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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Challenge: I challenge you all to a "Show Your Spirit" contest! This is all about deer hunting and what it means to you. Rules: 1) Must be in a video format and posted to U-tub or any free web service that is available to the public for all to view. 2) You must be in the video at some point. 3) No kill shots, no need to show a kill to show your spirit. 4) Have fun this is all about enjoying the outdoors and showing what you love about it to encourage others to do the same! 5) I debated a prize but would rather have us all do this in the spirit of showing others how to really enjoy the woods, nature and the outdoors. Do you have the guts to DO IT? Challenge dropped!
  2. Known facts from a experienced hunter! All the "older" hunters always talked about being in the woods around this time because this is PRIME TIME! Over the years I would have to say they and Grampy are right! Simply put if you can be in the woods from October 30 - November 21st do it, no better time to hunt!
  3. Second the Elite bows, got the Ritual last year and love the let off. Great bow for bad shoulders or if you want to be able to hold at full draw without having to worry about a let down. Not a good bow if you relax and don't do proper form!
  4. Going Thursday-Sunday then I will play weekend warrior till October 31st. Hoping for a bit colder weather, it is 84 right now!
  5. Lucky for me I usually have help, otherwise the cart is the way to go. Very easy to get it into the cart vs the back of the bed when solo especially those big bucks!
  6. Plan is to shoot a 170 inch buck on Long Island with the bow then a 150 in the Adirondacks and get a few friends into some deer. Hitting Long Island a bit harder this year with 5 four day weekends to chase them! Still debating a new camcorder for video. That's the plan I will probably pass most deer like usual but I debate shooting a 2.5 year old buck on Long Island as I see so many of them, ADK any good buck is worth shooting. I also plan on doing some more aggressive calling early season simply because it's so much fun!
  7. This is all part of target panic. I had it really bad this year at the Total Archery Challenge and still had it at the R100 but not as bad. There are a bunch of videos about how to fix this issue. I think we all get it to some degree and knowing what it is and how to beat the heck out of it is key! I also start aim below my target and have found doing this causes more issues so now I always try to draw directly on target or slightly above but only a couple of inches if possible. I still draw below often but my fist part of my shot sequence is GET ON TARGET! With my finger behind the trigger even if I panic or flinch I still can not release the arrow. Now I do not even think about shooting until I am floating on the 10 spot regardless of yardage. If you get this, do some research on "How to fix target panic", many videos on how to beat it IF you want to. Lucky for me I used aiming exercises to get past my issues and have been able to keep it controlled enough to get two of my best scores and 2nd place in 2 tournaments at our club. Another thing that helped was aiming with my hips (bending at the waist) to aim higher or lower keeping my upper body in alignment VS trying to aim with my arms to get onto target. This is fixed by blank bail shooting with proper form! Form is everything! You have to shoot proper form before trying to correct the panic issues. Blank bail shooting is the best way to get your good form back. After that aiming exercises without shooting is a huge help. Just aim with your bow sight and get use to seeing the perfect sight picture of your pin directly on target. Another great tip is putting a picture of a target with your pin dead center so no matter where you aim it looks like you are on target. (Shoot close range blank bail.) So many things to help find what works for you! This is one video that helped me but it takes some time and dedication and NOT overshooting which brings bad things.
  8. I have more than I care to admit, probably over 10 brands but I still stick with the Rage because they always hit where the field tips hit. I also have 4 packs of fixed blades if anyone on LI is interested, won them at the police charity at Suffolk Archers.
  9. I am debating a dash cam as well. Much better to show a video vs explaining especially when you are pissed off and the officer does not want to talk to you because of it, that happened when the lady rear ended me when I stopped for an ambulance.
