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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. If I were to use the 30 M1 for hunting I would be buying ammo if available or handloading soft point expanding bullets which would improve it's terminal performance quite a bit. Al
  2. Just some food for thought on this rainy day. I find it interesting how two relatively short range cartridge's ballistic perspectives as man stoppers are judged. The 30 M1 carbine is held in such low esteem and yet on the other hand another cartridge, the 9MM is thought to be adequate as a manstopper. Below are approximate ballistics comparing the two The 30 M1 fires a 110 gr bullet at about 2000 ft per second at the muzzle. Muzzle energy is 977 ft lbs, 50 yds is 733 ft lbs and at 100 yds 541 ft lbs The 9 MM fires a 115 gr bullet at the muzzle at almost 1200 ft per second Muzzle energy is around 400 ft lbs, 50 yds is around 280 ft lbs and 100 yds is around 240 ft lbs So while neither set the house on fire the puny 30 M1 delivers more power at 100 yds than the adequate 9 mm Luger at the muzzle. Al
  3. $350 is a steal, If she was a 16 ga I would have had the pedal to the metal. The current Ithaca pumps made today are close to a grand and no better than the one Lawdwaz has for sale. Al
  4. When hunting with a shotgun for small game I will have a lighter weight compact handgun on me many times. Al
  5. Little doubt a Coyote would kill a Fox if the opportunity arose but those opportunities would be more of a fluke and actual catches will be few and far between. When I was a young fellow I hunted Fox with running Hounds and there is no catching them, they are fast and have a bag of tricks to elude their pursuers., they almost seem to enjoy the race. They can run for hours and when they get tired of the race they will go to ground and the game is over. Unlike a running Hound which runs mostly by scent and use their nose on that scent to stay on the Fox wherever it goes, Coyotes are sight chasers and unless they happen to catch a Fox dosing in a big open field they will be left behind in short order once the Fox hits cover. Al
  6. The Trump derangement of the Democrats is off the charts, the hate is so bad it is not out of the realm of possibility for one of the wackos to fall on their sword to keep this judge from being confirmed. This whole story from thirty something years ago and the way it has been presented and leaked just before the vote smells big time. Al
  7. Actually the real hot weather is in the summer months, during the time period most of the hunting seasons in the southwest states are going on it is not bad. The Nevada weather carry vary quite a bit within the state but an overall snapshot shows an average of over 265 days of sunshine per year, the pleasant, semi-desert climate is hard to beat! During the summer months, high temperatures average around 90 F; during the winter, around 45 F. Average annual rainfall is approximately 11 inches, and average annual snowfall is 22 inches.
  8. Nevada is a big state with widely varied arid terrain, it's game population is scattered throughout the state with species living in habitat they are best suited to. The hunting is decent but you have scout out where to go and do some traveling. In Nevada, upland game bird species include blue and ruffed grouse, sage grouse, chukar and Hungarian partridge, snowcock, ring-necked pheasant, California, Gambel’s and mountain quail, and North American wild turkey. Small game species include cottontail, pygmy and white-tailed jack rabbits. Falconry seasons are in effect for waterfowl (all migratory bird stamp requirements apply), dove, chukar, sage, blue and ruffed grouse, pheasant, Himalayan snowcock, Hungarian partridge, quail and rabbit. Coyotes are an unprotected species in Nevada. They can be hunted by both resident and non-residents in the state without a hunting license Big game offers several species, Deer Tags $30.00 Antelope Tags $60.00 Black Bear Tags $100.00 Bighorn Sheep Tags $120.00 Elk Tags $120.00 Rocky Mountain Goat Tags $120.00 Mountain Lion Tags $29.00 Al
  9. Trapping is legal and a legitimate outdoor activity and as long as that trap was set by the rules that jerk should be prosecuted in my book. Al
  10. The habitat sounds like ideal Woodcock, their wings in flight make a distinct fluttering sound. Al
  11. My whole life I have picked out particular things that interest me and then it is full speed ahead until I get my fill and become as proficient as I possibly can. Hunting with handguns was one of those deals I delved into with an obsession. When I first got my handgun permit and my first handguns I joined a Bullseye target shooting league to learn how to shoot accurately and once I could hit something handguns were all I used for several years of hunting. Squirrels, Woodchucks, Rabbits, Coon and Deer were what I hunted mostly. Like a bow the range with handguns is limited which in my opinion makes for a better hunter as you have to learn skills and techniques how to get close. Squirrel hunting is the toughest, they are a small target and sharp eyed, I would say anyone that can limit out consistently with a open sight handgun on Squirrels (not me) is one hell of a hunter and a real good shot. Al
  12. If it is hunting I will most likely enjoy it all, but no doubt there are some species I like getting after better than others. Most small game hunting is what I have always leaned towards because of the long seasons, liberal daily limits, diverse skills, plenty of action along with a huge variety of different hunting implements and weapons that can be used. As the old saying goes "variety is the spice of life"! Al
  13. My old two blade Western is the one I have in my pocket most times when Deer hunting. Al
  14. Wish you well and hope you get mended up in time for hunting season Al
  15. As with the archery hunting community there are handgun hunters that have hunted and taken every species of game animal on the planet including Elephants. Those big hand cannons and the ammo they use are for that crowd that are hard core handgun hunters. Todays really big hand cannons are at the limits of what a person handle recoil wise and hit their target accurately and put big game down with authority. While fearsome to shoot because of muzzle blast and heavy recoil those big handguns are for the most part pale in power, range and accuracy compared to big game hunting rifles. Al
  16. There are four main players when it comes to big bore autoloading magnum pistols. The AMT Auto Mag was the first on the market followed by the LAR Grizzly, the Wildey and the Desert Eagle. The 44 auto mag used a rimless case of it's own design that pretty much duplicates the rimmed 44 Rem mag. The Wildey fired the Winchester 45 mag a rimless case also along with the Wildey 475 cartridge which I do not know much about other that it is more powerful than the 44s. LAR was chambered mainly in 44 Rem mag but I think some were also produced in 45 Win Mag which power wise is similar to the 44 Rem Mag. The Desert Eagle fires the Remington 44 mag and the 50 cal AE which is more powerful than a 44 or 45. So those pistols firing the 44 auto mag, 44 Rem mag and 45 Win mag are for all practical purposes pretty much the same power wise. The power edge will go to the 50 AE and the 475 Wildey. I think the Desert Eagle was and is the best design of the group.
