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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Pats on Monday night? cool. I thought they were playing in Section 5 this year, could have hoped for a great season then..lol
  2. I am on a Nissan Titan forum, a blacksmithing forum, a TC Encore Forum and a few forums for adult beverages.
  3. I agree that a poll on here, while interesting to talk about holds little meaning. Let's face it, we are on here because the majority of us have an interest level that is higher than the average hunter in NY. The cross section that exists in NY I don't believe even closely resembles that on this forum. I wish the poll had an "indifferent" choice, because I would bet that is where most of the NY hunting public would be. Just watch the hunters' and firearms owners' indifference come November
  4. I know that facts mean nothing to Cuomo, but he is dead wrong on this one. His comments that these criminals have paid their debt and should have the right is wrong. This is NOT probation we are talking about, it is parole. Parole is a conditional part of the sentence, part of the debt they are paying. NOT supervision after the sentence is complete.
  5. Emotions surely can cloud things. Insert a youngins on both end of this equation and here you have it.
  6. I wouldn't have gone the route chosen myself but I can certainly see how 120' would be too close for comfort. DEC would have gotten a call for a legal remedy as a first step. I would probably be less concerned by a single living there than a mother just based on my observations of wild maternal instincts in animals.
  7. I know but since we have listened to you over the years we know you are superhuman.
  8. The shooters buy into the same hype that the media sells the public that doesn't know jack about guns. in tight quarters like most of these shooting took place everyone should be thankful that the shooters didn't walk in with shotguns. I seen guys operate speed loaders tubes for shotguns that really know how to do it and it's scary how much lead they can put down range in a hurry. I tried them and it takes some practice but still faster than like we do it by hand.
  9. Only 4 more days until the April 21st, General raffle early bird is over. It's 2 for 1 General raffle tickets. Getting in before the deadline gets you an early bird gun raffle ticket and if you do it online it gets you a ticket in the online gun drawing. Entry ticket gets you the meal and a one year membership. I know there will be a Colorado Elk hunt, and archery Alabama deer/hog hunt (one buck, 2 does and 2 hogs), A Northern Maine fall black bear hunt. 19 guns find new homes as well as a 360 Hughes box blind with 10' stand. There will likely be 50 General raffle packages and the Average value right now is over 125 each. Wonderful prints and some great custom made items like hand painted fishing lures, custom wingbone turkey call and a hand forged chuck wagon cook set up. Also a live auction item that is a week stay in August at a house in NC outer banks, 3 bedroom and it is gorgeous. Just off private beach and all private community. This is the link to the online portal.--https://www.qdma.com/get-involved/events/action~agenda/page_offset~1/request_format~html/
  10. I only have the Lee and Nosler. Might have to pony up for that one
  11. Al hit it on the head well. If you find yourself in a bind and need to search for another powder for one you have used, this burn rate chart will give you a good starting point. Find one near the one you used and it should get you going in developing a new load. http://www.wwpowder.com/PDF/Burn Rates - 2015-2016.pdf
  12. I made a jig out of PVC pipe. It was for 12 gauge but i imagine you could find some pipe that works. the shell went in and the crimp tool on a variable speed hand held drill inserted into the pipe from the other end. if kept the tool square and set to the exact same depth on every case. I'll try to remember tonight and I'll take a pic. Worked pretty slick. When I was reloading slugs I didn't see any pressure indications when I varied behind the sabot. Really didn't change that much between star crimp or roll crimp. But always good to keep your eyes open for it
  13. There are powders out there that will load those two cartridges. H4895 comes to mind (becasue I use it). SO you could find one that would work in both but probably wouldn't be optimum in either. If that made sense.
  14. IMR only has it listed for the 7mm-08 in heavier weight bullets. If it was me I would get a powder that is more suited to the smaller case size. There are powders that are listed under both calibers and weights that you listed. You can get a square peg to fit into a round hole if it is undersized or you get a big enough hammer...lol. That is just my advice.
  15. you roll crimping by hand with a drill attachment? I've found that a Q-tip with a very light coating of WD-40 rubbed around the outside of the hull just prior to the roll crimp process really makes it nice an uniform with much less pressure needed. If you need the load raised in the hull you can add under the hull as well, I'd just grab a very dense card.
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