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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. The two things I like about the BLR as opposed to your marlin is the magazine and the fact that the trigger travels with the lever. That minimizes the possibility of trigger finger in the heat of the moment. The magazine give you the option to use "pointed' style bullets since they aren't in line in the magazine tube. Good gun but as others said not even a good trigger in my experience. I didn't see where you said how much he was selling it for. If it is a deal you can't refuse, then don't. But if he is north of $500 I'd spend the money elsewhere and pick up a bolt gun and pick your own glass.
  2. Only one more day until the first Early bird deadline. I promise you won't be disappointed in this event. This is filling up faster than any year previously so if you want in, Don't miss out. we are going to have to cap at 250
  3. We have one of these with the 10" platform n a game at the banquet!!!
  4. I agree but there are still many more bow hunters in the woods that same two weeks just like the years before. If it were gun hunters going into the crossbow in big numbers and accounting for the the crossbow take I would think the regular bow take numbers would have remained relatively the same and the cross bow take would have gone up. I know that is a simplistic view and there is a 100 reasons when "statistically" that may not be the case, but it sure makes sense to me.
  5. This will probably draw some heat but no one is ever going to convince me otherwise. I believe that most of those against full inclusion are are in the "some one is going to be able to shoot my deer" camp
  6. I agree it should have to be a bow hunter education course. But if someone believes that the crossbow is such an easy weapon and a chip shot to hunt with I would have expected to see the harvest numbers really jump if it were an influx of gun hunters providing this take increase. Since the TOTAL bow and crossbow harvest stayed basically level the last two years, it makes me believe that the increase in crossbow take and corresponding decrease in vertical bow take is linked by vertical bow hunters picking up the crossbow. (generally speaking)
  7. Yeah, but he's not reallllly a hunter so that doesn't count...lol
  8. Does anything you want to run have a circuit boards or fancy electronics?
  9. I only know 6 guys personally (plus myself) that bought crossbows. all 7 of us are/were bowhunters. And it looks like the vast majority of the responders to that thread were already bow hunters.
  10. That works in the reverse as well. Just because someone's property sucks or their skill set isn't at the level of others could cause some to say there are no deer and populations are down while the opposite could be true.
  11. My point to Chas (and he's blind with his hate of cossbows) was that there were a lot of guys that picked them up. some where bow hunters (like me for the first time this year) some were gun hunters. And it had NO impact on the total harvest numbers during bow. So the "sky is falling" crew are safe for another year
  12. He has a typo. He has openly said he has NO dispute with disabled and elderly using a crossbow.
  13. Bull $hit on that one. No way that is true. I've seen too many vertical bow threads on here.
  14. And when it does get fully included you will still have that same option to hunt with a bow until your arms fall off.
  15. Well Belo is telling us there last tow weeks of bow are where it is at for killing the most deer because of rut activity. ( I agree).. That is where this evil cross bow that is basically a gun was forced in, right? But the number for total take in bow season didn't go UP. Actually with bow and that evil crossbow sitting in the prime killing time, the total take in that period went down from 2016. I haven't looked it up but I'd bet it's down from 2015 as well.
  16. I am binge watching it now. It's pretty freaking good
  17. I can tell by that comment you have never dated a redhead. They are all freaking, boil your bunny, kind of nuts. lol
  18. Personally I think the does numbers going down reflects hunters holding off initially to get a crack at a "big" buck. When you give the does a couple days during firearm season to wise up, they can be a much harder animal to get a crack at during legal shooting hours on huntable land
  19. Boy we are filling up and just to wet your appetite. some of the things that will be finding a new home the night of the banquet. Hughes hunting blind (The Intimidator bow blind with stand) Special guest appearance by a VERY large Yeti. (of the 65 quart variety) Quigley Ford scope 18 Firearms --including the Winchester Featherweight gun of the year and the Kimber 1911 Pistol of the year and our YOU PICK gun board. 45-50 general raffle buckets that each value at least $100 Live auction items including hunting and fishing trips, great art work and other items (even for the ladies) Silent Auction Items There will be many other games and prizes in a night filled with great company and food, cold drinks and the normal hunting stories stretched to all new heights. The first early bird to get the early bird gun ticket is on the 7th so don't miss out. Order online, it's the only way to get the gun for online orders.
  20. Honestly I think this platform of the 24/7 media and the internet/social media is a main cause for the rise in these type of shootings. It perpetuates them (the shooters)as a figure of interest and someone important (important in a bad way but for the mentally flawed I don't think they make the distinction). I think the same plays in for these media whores broadcasting the news and trying to be the news.
  21. My Grandfather worked at Savage as well. My Father (for a while. Made 700 BDL stocks) and a couple other relatives worked in Remington. Gonna be a sad day to see that factory close. If you can fit it in and have a chance you should see the Museum in the Remington factory. pretty neat. Covers 200 years of manufacturing in lion NY
  22. Yeah. They get done what they do with about 1% if the overall population in their organization. If you believe the polls, one quarter of Americans own guns. (I think it is higher because i know many that would NEVER answer "yes" to that question) That is about 88 million gun owners. 5 million NRA members. (5% of gun owners). Imagine if it were 100% with how the left fears the 5%
  23. It was up to her to walk a line that would be acceptable to her employer. If she crossed it then she has to deal. These kids and the liberal left that want to come at you charging head strong and then start hollering that any opposition is bullying them reminds me of a kid I knew in high school. Little punk, small in a stature and use to play the "I am smaller than you so you can't touch me card" as he was running his mouth. That didn't work out so well for him one day as I remember.
  24. Personally I believe if you step onto the public stage as he has, then it's all fair. If you don't want to be held to task and challenged then stay at home. He's a douchbag and if he was sitting in the room with me I would tell him as much.
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