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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    Our own survey

    I was a miserable failure here in 8N....lol. I'm not blaming that on any specific problem, just didn't put in a good enthusiastic effort. Maybe next year I will get re-inspired, and re-energized, but it just didn't happen for me this year.
  2. I am not sure exactly what kind of "the sky is falling" disaster we have going in these selected WMUs but if it is a severe case of does not being harvested and causing ecological collapse, the answer may not be as complicated as people think. If those areas had the antlerless permitting system suspended, and a wide open season on does was established there, with no defined daily bag limits (take all you want), I think the DEC would have no problem cutting the herd down dramatically in just one year. Just keep shooting until you can't shoot anymore. I believe that that would make the DEC happy, and the CTFs all happy and all those with vested anti-deer financial interests happy. I really don't believe that it needs to be all that complex if all you want to do is get rid of deer. Of course those landowners who have their lands locked up will still leave pockets of under harvested deer. But short of government takeover of private lands, there is no real government wildlife management of those lands going on anyway. Punishing bow hunters because of access problems does nothing to solve this problem. It's just mindless panicky flailing about without a clue as what the hell they are doing...... with bowhunters in the middle.
  3. Back in my real childhood days, I spent a lot of the summer months going barefoot, and it was not unusual to walk through poison ivy with no reaction at all. Now, if I touch the stuff, I break out in a pretty ugly way. so there is an allergy that I developed in my older years. On the other hand, as a child I suffer something fierce with hay fever. Goldenrod and ragweed used to almost close my eyes right up with swelling and ,itching and runniness. And the runny nose and sneezing were pretty ugly. today, I might have a day or two of sneezing, but that's pretty much the extent of it. So these things can both ways with age.
  4. John- I suspected that there was a message here that you really wanted to express clearly, and that is why I commented the way that I did. I understood enough to know that the topic was an important one and really wanted you to clarify it so it would get the proper response and attention. I am sorry to hear about your accident, and I know that this topic is important to you (and me), and I am glad that you took the time to re-submit the post. Like I said, I do not want to be looked at as the grammar and spelling police, but I do want everyone to recognize the importance of your message.
  5. It kind of tells you a lot when the Democrat nominations have Hillary and a socialist as the front-runners. I'm not super excited about the Republican roster of candidates, but for crying out loud ..... Hillary?? .... Bernie?? The U.S. road map is pretty clear these days. We've dropped the façade now. We are being forced into choices between crooks and commies. No offense people but I am damned glad that I have no affiliations with the Democrat party.
  6. "I'll give you my wood stove when you pry it from my cold dead hands"
  7. Honestly, I really don't have any idea of what kinds of activism those guys get involved with. For all I know they may each be high ranking officials in some militia group ..... lol. No seriously, I have my own beliefs as to how much time and money I should devote to activism. And everybody has to establish those numbers for themselves. I do what I can, and others do what they can, I assume. But this sampling of hunter's opinions on a handful of issues really is not all that time consuming. It's a small enough thing to do on something that I feel very strong about. And I do hope that others will offer their opinions to the DEC. They can do what they want with the input, but at least they can't say I didn't tell them what I was thinking.
  8. Back when I was trapping, I sold hides stretched fleshed and dried. Only hide that I ever tanned was my first fox that I trapped. It became a wall hanging in my room. I'm not sure fur buyers would take a tanned hide would they? That's usually a job for professional factories to handle.
  9. Doc


    72 years old. Deer hunting since 16 ..... 56 years. Was squirrel hunting since 12 ..... 60 years. Was hunting pigeons up in the barn with my homemade longbow at about 10 years old (and I got some too and ate them ....lol)...... 62 years.
  10. I just had to go out yesterday. Sun shining, 45 degrees, no wind, and this guy is still trying to get control of left over holiday weight. So up the hill I went. I didn't see one squirrel .... lol. But what a great day to be outdoors, just lovin' life!
  11. Do coyote numbers and locations fluctuate with deer numbers and locations? I realize that the coyote diet consists of way more than just venison, but with all the talk about deer numbers slumping badly in certain areas, I was just curious if coyotes are capable and even likely to change home range to areas where deer numbers are higher. Can they even uproot themselves from their home area easily and follow the food when it gets scarce or are they slaves to their home territory? Anybody know?
  12. Whenever these discussions come up, I have to admit that most of what my opinions are made from the experiences of others. Actually there are damn few of us that has actual hands-on experience with shooting each different caliber and load into actual deer in actual hunting conditions and then doing it repeatedly so that valid data can be collected. However, we all do read and converse with others, and eventually arrive at some kind of fairly firm opinion. Stir in a little logic and common sense, and your individual opinion will probably not let you get too far off-track. I like to throw in some kind of factor of safety into my selections for the times when things don't always go per plan. These are living, breathing creatures that we are hunting, so they probably deserve a little of that extra consideration rather than trying to always be right on the edge.
  13. Doc


