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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. GAME ON!! Got my beer and snacks all set. Let's Go GIANTS!!
  2. After 20 years of having to fight with oil companies to get better prices for the heating season I just told my oil company... "see ya don't need ya anymore". I'm converting to gas this spring. They called me back yesterday to try to "win my business back". I told them drop the price to my last one $3.13/gal. . They said best they can do is $3.99/gal. Told them thanks but no thanks. Going to be buying COD until then. Good riddance.
  3. I have a Vermont Castings wood burning stove for 18 yrs now and it puts out 39,000 btus of heat. I get free wood every August and rarely run the boiler in my house. I looked at the pellet stoves but there is nothing better than the smell of wood burning while taking a stroll outside.
  4. Welcome aboard. Lots of good people, helpful information and a good way to help you get through the off season.
  5. Ouch! Just make sure that you follow with your physical therapy after it heals. You're probably gonna have to build up your muscles again. Good luck with the surgery.
  6. I know you say you fell on your elbow but not sure where on your arm you sustained the break. If its midway between elbow and wrist it should heal pretty well and stronger than before. Why are you having surgery? Was it a displaced fracture? Usually arm breaks are treated with closed reduction (casting) unless it was close to the wrist or close to the elbow area. Sucks either way.
  7. Nothing to do about hunting but here's a story about poor gun handling and showing off to impress a woman. I'm sure alcohol played a role as well. Its a tragedy to say the least. http://news.yahoo.com/police-navy-seal-accidentally-shoots-self-022731883.html
  8. I have all but my 12 ga Winchester locked up too. My Win is in a strategic location for easy access in case some dirtbag decides to pay a visit.
  9. Not defensible because your lawn is not considered part of your dwelling or premises. However, if the invader somehow miraculously ends up inside your home before police arrive, well . . . then . . . it's a different story.
  10. Elmo, Here is the exact wording of the statutes regarding your scenario: 2. A person in possession or control of any premises, or a person licensed or privileged to be thereon or therein, may use physical force upon another person when he reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent or terminate what he reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission by such other person of a criminal trespass upon such premises. He may use any degree of physical force, other than deadly physical force, which he reasonably believes to be necessary for such purpose, and he may use deadly physical force in order to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission of arson, as prescribed in subdivision one, or in the course of a burglary or attempted burglary, as prescribed in subdivision three. 3. A person in possession or control of, or licensed or privileged to be in, a dwelling or an occupied building, who reasonably believes that another person is committing or attempting to commit a burglary (ransacking) of such dwelling or building, may use deadly physical force upon such other person when he reasonably believes such to be necessary to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission of such burglary. I certainly would consider ransacking an attempted burglary not to mention criminal trespass. I would pull the trigger first and then ask questions.
  11. Here is the link to self defense gun laws in NYS. http://selfdefenses.com/forcespray/SD-law.html In a nutshell, if you are in your house and you reasonably believe that you or someone else with you in the house is being threatened by physical force, or that the person is about to commit kidnapping, forcible rape, forcible sodomy or robbery, then you have the right to use deadly physical force (gun). There is a general duty to retreat if the perp clearly voices his/her intent to leave or terminate the crime EXCEPT if you are in your home and you are not the initial aggressor then you don't have that duty to retreat.
  12. I don't know about Oklahoma but in NY as long as the perp is still in your house and you fear for your life you can shoot first and ask questions later. If he runs outside and you chase him and then shoot, then you can be charged probably with some degree of manslaughter.
  13. Nice!! Two more dirtbags off the street and one of them lying 6 feet under.
  14. So thats why i didnt see any in 4Y. I thought there was something fishy going on..... LOL
  15. Congrats Geno. Just make sure you post it all around. Good luck with it!
  16. This is an interesting concept. Dome shaped home on 28 acres in the middle of the woods in New Paltz near Mohonk Mtn. The home rotates using a remote control. Wouldn't this be a nice way to hunt? The owner is only asking $1.2M. http://realestate.ya...ws-the-sun.html
  17. If it was preseason on cam I would call it in. If however the farm doesn't recover it and I'm sitting in my stand during the season and we cross paths I would definitely take him.
  18. I can't believe how warm it was today on the last day of 2011. I was outside in a T-shirt this afternoon tossing a football around wih my son who I just found out today can really throw it very well - Better than Mark Sanchez!!
  19. Fortunately I don't have to do that anymore. Now the worst part for me is when my 15 YO daughter asks me to help her set up her new IPad and at the same time my 10 YO son asks me to set up his ITouch to connect to our wireless network. But I do miss those days when I would be up past mIdnite on Xmas eve putting together doll houses and train sets.
  20. Hobbies? - reading anything that has nothing to do with the practice of law; shooting my bow more often especially now that I have the square-up installed, going to more of my daughter's Cross Country and Fencing meets; playing first person shooter games on Xbox with my 10 y.o. son; Resolutions? - get back into running and road cycling again, and try to find some more alone time with the wife.
  21. Nothing better than reading scripture while sitting in the middle of God's creation. I started reading this one -
  22. Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and your famIly as well. Χρόνια Πολλά (literally translated for those non-Greeks as "Many Years)
  23. What a shame for the buck to die like that.
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