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Everything posted by NFA-ADK

  1. Just remind them you have a better weapon... IF they want to tango!
  2. Judging by the hole size it looks like she can handle big caliber also! Awesome!
  3. That's a sweet B-Day, Happy Birthday!
  4. Regardless of which gun you choose It should feel perfect! Easy acquisition of target, follow up, reload and how well you are with it should be key factors in choosing the proper weapon. For me the 44 mag is perfect for up close and personal hunting. Try the 5 second test. Fire one round at a target nice and steady, then try to see how many follow up shots you can put on the target in the next 5 seconds. Maybe we could do a challenge video? See who the best marksman or woman is on huntinny.com! Just for fun! Sounds like a range day is in order!
  5. Would love to see what the kids would do today if we lost power like in 2003!
  6. LOL this has to be the post of the week for sure! Thanks for the good laugh anyway!
  7. Wow that is crazy, no way I would hike in these area's without a gun, spray only works so well on a big predator that is over 400lbs and has an attitude!
  8. And I thought getting to 50 was a good thing! Shingles, prostate exam, glasses etc. My back hurts, neck, shoulders lol but I have my health? lol
  9. Good hope they close next! Boycott! Gillet and Levis as well!!!
  10. Looks like you missed the point, lol or should I say A point.
  11. Came out of the woods many nights wondering which way was the right way back to the truck. GPS took all the guess work out of that but every once in a while I will forget the GPS, rare now a days. I have used mountains as a guild but that only works in day light. Navigating at night is a whole different world. Be careful if you do this by compass. Compass is always my failsafe especially when getting out of the woods but GPS allows me to mark locations and makes navigation back to those spots so much easier. I never really liked using stars, moon or even the sun due to cloud cover issues. But it helps when you are not sure! PS: If you are starting to try navigation with compass I would recommend going to a location you can not get lost in! EX: Location that has roads on all 4 sides that is less than a mile long or even smaller to start off with like stated above. Having someone who is more experience is also helpful and a GPS is even better! If you want to test your skills on LI let me know I am always up for a hike!
  12. Was really big on Navigation with compass for many years. Other thing to use as a reference is the sun! Rises in the east and sets in the west. (Winter hunting it is always on the southern side at sunset.) Here are some other tips. Good luck its always good info and will make navigation much easier. Navigation Tips: Star navigation is a great skill to have in the case of an emergency. Many people are interested in knowing how to navigate using the stars, moon and the sun but feel that will be too hard. However, this article will give you a few easy-to-use tips that will be practical and useful in an emergency. Stars and Constellations Pole Stars. Polaris, also known as the North Star or Polar Star, is one of the brightest stars in the sky and never moves within one degree of true north. To find Polaris, first find the Big Dipper - part of the Ursa Major constellation. The two stars that form the right side of the dipper’s cup when lined up point directly to Polaris. Interestingly, the distance between the Big Dipper and Polaris is roughly equal to your current latitude. Star navigationCassiopeia. Many star navigators will also recommend that you find the constellation Cassiopeia in the sky. This will allow you to double check the Polaris star. The North Star sits right between Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper. Cassiopeia is shaped like a rough W. Orion’s Belt. Orion’s Belt is a helpful constellation to locate in order to help you navigate your way south. The belt roughly runs east to west. However, to determine south, follow the sword that hangs from Orion’s Belt. If you follow this belt, it will point you directly south. Star Movements. At night, stars will rise in the east and set in the west. If you’re disoriented, place two sticks into the ground about 2-3 feet apart. Line up the edges of the two sticks with a bright star that you can track. Follow the path of the star for 15-30 minutes and you’ll be able to determine which way you’re facing. - How would you survive in your car for 48 hours? - The Moon The moon rises in the east. That means that at midnight, it will be in the south and then set in the west. However, the angle of the moon’s orbit is less reliable than other objects in order to help you navigate. You can however, use a crescent moon to navigate. If you draw an imaginary line down the side of the crescent moon (from tip to tip), that line will point you south. If the moon rises before sunset, the illuminated side of the moon will face west. If the moon rises after midnight, the bright side will face east. The Sun Setting and Rising. We all know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. However, due to the tilt of the earth, the direction might not lead you in a true east or true west direction. The sun rises and sets closest to east-west during the equinoxes (March and September). During the summer, the sun will rise in a more northeasterly direction and set in the north-western direction. During the winter, the sun will rise in the southeast and set in the south west. - How to find water in the wild - Using a Watch. Hold your watch horizontal and level to the ground. Point the hour hand directly towards the sun. The imaginary line that sits between the hour hand and the 12 o’clock mark will run north to south. By using the shadow test above, you’ll be able to determine which way is east and west and navigate as you wish. Shadows. Place a stick in the ground and mark where the shadow of the stick is on the ground. Wait about 15-30 minutes and place another rock where the shadow has moved. If you line up those two rocks it will point roughly east to west. This is the link: https://www.thereadystore.com/survival-tips/6425/how-to-navigate-using-the-stars-sun-and-moon/
  13. I would like to do a personal attack on Wooly! I just need some help on his location and if someone can do the real attack when he is not looking, and make sure you grab the carving of the deer head! Only reason for the attack! Ok I am done attacking today. PS: Make sure he is not near any carving equipment including but not limited to axes, picks, hammers and especially chain saws! Otherwise you will be carved next! lol
  14. He was the best! I don't think it's nice you laughing!
  15. It will also reduce the interpretation of value on the property. (It's makes for a good sales pitch...) You have all this property AND you can sell the wood.
  16. Really guys and girls this is not needed, if you disagree make your point and try to see from the others side but the personal attacks really need to stop.
  17. Had a shepard as a kid, fathers dog, not mine. He was afraid of the one black cat we had as it had attacked him when he was young. FF a few years later and another shepard enters the yard and charges this cat, well the cat though it could hold it's ground and puff up as usual and the dog would stop, only issue is that was not our dog! Boy did this cat make it up a tree in a hurry when it realized THIS dog was not going to stop!
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