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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. At least the Bills are a New York Team unlike the Jersey Jets and Jersey Giants .................
  2. Maybe the deer wanted to see how good of a archer you are ...........
  3. My wife bought a 6' high platform stand with a hub blind for Christmas . I put the platform up over a month ago on the bank of a pond . Went to Geneseo today and installed the Hub Blind . Luckily I had my Thermacell with me . What a pain it was to open the blind up top side . I bough a blade for my weed trimmer and cut down some of the high weeds . They were about 5' high . Drove the ATV around a few times to knock down some of the weeds and then cut them also . I hope it turns out to be worth the effort .
  4. I would think that it would be hell on arrow shafts .
  5. I started doing some reloading a few years ago . Initially it is pricy to get started but worth the effort . Reloading equipment isn't cheap but it allows you to tweak your loads for individual calibers . A few years ago , it cost me $30+ for 20 rounds of 25-06 . I can reload for much less . Some people start out with a Turret press which isn't necessary unless you plan to mass produce your ammo . Myself , I deprime and size the brass and put it in a vibrator tumbler . Then I clean out the primer pocket and chamfer the other end . Prime the brass in another step , weigh the powder and pour it in the case . When I get 50 brass ready I load the bullet . Sometimes it's hard to get primers , powder or bullets . You don't see brass laying around at the range anymore so you make sure you save every bit that you have . Reloading is a commitment ..............There was a thread started on here several months ago . I am too lazy to look it up .
  6. Trying it out ............. made sure I wore a helmet in case of a crash
  7. Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes . Getting old sucks but ......... it sure beats the alternative . My wife supports my hunting but just the other day she asked how many more years I would continue to keep it up . I told her that as long as I could get up and down from a tree stand and draw my bow I would continue to hunt .
  8. Some of the guys had said on other threads that they felt a person should be able to hunt with whatever weapon they choose to hunt with . So what is the difference in a person choosing to hunt with whatever method he chooses ?
  9. I would like to be able to bait but don't . If I did , I would have someone tapping me on the shoulder in no time . Some guys don't see the difference in a pile of bait and a food plot . I would take a pile of corn or apples that would draw deer to a predestined spot over a food plot where they could go anyplace at random any day of the week . I have seen guys walking out of the store with bags of corn , etc and know that they have to be baiting . Unless it becomes legal , I won't do it .
  10. If you are going to enclose it and put in windows , 4X4 is too small for Bow hunting . I am only 5'8" and I would have to have the arrow sticking out of the window and still hit my elbow on the back wall in something that small . Just my opinion ...........
  11. No trade here but thanks anyway ...........
  12. The new sight came with shims so I can attach a removable quiver vs the 2 piece quiver that is on the bow now . The sight also has a purple light to show the pin better in low light . I felt a significant difference between pulling 60# and 70# .
  13. Looks like the ant hill was attacked by an ugly hat !
  14. I didn't care for the short fletchings and gave my short Quick Spins to my youngest son to use on his arrows .
  15. I finally put the new TruGlo single pin sight on my Parker Phoenix E-Z draw bow and tried it out . I had been shooting the Ben Pearson TX-4 with 60 # draw weight with no problem and tried out the Parker with 70# draw weight . What a difference . Glad the mosquitoes were out as I didn't stay out long to shoot . Ordered some BowJax string silencers for the bow and I hope they arrive soon . I will be shooting both bows and decide which one to hunt with this season .
  16. Good point if he chooses Quick Spin vanes and has a WB rest . That's why I removed my WB and installed a Trophy Ridge Drop Away rest . Loved the WB though !
  17. I believe there is a difference . Having a bit of offset helps give the arrow spin which helps stabilize it in flight . I fletch my own with the NAP Quick Spin fletchings .
  18. Too many choices ..................
  19. Billy Bob Thornton would be proud of this guy .
  20. I have 2 Stealth cams that crapped out a Moultrie I-40 that won't take pics and a Primos Truth cam Ultra that won't change the date or time . I would like to take the 2 Stealths and the Moultrie to the woods and do a video by shooting them . I contacted Primos via phone and they said ther is no fix for the camera but if I sent it in they would give me a price break on another Trail Cam . Like that's gonna happen !
  21. Dunham's was a sporting goods store located in Henrietta and Irondequoit . They went out of business / closed shop . It was a decent store . Anyway , that's where I 1st came across the American Eagle 40 round boxes of 22's . I remember buying them for under $12 a brick . Oh yeah , I was into DICKs today and the 22 ammo was gone .
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