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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. The bears actually have delayed implantation. if the sow does not build up the required fat reserves where her body feels it can make the winter with her and the cubs it will basically abort. They are born hairless and a little bit bigger than a chipmunk when born in the winter den.
  2. In typical NY fashion they can make things as clear as mud. I think you can get into the whole processing into meat section and start questioning when that would actually be considered in this process but it really would be up to the officer you have in front of you as to whether you get a ticket or not. Let's be honest. if you debone a 3.5 year old buck and take hinds, fronts, tenderloins and straps with the cape and the head you are under 100# and packable by a person in one trip. If in season, legally licensed and tagged and no other infractions I can't see a ticket getting written for a tallywacker being left in a gut pile. I have processed deer right into portion sizes and into ziplocks on the tailgate of the truck in the field and then into a cooler with ice because of the high temps. At what point does it change?. I would think the western states with larger game and where this practice is the norm, would have better written laws.
  3. § 11-0911. Procedure on taking wild deer and bear; transportation of wild deer. 1. a. When a wild deer is taken the taker shall immediately fill in, using ink, ball point pen or indelible pencil, the deer tags issued to the taker as provided in regulations of the department. The taker shall immediately cut out or mark the month and date of kill on the tag and shall attach it to the deer, except that it need not be attached to the deer while it is being dragged or physically carried by the taker to a camp or point where other transportation is available. The taker shall report details of the location and date of harvest and data on the deer as required by regulation. b. When a bear is taken, the taker shall fill out the bear tag issued to taker as provided in regulations of the department. The taker shall report details of the location and date of harvest and data on the bear as required by regulation. c. The department shall adopt regulations for the tagging or designating by self-locking metal seals or other means of deer of either sex taken in Westchester county pursuant to the provisions of paragraph c of subdivision 1, of section 11-0907, in addition to the limit of one deer in a license year. 2. The taker shall remove his deer out of the woods or open country to a camp or other inhabited location by midnight of the day immediately following the expiration of the open season in the county or part of a county in which the deer was taken. 3. A person licensed to hunt deer pursuant to this chapter who has filled all of his/her valid deer tags may assist and/or supervise other licensed hunters in hunting deer, except that such person shall not shoot or attempt to shoot deer. 4. a. The taker may transport the entire carcass of his deer, with the head attached in a natural way and his license tag attached to the carcass. b. He may detach the head of a male deer for mounting only and transport it to a licensed taxidermist. If the head is detached, the taker shall immediately attach to it a tag supplied by himself bearing his signature, address and license number, the name and address of the taxidermist and the number of points on each antler, and the head shall be shipped to the taxidermist immediately. The tag shall remain attached to the head continuously until the head is received by the taxidermist and retained by him for six months after the head is mounted. If at any time during transportation the head is in possession of a person other than the taker or a carrier, his name and address shall be written on the tag at the time the head comes into his possession. c. The head of a female deer with antlers not less than the minimum legal length may be detached for mounting. The detached head shall be handled in the manner provided in this subdivision with respect to the head of a male deer. d. The taker may transport the carcass of a male deer, from which he has removed the head, if the carcass bears evidence of sex, or the carcass of a female deer from which the head has been removed, if the metal tag is attached thereto, provided in either case that his deer tag is attached to the carcass and on the reverse side of the tag there appears the name and address of the taxidermist to whom the head is to be delivered and the number of points on each antler. 5. a. The taker may transport by carrier, except parcel post, one deer to which his deer tag is attached, together with an additional tag supplied by him stating the name and address of the consignee. He shall be in personal attendance on the carcass of his deer while it is being transported by any method other than by carrier, except that if the head has not been removed, and if there are attached to the carcass the taker's deer tag and a tag supplied by him on which is written legibly in ink the name and address of the person transporting the deer and the name and address of the consignee, the deer may be transported for him by another. b. The taker may cut portions of the meat from the carcass and transport or cause them to be transported to consignees for consumption as food only, provided that his deer tag remains attached at all times to the portion of the carcass retained by him, and that each portion transported has attached a tag supplied by the taker and personally signed by him, on which he shall write legibly in ink his name, address and license number, the date when the portions were cut, and the name and address of the consignee. If at any time during transportation any such portion is in possession of a person other than the taker or his consignee, the name and address of such person shall be written legibly on the tag in ink. The tag shall remain attached to the meat until it is prepared for consumption. Where such portions are transported wrapped or boxed, the outside of the package shall bear the word "venison" and be marked as provided in this paragraph for tags. Portions of deer tagged as provided in this paragraph, and packages containing portions of deer, so marked, may be transported by carrier except parcel post. 6. a. The taker may transport the carcass of the bear, for the purposes of harvesting the gallbladder and/or bile, only if the bear tag is attached thereto. b. No person taking, possessing or transporting bear shall fail to comply with the mandatory requirements of this section and section 11-0917 of this title. 7. No person taking, possessing or transporting wild deer shall fail to comply with the mandatory requirements of this section, and no person shall possess or transport wild deer or any portion of a wild deer except as provided in this section, or at a time not permitted by section 11-0917.