  10. Just uploaded a pic today no issue. Try a different browser, like Chrome of Firefox.
  11. Yes never do this!!! Hunters 3D shoot, 2nd place with (L to R) Armend (NYH member) Hector, Chris and Me in my nice new shinny Suffolk Archers shirt. Let see some specs!!! Elite Ritual 28.5 draw 65 lbs maxed out shooting DaTourch arrows and Hex 7.2 GPI Estimated about 280 FPS Might actually pull the trigger on some doe this year, might! I say that now and will probably pass 30 or so before I say it's time then they all leave the area.
  12. Driving down Jericho a 4 lane road 2 each way I am in the right lane and this guy in the left tries to make a right turn into the parking lot, where he works. I get out of the car and he says "You hit me, YOU hit me!" I said "NO WAY I am taking the blame for THIS!" Sitting on the side in a slight blur because I hit my head on the window the cops show up that I called. The guy runs up to the officer and say the same thing. "HE HIT ME! HE hit ME!" This officer did not miss a beat! Without hesitation the officer say "SO he hit you?" How is all the damage on the left side of his car if he was in the right lane? What where you trying to do? Then he confessed he worked at the deli and was trying to make a right into the parking lot! I did not even have to tell the officer what happened but I did anyway. Took many pictures to provide proof if I did need it. Lucky he was found 100 % at fault. Sucks as I only had the car for a short time, less than 2 years and it was paid off for the 3 year lease. Still driving my tacoma now as I feel much safer! To say I was angry would be an understatement! ! ! Still need a replacement! My car was still stuck in the road while he actually made it into the parking lot!
  13. Only real prep is shooting my bow. Might actually go back in the trees this year, lol. Hunt public land so no prep needed, no camera's needed, no planting needed. Only need is to get back into the woods! Happy it's finally here, no sleep issues, after doing this for so many years. Looking to try some more aggressive calling this year and possibly a new camera to video the hunt. Excited for the season! GETSOME baby!
  14. That sucks, good luck hope it all works out for you!
  15. I need some trigger time at the range and really need some time in the woods! Been way to long! Work has been taxing for the past few weeks, need a battery recharge. Might have to play hookie one day of opening week just to get some ME time.
  16. Congrats to you both that is great, persistence pays off! Looks like a good sized bear!
  17. Go get them! Good luck, be safe!
  18. Best of luck to you all this season, looking forward to another great year!
  19. These are what I like to call real dominant bucks, does not matter the size. Simply put when two of them meet which is usually rare this is when you get those knock down tooth and claw fights where one of them usually dies if not both of them when evenly matched. That would be a type of dominant buck that would actually respond to snorts and threats like a roar when calling. Deer and Deer Hunting had a video about a spike buck like this that would challenge the larger bucks on the properly, cool stuff. See if I can find it online. This only shows a preview, one of the twin fawn bucks was very aggressive even challenging adult bucks to the point where Charlie was afraid he might get killed. Cool episode!
  20. Wow crazy. Glade your OK as this situation could have been much worse. At minimum I would have an extra foam target to use as protection in case of another charge along with a long stick to beat his ass if he does get close enough. That testosterone drives them crazy and even a small yearling can cause much damage with those spikes and hooves if they get you on the ground. Small pellet handgun would work, even if just shot with nothing in it, often that loud sound will scare them off. What was the dog doing? Tell that bitch to get to work! lol I think we need to set that cam on video so we can all watch the festivities! "And he is the second encounter with the buck that tried to beat me up!" LOL Cool story!
  21. I have probably played it 5 times now but I only use it to fall asleep. Deer seminars do that to me, lol. He is very knowledgeable. Finally watched the full episode, great info but he does go off in left field a few times. Talks about thermals, the deer trail downwind of the doe trails and how bucks use wind and thermals to move safely. That is the summary but if you watch the entire show it shows how in depth certain area's need to be taken due to wind, currents and thermals and how smart deer use them to there advantage. Great topic, very educated hunter, thanks for posting!
  22. NFA-ADK


    I watched as the 2nd plane hit live on a big screen TV. Never forget!
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