  17. I have worn Bean boots for years, just bought me a new insulated pair last year. I treat the leather on all my boots with Obenauf's and they stay dry inside and supple in most conditions I hunt in. Maybe I am sure footed or something but other than walking in icy conditions I do not have any problems with slipping and falling. Al
  18. Bear Super Kodiak Recurve Bear Cub Recurve PSE Razorback Recurve Jennings Model T Hunter Compound PSE Nova Compound Browning Explorer 2 Compound Bear Alaskan Compound Oneida Eagle Aeroforce Lever Compound The Jennings Model T and PSE Nova were my first compounds and were given to some young guys starting out, all the others I still have and still shoot. Al
  19. When I find a proven winner I tend to stick with it and wool hunting clothes have always performed well for me. They do have to be cleaned properly and they are heavier than some of the modern stuff but their overall performance has not caused me to switch when the weather is cold even though at almost 70 years old, wool still does not weigh me down. I have the heavy weight red plaid Woolrich outfit and a lighter Bean camo outfit, wool sweaters and a vest along with various brands of good wool socks for my feet topped off by a Stormy Kromer and Bean wool hat. As for boots I have a couple of pair of Bean hunting boots that I like but I do not wear them exclusively. Al
  20. Today it seems like the vehicle's selling points are all about who has the most and technological gadgetry, the infotainment center in my vehicles have a whole book dedicated just to their operation. Talk about a driver distraction!! Spend some bucks on stainless steel, aluminum and chrome plated parts, it would save a lot of grief corrosion wise, one has to wonder if they really want to solve these rust problems. A vehicle that does not rust, that runs well for many years and several hundred thousand miles is probably not in the manufacturer's best interest when it comes to selling new! Al
  21. Not picking on Toyota as my 03 Dodge was about as rusty as what is described below. Hope that Toyota recall put a scare in the rest of the manufacturers to do better when it comes to rust prevention. Toyota has reached a settlement in a class action lawsuit involving owners of various Toyota trucks with severe frame rust. The settlement is for $3.4 billion and will pay for inspecting and replacing frames on affected trucks. It also allows Toyota to avoid admitting any wrongdoing. In total, this settlement could include 1.5 million 2005-2010 Toyota Tacomas, 2005-2008 Sequoias, and 2007-2008 Tundras. Reuters reports that vehicles are eligible up to 12 years to the day that they were sold. The Wall Street Journal reports that Toyota will reach out to owners via mail, notices to publications, and internet methods. This is far from the first time Toyota has dealt with troublesome rust on its pickup trucks. The company fixed many frames and even expanded its rust perforation warranty on 1995-2000 Toyota Tacomas. That warranty covered over 800,000 trucks. Toyota also had to issue a recall for 2001-2003 Tundras for frame rust. That latter recall also led to a payout of $25 million to Toyota from Dana, the company that supplied the frames. Two years ago, Tacomas from 2005-2011 were also recalled for leaf springs that could rust and break.
  22. If a person trades every few years or lives in a salt free environment I will agree completely with that statement. I am not most people, I pay my vehicles off and drive them for years as long as they run and perform properly, I do not like constantly paying a big monthly car payment just to drive something new. I live in snow country where 200 inches per winter season is common, the roads are covered with salt infused brown slush most of the time and take it from me the vehicles up this way with age on them get rusty from that crap. While new vehicles are not supposed to rust I will take my chances and gamble a couple of hundred bucks or so to keep an expensive vehicle as rust free as possible. Al
  23. I have continued on the internet reading just about everything that has been written about rust prevention on vehicles. The consensus is that after market rust prevention either by dealer or specialty shops is pretty much a waste of money on today's new vehicles. Like I previously mentioned the outfits that do rust prevention of course sing it's praises that it is essential especially in the North East where salt and brine is used on the roads in winter. Both sides make good arguments and there is probably truth coming from both. I do not put a huge amount of miles on my vehicles and keep them quite a long time so I think doing something is better than doing nothing. My last vehicle was a 2003 Dodge Ram 2500 that I had Ziebarted, it only had 46000 miles on it when traded but it was a total rust bucket in the end even with resprays so Ziebart is out as far as I am concerned. I am going to try the "Corrosion Free" rust preventative, a local outfit does it and it is not too expensive, hopefully money well spent. Al https://corrosionfree.com/
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