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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. I have read articles about Turkey hunting with a rifle, it is done mostly in western states where open country and longer range seems to play a big factor. The 22 Hornet with FMJ bullets was a big favorite and effective with those hunters. The other 22 cal varmint rounds loaded to the same ballistics as the Hornet were also used with minimal meat damage. If rifles were legal to use here and I hunted habitat like open farmland where Turkeys could be called into fields for clear shots I would have no problem using a rifle. In the woods where there is a lot of cover to get into the way of a clear shot I would stick with a shotgun, I once raised Merriams wild Turkeys free range here on the farm, when I wanted one for the pot I would use one of my 22 magnums for the kill. I also used a 17 HMR a couple of times. I did so because I found out quickly that is not an easy task to catch a Turkey and take it to the chopping block like a chicken, a big Tom will beat the Hell out of you with his wings. When shooting one I made sure they never knew it was me doing the killing. I would conceal myself and take them at distances sometimes close to 100 yards and never had to shoot more than once. With a shot placed behind the wing where it attached to the body similar to the Deer behind the shoulder lung shot they would drop pretty much where they stood with very little meat damage. I knocked off at least a couple of dozen this way so for me the 22 mag and 17 HMR were very effective and would yield the same result on wild birds I think. Al
  2. I repaired a pair of my favorite leather work boots with this stuff called boot fix, the sole was coming away and I glued it back on with the boot fix. It has held up so far for six months and just starting to show signs of peeling but still not leaking. Not cheap but it works better than any other stuff I have tried. Al
  3. If you have a bait shop that carries them Leeches are a top notch Bullhead bait, the best part is they are leather like in texture and you catch catch several fish on one before you have to bait the hook again. Softshell Crayfish are another top Bullhead bait, a little pricey though. Al
  4. Coon hunting in big woods many years ago, it was around 2 AM in the morning and I had just cast my dogs and found a nice comfortable spot to relax and listen for a strike under a big white pine that had a thick carpet of needles. A couple of hundred yards away a Barred Owl started hooting, a few hundred yards away another Owl answered, then another from a different direction and another and another and another from all directions and distances. I put on a set of headphone hearing amplifiers and could still hear more Owls hooting a long way off, no telling how many there were in all but I believe I could hear at least a dozen different Owls spread out over a huge area. What was going on I do not know, I hunted those woods many times and that was the only time I heard a bunch of Owls in concert, to tell the truth it was kind of creepy. Al
  5. The Turkish firearm manufacturers are rapidly replacing Spain and Italy as the number 1 producers of high quality entry level and mid priced side by side and over and under shotguns. They are also making serious inroads with rifles and handguns. I own both Tri Star and CZ firearms and have nothing but high regards for both their quality and performance. Al
  6. I drove a gas sucking Hemi Dodge 3/4 ton 4 wheel drive for a bunch of years and decided to get me a runabout to drive most of the time and just use the truck as a truck when I needed to haul something. I picked up a used Scion XB wagon affectionately known as a toaster because of it's square shape. For a small vehicle it has a ton of room for gear and gets decent mileage and has been totally reliable and best of all did not cost much. The wife has been driving a Prius, I would say that it has been the most reliable vehicle I have been around and best of all it gets over 50 mpg. Al
  7. Nice, congratulations she looks like a beauty, the 25-06 is one of my favorite cartridges, you can really reach out and touch em at some pretty fair distances. I have made some of my longest shot on Woodchucks and Crows with a 25-06. Al
  8. It will not affect me, I handload all of my hunting ammo except for rimfire and I made sure I had a good supply a long time ago. The one good thing about the Obama era I learned a valuable lesson, it made me way better prepared especially with rimfire ammo, I could see this one coming about this time last year and got well stocked with components for the long haul. Al
  9. I have a set of lined Carhartt bibs in camo similar to those pictured below that I wore many years Coon hunting, they are warm and tough to be sure and about perfect for the temps in October and November. Al
