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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Only competition I need is again my prey. How about a "Show your hunting spirit" contest! Showing what hunting is all about to you and how you enjoy the woods! That sounds like fun! No kill needed to enter, more about how you enjoy time in the woods and what you love most about it. Early sunrise with the woods waking up! Late sunsets as it settles and everything in between that we love to see and enjoy! That is a contest I would enjoy entering and probably enjoy the video's even more!
  2. Sound you where making is close to a fawn bleat. The fawn in distress is very similar and like stated is usually not done in that sequence. I believe they are very curious so even if you don't do the calls correct they still want to know what made that sound, usually it is enough time to get a good stable shot off. When using the real distress calling they usually come in much more on alert and are a bit harder to keep from moving as they are usually looking for a threat. This is why using the light bleat call work so well. Doe and bucks are curious and will often check out another animal calling for mom. Have used these calls for years using the can and have called in many more using my voice. Personally it is my preferred way of calling in deer. Use some deer scents and the big picture takes effect and draws them in even more, I shy away from decoys as most deer that come in I pass and decoys while good to bring them in usually shows them the picture is fake and it is time to get out of dodge.
  3. Happy Birthday! Hope your out in the woods!
  4. Make a deer out of them!!! That would be awesome!
  5. This is an excellent example of what you want to simulate. Fawn just wants milk, not stressed out yet is loud enough for Mom the hear if in range.
  6. This is a very low calling due to doe in the area. Mouth covered at beginning and slightly louder in the end. Using my voice to do this call but the can work great just only do half way with the can not the full cycle. I do this much louder when trying to call them in from a distance as this call when loud travels very far. But I try not to make it too stressed out or the doe will come in charging on alert. Just loud enough to sound like a fawn that wants a drink NOW! Results below. If you count she posed for a full 10 seconds, plenty of time to settle your pin!
  7. Just use fawn bleats. They work excellent in the early season. I use it to keep doe under the stand.
  8. Early season use fawn bleats and even fawn in distress calls work great but they sometimes come in charging. Be ready.
  9. Good idea to have one of each, scoped and open sights. As mentioned in bad weather open sights are a preferred method of hunting same when I am tracking and might need to make a quick shot. If I am posting in a open area the scope comes out especially if I have a shot past 80 yards.
  10. I switched to True glow open sights a long time ago they are great for low light.
  11. Amazing Wooly, your skills keep improving!
  12. To each his own with smell and protection. I would rather have a nature smell on me that will prevent other diseases from ticks. Seeing over 100 deer is proof to me they really don't seem to mind THAT smell. Honestly if it smelled bad I would probably still use it! Been hunting LI woods for many years now and have yet to get a single tick on me. That's right NOT ONE! I would rather have that protection and peace of mind to know that next year I can do it all over again! When I was young and stupid I might have done without but lucky for me I was old enough to know better when I finally choose to hunt the tick infested woods of Long Island.
  13. Pets are family, anyone who does not get that is not a real pet owner. So sorry for your loss.
  14. Yes VERY little after you spray the clothes! Don't think you will smell the same as the entire bottle and do not smell it until you have finished spraying and it is dry. I smoke while on stand and have had some days where over 100 deer are spotted. Play the wind regardless of how you think you smell or have prepped your clothes.
  15. Permethrin is a natural substance found in nature, don't worry about the smell it has very little!
  16. I wash clothes in scent free detergent and usually try to spray my clothes a few days before the season starts. (Usually 2 days before.) If the temps are not below freezing when I come back from the Adirondack trip I will respray again, usually this is mid November. (Did that last 2 seasons.) That is usually the last time I spray unless January becomes really warm, never happened yet. I also spray my clothes bag, back pack and just about every piece of clothing I wear including base layers, making sure to get the gloves, socks, boots and really douse the openings around the neck arms and legs, rain gear. I would never enter Long Island woods without this protection! If you find this protection now buy extra for later in the season, typically the stores do not keep this in stock late season. I use 2 big bottles to cover everything the first spray and grab 2 more for the 2nd treatment in November.
  17. That is a great pic! Caption: Buck: I will mess you UP! Ha are you ok I was just kidding!
  18. Different. Used about 4 different sets till I stopped using them.
  19. Urban habitat can be ideal for deer, it is usually why they thrive in those areas. Cool pics!
  20. They like antlers I heard, shot over 60 on a farm out east and many where good bucks with big racks! Shame they just get put in the dumps, wast of meat!
  21. They use parkways, greenbelt trails, roads and can swim across the sound (7 plus miles). We have them at our archery range again, tried calling in a doe for the seminar but she would not come into view, if she was even present. Good luck getting snippers in those locations! Wait till Nassau gets overrun THEN they will open it up and say how come you hunters are not helping enough? Like Lloyd Harbor, Eatons Neck and the Hamptons... We keep taking the land they use and wonder why they keep moving into other areas. Lyme map gets bigger every year!
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