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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. So what difference do you see between that and this
  2. So what feature would make a firearm “assault style” in your world?
  3. There has probably been more deer in NY shot in red and black, green or grey wool plaid than anything else. Watch your scent, don't skyline your silhouette and move slowly and you'll find out it really doesn't make that much difference.
  4. The problem I have with Vegans is you will know they are vegan in the first 5 minutes of any conversation...lol. I get it, it is your choice how you want to eat. No need to announce it every time you turn around. EVERY TIME they are offered anything, rather than politely saying no thank you, They come out with "No, I can't, I am Vegan". I know it isn't all becasue the ones that just go about their business you would never know. They are like the Jehovah Witnesses of food.
  5. After Mycek conducted 20 in-depth interviews with self-identified vegan and vegetarian men, she concluded they “uphold gendered binaries of emotion/rationality and current ideas of middle-class, white masculinity.” And the bold is where the problem lies. Let me give everyone the Readers Digest version. (For you younger folks you may want to Google that last part...LOL). If you lower the bar enough, standards ("current ideas") are easy to reach.
  6. Same in all the Finger lake streams becasue of the glaciers. i have heard of guys picking up a bit of color in deep bedrock fishers in the shale gorge type creeks entering the finger lakes.
  7. I had to read that twice. the first time through I thought it said Flamingo Pinko.
  8. You'd have better luck convincing a leopard to change his spots. The media is squarely left. They will slant towards left views. I don't see that changing any time soon. We adapt and find ways around it or we get run over by it.
  9. Oh, not fair. i opened this to mock the ones posting.
  10. We have a couple of our NY QDMA branches that are picking up our National program call Field to Forks. It is an initiative to recruit adults and get them into hunting for the first time. The focus is on the growing group that wants to know where their food is coming from while trying to avoid things like hormones in the meat. We will be recruiting, training, educating, getting them through a hunter safety course, taking them hunting and teaching them to field dress, process and cook the venison. Hopefully we can identify individuals that are interested but don't have a clue how to take the first step. I guess if you didn't have a history with hunting it could be a pretty daunting undertaking without help. In our branch I want to set a goal of 6 people this year. Certainly won't turn the tide but it would be nice if more folks would reach out to new folks and get them into it.
  11. Plenty of us around you. I have 2- 357's a 6" and a 4" barrel. I don't know anyone close with a 10 or 44mag
  12. I agree. Mine has 2 lags into the concrete floor and two into the wall. all 4 are 1/2". If they want it that bad have at it. I'll buy new ones. lol I am betting they wouldn't make it into the house anyway. Walking through the garage loaded with tools would probably side track them before they got there.
  13. I know. that is probably why it isn't 100% in the poll. There are some that will resist it all no matter if it did actually make sense. I can see their side given how the left has acted.
  14. Already contacted my Rep's to push for this.
  15. I'd love to see the questions that they used to determine that. So don't put too much faith in what that means. "Would you support gun control to keep guns out of the hands of Felons?" "Would you support background checks so the mentally ill don't get firearms?" Who is saying "no" to those?
  16. port-a-power would probably work. That's why I said good insurance and don't sweat it...lol
  17. 1,100 pounds of pull out force for 1/2" lag embedded 3". EACH. Better get a bigger bar.
  18. When I was workign down in CT around New Haven Crotch Rockets were getting stolen with their wheels locked. A van would pull up, the guys would open the side door, swing out an arm with a power cable winch and strap the bike and lift/swing them in. Took seconds. Went on quite a while before they caught them.
  19. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/03/20/shooting-reported-maryland-high-school/440981002/ Could have been much worse. I wonder how much the media will put this out there?
  20. I'd like to see them try the same thing with one bolted to the floor
  21. They even have modular systems out there now. Need a bigger safe and are limited by doorway size? So pretty unique options out there now.
  22. Do my due diligence to secure them and I know my rider covers the contents including the full value of the glass and such. SO let 'er burn.
  23. To clarify, long guns can't be 16 or under or it is a SBR. A pistol can be over. I know it certainly wouldn't fit your bill in those lengths. I've shot the 357,41 and 44 Mags. I've used the 357 to dispatch deer. I would opt for the 41 given your previous comments. I would want it heavier than the 357 and you seem concerned about the 44 recoil (it is "stout" with a heavy hunting load). The 41 would be a perfect compromise.
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