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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So the annual interest on the $765 lifetime license fee (for those 12 - 69 years old as an example) makes up for the revenue missing from those hunters that otherwise would have bought all the individual licenses each year? I'm just asking. I haven't done the math, so I don't know. I'm not trying to be that precise anyway, I was just curious if it all adds up. I've never seen the management plan actually laid out anywhere.
  2. Quote: "What Would You Buy If You Left NY?" A quick ticket back.
  3. I think that most gun control advocates see the problem purely as being the gun, and fail to make the connection to the person pulling the trigger. The guy who said that they wanted to learn how to shoot, but had no interest in owning a "gun", clearly shows a dissociation between the gun and the shooter. To that one, the gun all by itself is evil, even when it is sitting locked up with no one around it. And then there was the other one who does not condone firearms for self defense. Those people apparently don't realize that when seconds count in life threatening situations, the police are just minutes away. In other words they believe that government law enforcement agencies are actually going to save your live if you just wait for them to arrive. The fact is that such confrontations are so frightening to consider that they simply have blocked reality right out of their minds. I don't know how you combat such irrational thinking as that. I guess you simply can't.
  4. We went to NYC once with another couple. It was interesting, but once was enough. I have not had any desire to ever go back for any reason. It offers me absolutely nothing. It is not my kind of environment or lifestyle.
  5. Does anyone here know for a fact how the revenues from lifetime hunting licenses are handled? Are they placed in a unique interest bearing account that actually grows over time? Are they stirred into the annual budgets and treated like one-shots that are spent annually? Are they stirred into the DEC over-all budget including environmental expenses, or re they used for wildlife/fishing management? I have not found anything specific or official that states where this money goes. My thought is that if these lifetime license incomes are not invested for long term use in accounts that keep up with inflation (and then some), they are not as valuable an income source as annual license purchases that come in every year. I know how I would manage these funds, and how I am hoping they would use it, but has anyone run across an authentic and credible accounting of how these lifetime license funds are managed?
  6. And as far as I am concerned that is the proper way to handle that problem rather than legally jamming it down people's throats. I am a big proponent of the DEC taking on a very visible education campaign on ARs, and the taking of does, and any of those kinds of controversies. To often the first thing that everybody jumps for is some legally binding restrictions even before a decent campaign of jawboning has been tried. It's time for the DEC to stop taking the "we vs. they" approach to every issue and try a bit of working in conjunction with hunters. Not everything has to involve force.
  7. This is a pretty subjective question you have raised here. Back in my recurve days, I was hearing of guys successfully getting deer with 35# long-bows. I always thought that was a bit light. Obviously the lighter the draw weight, the more precise you need to be, and the more perfect your shot has to come off . So there always is a bit of controversy when you start talking about the minimum draw weight. So I can offer yet another subjective measure that we always used: Use the highest draw weight that you can consistently handle accurately. Always use razor sharp broadheads, and keep your shots within your proficiency range. Those are pretty soft answers, but I don't think the answer can be stated as some text book finite number.
  8. All of this kind of nonsensical legal proposals are simply additions to the campaign of gun owner harassment. None of them will have any impact on gun crime and they all know it. They are interested in gun control, not crime control, and don't let them fool you about that.
  9. I am so irritated that I didn't take a few minutes to get out with the camera. Driving to town and back, I saw some real wildly beautiful potential pictures and just too busy to think to grab the camera. Some great shots gone that I will probably never get to see again. Thank you to those that did take the time to take and post those great pictures.
  10. I assume that skimming past the "trapping" topics probably didn't cause you any undo trauma as well as whatever other topics of subsections that you have no interest in. So what is it about skimming past the politics section that causes you all so much grief and aggravation. Do you want us to get rid of the trapping section and all the other ones that you would rather not have your accessing system bother you with? The political section is merely one more of a whole pile of subsections that you all deal with everyday on a regular basis with no complaints.
  11. I imagine each of his practice sessions are quite the cardio workout. I have all I can do just standing up to the shooting line and shooting. I wouldn't really last too long with all that running and jumping.
  12. A word of warning ...... Be sure not to be eating up all the profits.....lol. Some of that stuff is mighty hard to resist.
