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Everything posted by chiefbkt

  1. 10/20 ridge stand-morning 2 doe working towards me only to be scared off by a coyote. He got to my trail and booked it. 10/20 field stand-evening 1 big doe at 152 yards. Ate for 10 minutes then went back into the woods.
  2. That first buck in the second video is pretty neat looking. Almost like he has a second main beam or just a GIANT brow tine on his right side. Be nice to see what he looks like next year.
  3. The last two nights from my bedroom window I've seen 2 young bucks chasing the same young doe (1 1/2 year old I believe) around behind my house. Nothing too serious and mostly looks playful. But you can tell they are interested in her by the lip curling. Funny part is big momma intercepted the buck tonight and reared up on her hind legs and kicked at him. Was pretty comical. He left her alone after that.
  4. Sounds like maybe a gut shot? I shot a deer a few years ago high and back through the stomach. Didn't leave any blood, just clear liquid. Found hair all over and stuck in broadhead. I called deer search and they instructed me not to attempt tracking and they would be out in the morning. Maybe give them a call???
  5. 60 minutes in and nothing moving yet.
  6. Great job! Glad to see the youngsters out there. 2 more years before I can get my daughter out.
  7. That's awesome! Great story.
  8. That sucks! Similar thing happened to me last year.
  9. October 6, cherry stand, morning: 4 deer total. 1 buck from hitlist, 1 small buck, and 2 unknown deer. Never came closer than 85 yards. October 7, attempted cherry stand, evening: 10 deer total, all does. 4 on my way to stand, tried to go around and ran into 4 more. Decided to go back and hit ridge stand, 2 does in field. Went back home. October 8, ridge stand, morning: 3 deer total. Watched fawn run circles around its mom then all of a sudden a wide 1 1/2 year old 6 point showed up 30 yards away. Gave me great broadside shot for 5 minutes. Let him walk. He'll be nice in a year.
  10. Looks like you had a great trip! Nice looking Mulie and antelope, congrats!
  11. That buck is a slob! Hope you shoot him so you can see how much he weighs.
  12. Ended up going out and just got back in. Glad I went! Saw one of the bucks on my hitlist, he was bedded down in the field with another smaller buck. He never got closer than 80 yards so I didn't have a shot. Was nice to see him in person though.
  13. This is the first morning I've been able to hunt and its a downpour! What the hell. Not able to hunt tonight or tomorrow morning so I really wanted to get out. Not sure it's worth sitting in solid rain for a couple hours...
  14. Couple of nice looking bucks. Good luck!
  15. He is one impressive buck. I'm hoping the next time you post pictures of him he is being held in your hands.
  16. It is illegal if you are not licensed to do it. Go take your bird dog out in the woods to find your deer and get caught by DEC...you will have a rude awakening. Better yet, call the DEC and ask them personally. Trust me, the thought crossed my mind since I have a Dachshund and Brittany spaniel. Ill advised.
  17. Awesome buck Phade! Congrats to all the others who took does successfully on opening day!
  18. Like WNYBuckHunter said...I used this a couple years ago to find a buck. It is amazing how fast they can find deer. They can tell you where the deer was shot from the hair on the ground. And it's free, they do accept donations though.
  19. Great looking deer. Reminds me of one I shot about 6 years ago. Good luck.
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