. I dont think the Bucs are that well tuned in as a team
  21. Im surprised Biden didn't pick him for VP ! Oh wait , he probably would be competition for Joe sniffing all the interns .
  22. Daddy's Home ! Now Daddy is going to sit back and relax with an IPA and watch to see which one of the two he is going to squash on Super Bowl Sunday !
  23. Im surprised they didn't have a " Limit 1 Per Customer " like the toilet paper was allocated !
  24. I saw a bunch of comments about being dirty afterwards . Junky powder you think ?
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