  4. The walleyes have already spawned. Typically the season starts after they spawn.
  5. Great drugs and no big deal. I just pray that during your "prep" you don't fall through your a$$ and strangle yourself...lol. The only down side for me was waking up with all the leads all over me that weren't there when I went in. It started my whole Aphib ordeal. Oh and the best advice that can be give for this.....no matter how much you want to believe it.....it isn't a fart.
  6. Rob, I am not mechanic but I have changed water pumps on cars I have owned. do you have any mechanical ability and have you checked to see what the parts are worth? What is her make model and year of her car
  7. This is a pretty good introduction to bear hunting in NY https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/bbhunting10.pdf
  8. I tend to use a lot of brown sugar based rubs on pork (like ribs not pulled pork). Then I utilize maple
  9. Scent is allowed. Honey burs are legal. You aren't setting it out to feed becasue it is being burned. the attractant is the sicky sweet smell of the burning honey. I think it is like a ounce and a half you can use. It's in the regs.
  10. Perfectly said G-man. You can actually have higher nutritional content in the weeds that are there than the plot you are putting in.
  11. I would not be afraid cut the butt into sections to increase the smoke contact. (depends on how much smokey flavor you want....select wood accordingly). low is fine for that period of time. When you drain the fluid out of the crockpot, save it until everything is mixed. Sometimes it helps to add a touch back in with the BBQ sauce so that you can get an even coating without having to over sauce it. I prefer just a light coating of sauce and sometimes even use cider vinegar to cut the sauce.
  12. Unfortunately there is no "educating" people in this mindset. I wouldn't have known him if he had knocked on my door, but having lived through someone close to me committing suicide it sure is sad. Everything can seem normal on the outside and none of us really know the torment that lives in other people under the surface.
  13. Wonderful work as always, Wooly. The video didn't go all the way tot eh bottom, but did you rubber / metal tip it if you expect it will actually be used?
  14. Well deserved Larry. Thank you for serving. As far as commemorative guns go it would seem that they are only worth more that the normal firearm if you can find a person that actually wants a commemorative. We aren't talking about a pistol that was owned and carried by Patton or a matching set presented to a President (I mean real Presidents not ones like Carter...lol). Those are more historical I know but typically still a special edition. If that makes sense. I say enjoy it and take the opportunity to reflect back on a career of service with brothers that meant a lot to you each time you use it.
  15. I would think that any distressed animal call would fit the bill. Like the ones used in Yote hunting. I would also consider using a honey burn.
  16. Also 50 bags that I know of in the central NY to Syracuse area
  17. We are really gonna humble you this fall. I am dragging you out on a duck hunt.
  18. I was gonna see about swinging over to Brian's next week. he graciously offered to fletch a few arrows for me. Maybe we can grab a bite and a beer
  19. How did it shoot? We have to get together. I still have your gift.
  20. Thanks everyone for the wishes. Every year is a gift and not guaranteed. Hold your loved ones close and live it like it is your last.
  21. Thank you . Quiet dinner at home. hopefully some nice thick reversed sear ribeyes.
  22. I thought those things were like a jackalope and a snipe hunt. I have thrown them a lot and the only thing I have ever caught was bottom.
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