  10. I do not hunt out of a stand, that being said when hunting I am always in stealth mode, mainly still hunting moving slow and when stopped I always use some kind of natural background to break my silhouette (mostly tree trunks) I use wide field binoculars a lot to scour the area before moving on. I do everything I can to not announce my presence to any game, like I said above I want to see them first. Al
  11. I fall into the sneaky category, the idea is to be sneaky enough to spot them before they spot you. Yes you will get busted time to time but sneaky still hunting has been very productive for me down through the years. Al
  12. Because the problem is not "GUNS" and Banning Guns, the problem is no enforcement of the many gun laws already on the books. Banning AR rifles will not do one thing when it comes to crime! There were 20 illegal gun violations arrests in Syracuse recently all offenders were released and four of the same offenders were picked up for gun offenses again. The laws are a joke! And as for me I will be harsh, it is so called sportsmen like you that are the problem going along with the Democrats! Al
  13. I have used Mcarbo springs on a couple of my firearms and they have performed well, but I can say the same for both Wolf and Wilson combat too. Al
  14. You may think the pro gun crowd is fear mongering but take it from someone who was around in 1968 and was around when AR rifles were banned once before, if you want to stick your head in the sand so be it but I can assure you there is no fear mongering! They have done it before and are trying hard to do it again and I take them at their word! We do not have a gun law problem we have a gun law and "law period" enforcement problem, enforce the damned laws to a T lock the scumbag offenders up and throw away the key. One thing I can say for Biden he had the first crime law bill right and if anything it should have been strengthened! This country has gone off the rails when it comes to law enforcement! Al
  15. I would have thought just the opposite, from someone that spends the amount of time on this board that you do along with the number of posts you have made that the second amendment would be very important
  16. And in a nutshell there is the problem, there is nothing that pisses someone off more than being punished for something that they had absolutely nothing to do with. The reality is that vast majority of shootings occur with handguns and the the anti gunners know this fact well and keep them on the back burner. They figure the ARs are an easier target to get banned or controlled with the public because of their menacing look. Have no fear they will go after the handguns shortly if the Democrats get their way knocking off the ARs. Al
  17. Whether you know it or not Rob our activities represented well on this forum are all interconnected in some way and every single one is under attack by some anti group. As soon as one thing gets picked off you can be assured that they will move on to pick off something else. When it comes to the outdoor sports and the excuse that because it does not affect me I am letting it slide is about as lame as it gets. As Ben Franklin put so well "hang together or hang separately" is something I have followed my whole life. I will fight hard for all even if I do not participate in all, be it for trapping, hunting fishing, shooting, ammo etc. etc. etc. Al
  18. A little bit of everything. Al
  19. I will be raking leaves in this spot today, 60 degrees plus! Al
  20. Varmint hunting with one of my favorite Airedales and Ruger 77-17 17HMR Al
  21. So now a member has to have a certain number of posts to have them considered to be valid by the board police, you need to get a life yourself fry cook! Al
  22. I have belonged to three message boards that went poof and it was all because of garbage similar to what is posted in this thread and others threads like it which seems to be constant here. Message boards with long longevity are run like a tight ship. Al
  23. I am the exact opposite, rules are not made to be broken, they are made to be followed. If you can not behave then you should be canned no excuses. All this baloney would stop in a hurry! You have a pattern here, every time one of these fiascos pops up you will have exactly the same members always involved. These are members who seem to think their self believed importance makes them untouchable, also this is the only board I have ever been involved with that allows "TROLLS" whose sole purpose of being a member of this board is to stir the pot. From where I sit this board's content has been going down hill, there are some days where there is not one single hunting related post made. Al
  24. It is not up to the moderators to make the board's rules it is the board owner's job to set the parameters for standards and rules, the moderator's job is to enforce them. From what I have seen you did a very good job Eddie. Al
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