  13. For me, if I were having some issue with a small minor section of this entire site, I would simply not access it rather than taking 8 pages to whine about it. I guess I am hearing that there are a few that have some kind of access system that lists all the new discussions of all sections of the site, and for some reason this is a terrible problem that forces them to open and read threads that are in that section. Frankly, it really sounds like a tempest in a teapot and more of a self-control problem. Certainly not something of the magnitude that requires shutting down what appears to be a very popular part of this site. No the real problem is that people lack the self control to stop reading the threads that are in that sub-forum. And now they are complaining about a problem that really amounts to their own personal decisions. As far as I know there is no system that automatically makes you open and read any of the posts. So if you are even aware of what is going on in that section of this site, it is because you purposely opened that sub-forum and the thread, and read it. You did it voluntarily. So if "Gun & Hunting Laws & Politic Discussions" is wounding some of you members to the extent stated here, I have one simple piece of advice that keeps everybody happy. Stay the hell out of there! Its really no bigger problem than you each individually make of it.
  14. Bubba- I know that we have had some spirited disagreements in the past, but I still see you as a valuable member of the forum. I actually think we both agree on a whole lot more than either of us realizes, and I think a lot of your comments need to be heard by other hunters of the forum. Of particular value are your efforts regarding the 2nd Amendment and your activism on that front. I am not sure what specific issue has made you want to leave, but if you can ever get by it, you will always be welcomed back.
  15. What is going on in this thread? Have you people lost your minds? I mean take a look at some of the crap you all are posting here. Some of you don't need moderators, you really need babysitters. Get a grip people and try to get out of the flaming mindset and get back to some rough form of civility if you can. You are embarrassing yourselves.
  16. Take away the political forum, and watch the General Chit-Chat forum fill up with political posts. Remember, the General Chit-Chat forum is the catch-all that may or may not be hunting related. I listen to all the whining about the politics section and just shake my head in disbelief. If there was no Politics Forum, everyone would be whining about no place to keep tabs on what things are in the wind about gun control and pro-gun people who need support. It just goes to show that no matter what you do, you can't keep everyone happy all the time. I feel sorry for those that have lost control of their index finger and keep clicking on those threads and forum sections that they detest.....lol.
  17. Please don't feed the trolls.
  18. I think that like nearly everybody here, we have way too little association with ECOs do really pass judgment on how good a job they do. I know that these game cop shows on TV make it look like those states have the best and the smartest in the nation, but remember that these guys are the PR reps of their state fish and game departments and they understand that it is useful to them to always show themselves putting their best foot forward while the cameras are on. I am sure that the show is scripted to a certain extent, heavily edited, and those depicted have been chosen as special representatives because they don't screw up very often. But I wouldn't be surprised that if we spent all day around our DEC people and actually got to see how their day is spent, we might actually be a bit impressed. I guess I will assume that they are doing a good job until shown that they don't.
  19. Here's something to think about: High winds, slippery roads because salt isn't working so well, temps below zero. Ok some happy drunk comes down the road, stomps his brakes slides off and hit an electric pole. Or these gusty winds blow a line down. How long can you last before you turn into a popsicle. Oh yeah, you guys that have a wood/coal/pellet stove, etc., or those with emergency generators have nothing to worry about. But the rest of us ........popsicle.
  20. The fattest deer I ever got was a 3-legged doe. I think it was because she stayed in the thicket in front of the house and was never seen up on the hill. She shrunk her territory to compensate and just ate, slept, and drank, and got fat. Oh, and by the way, she had a couple of healthy fawns at least one of the years.
  21. Just to help visualize what I am thinking, I think this picture is very close to what I am thinking of. Perhaps just a little more room and a lot more windows for ventilation and safety. Hopefully it doesn't wind up looking like this: By the way, for those that need to be concerned about noise, here is a picture of somebody that may have that addressed:
  22. Ha-ha .... gotta think positive. I ain't ready to go yet ..... lol. Anyway, when I kick the bucket, the kids will be able to use it if I do a good enough job. I'll remember the tar paper idea. That's the kind of tip I was looking for.
  23. There is zero elevation drop, The range was hand chopped into the hill by myself back when I was much younger and much more energetic....lol. What can sometimes have an effect is the sideways sloping. It can have an effect on canting the gun (scope), and impacting the windage settings. I have not really seen much of an effect, but sometimes I do have to reset when I notice that I am tipping the gun because of the cockeyed back-drop.
  24. I was going to use this strictly as a gun shooting shed. I suspect that it probably won't be portable, so it probably wouldn't be of any use as a archery shooting station. Also, I have indoor shooting facilities in my basement.
  25. The big thing that has kept the snow at bay has been the warm temperatures. Well, I saw a forecast for this weekend where the high on Saturday is supposed to be 5 degrees. So likely Erie and Ontario will get to cranking out the lake effect snow. Maybe we are going to have winter begin. That would be too bad. I really have taken a liking to this global warming thing here in the northeast.....lol.
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