    I still have a few to go through before I get into any other kinds of arrows. I still abide by the old saying, "if it's not broken, don't change it". I found out that aluminum arrows do kill deer, and probably just as dead as any other kind of shaft. Actually I adopted a new attitude toward trying to keep up with all the latest technology. I chased technology for years and have walls full of bows and drawers full of gadgets, trinkets, and go-fasters, to show for it .... lol. But I reached a point where enough was enough. So now I will use my aluminums until I deplete my stock. And my guess is that that will never happen in my lifetime.
  14. But we still have to try. I can't in all good conscience whine about issues here on a forum and then not even participate in the when asked to offer up a simple opinion when they have solicited it. Somehow that doesn't sit too well with me. I can't really make a judgment on whether any of it will be paid attention to or not. But I sure do know that my opinion will definitely be disregarded if I don't offer it.
  15. Doc


    When I was a kid, we used to have family get-togethers very frequently through the summer. And I am not talking about just the immediate family. The yard was filled with cars and the house (a rather large farmhouse) was filled with people. Kids running everywhere. All these conversations and laughter filling every room. Then as years passed, these gatherings occurred only at major holidays. And today, my wife and I are lucky if we can corral our own kids and their families for major holiday dinners. It seems to be just a sign of the times. Families are scattered all over the globe, and many people have retreated into their own lives with only electronic implements to interface with others. Yes like the Sunday dinners after church, a lot has been lost as everyone goes deeper into their own individual worlds. Just another set of lifestyles, attitudes, and circumstances of the ever-evolving world.
  16. Words to live by: "If it tastes good, spit it out."
  17. I have a Primos trigger stick that I rigged up with a sling for carrying. It keeps the weight off the gun, and is great for still hunting. Yes, it does take time to unsling, set-up and use, but I try to avoid any hurried shots anyway. And of course, if you are hunting primarily from natural ground blinds you can leave it set up while you are on watch. Most of my ground blinds have gun rests built into whatever cover Material that the blind is made of. See below:
  18. That is what makes it necessary that the opposition to phase three be included in the comments sent to the DEC. It may or may not do any good, but if you are opposed to any type of firearm being added into the bow season, here is another bite at the apple, and another chance to go on record as being against that growing mentality in the DEC ranks. Chances are pretty good that bowhunters did not do a very good job at registering their opposition to this phase of the deer management plan when that comment period was open before. Let's not make that same mistake again.
  19. Doc


    Was that the county of Ontario, the Township of Ontario, or the Province of Ontario? ...... lol. In the Province of Ontario, snares may be legal for rabbits when in season.
  20. I have some personal preferences in the one knife that I carry. I don't want anything that cannot tolerate a lot of abuse. I don't want one that folds. And I don't want one that is light. If I want to cut a 1-1/2 inch sapling for a walking stick, I don't want to be limited by the size of my knife. If I want to remove a husky limb that is in my shooting lane, I don't want to be under-knifed. If I ever have to use it in a survival or defensive mode, I want it to be robust enough to handle those tasks. Yeah, I have a small jack-knife that is always in my pocket right along with the nail-clippers and coins. But that is not a "hunting knife".
  21. I am convinced that they write laws without ever researching similar laws. Two similar laws written at different times by different people and perhaps even by different legislatures. One hand never knows what the other is doing.
  22. Amazing talent you have there. Seems to me that you could make quite a few dollar with that as a sideline. You could pretty-much ask whatever you wanted for work of that quality.
  23. It would be interesting if Bubba could dip into his Justice of the Peace experience and shed some light on how fines are arrived at. I have no idea, but it may even be completely arbitrary and maybe even without any guidelines. How about it Bubba? Anything to offer on what criteria sets the fine levels and why there would be such humongous disparity from one violator to the next or one township to another?
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