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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. i do the same thing right up to the bolded part. I debone the hinds right off the bone while hanging. once you split that muscle group at the back of the Femur (upper side as it hangs) the gravity weight of the meat makes boning it out as a whole hunk pretty easy.
  2. You bastard. I wasn't going to respond to this thread anymore but you suckered me in.
  3. I am local tomorrow. Shotgun...oh yeah. I may go for a super slam. The entire family. buck doe and the two fawns.
  4. Could you swing over and help me out. I can't figure out which in of the bullet to load into my bow first?
  5. Al, quick question that I never understood. why would the solid coppers foul any faster than a traditional copper jacketed round? is it the actual length of the bullet so there is increased copper contact?
  6. ummm. yeah. I get that. I was explaining how the "movement looks
  7. I tried to find a video I saw years ago that showed blaze orange through a deer's eyes. it also used solid colors of shirts and pants. they all about looked the same. But Chas is right. any big blob or Color(a scale of gray to a deer's eyes) will show up easier to a deer against a muddled background of the woods. When I have my vest on in the stand I am very aware of things like raising my camo'd covered arms or turning quickly. In that video reference earlier I remember the hunter having a vest on and turning and it looked like a flashing gray light. like it was blinking. solid there. solid gone. solid there solid gone. food for thought.
  8. OK boys.... sold me. In the I will be workign up loads for my hunting rifles using the TTSX bullets. Gonna have to start stocking up. Quick question for anyone here. I am using a reduced recoil load for my 308 Win pistol. I have not shot through a Chrono. based on drop characteristics I would expect 30-30 ballistics or a tad less. I am using a 130 gr bullet. how do these things perform at slower speeds?
  9. I have never been concerned about me mistaking a person for a deer. When I venture onto state land though, the thought about a hunter in full camo all tucked into the background does cross my mind. Following all the rules of hunting and firearms handling, I could take a shot with a very good backstop and have my life change becasue of the fully camo'd hunter. my 2 cents
  10. what do you think about adding strips of switch grass around the area to screen? not completely covering but to line perimeters and interior breaks?
  11. Front shoulders not very defined and smaller than the hind quarters. Neck tying in high on the brisket and the legs still appear "long" . Seems pretty classic for 2.5
  12. I have a two Vortex that are on a couple guns. One is on my 223 Encore Barrel and it is very nice to have for predator hunting. The other is on my Encore ML barrel. it was on discount and I got it for the same price and the same scope without it so I figured why not. I have had it turned on twice that I can remember and both were dark cloudy mornings just at shooting time in a Northern zone Hemlock/Cedar swamp. Other than that I can't see the use on a non -predator rifle.
  13. I've shot quite a few animals with the Sierra Game king 30 cals in 165 gr. I have always gone through and haven't had that issue of separation.
  14. Well I am VERY left eye dominant and shoot right handed so I feel your pain. On the wingshooting. wear glasses. even shooting glasses if you don't wear prescription. I put a small static black dot on my left lens that blocks the straight line of sight for my left eye but I don't lose any peripheral vision. you would put in on your right eye. I think the dot is about 1/4" in diameter. Try it out shootign some skeet and see how it works for you.
  15. Well I am bowing out. If this thread is like the other 100 on this forum it will be running for another 40 pages and I can catch up in June with the last few posts. I am never ever ever going to be in support of mandatory antler restrictions. I wholeheartedly agree with dbHunterNY on the benefits to the herd in helping with a more mature age structure. It really does increase the competition and you can see all the intense buck behavior that we read about. heavy scraping, hard chasing, fighting, bucks more receptive to calling and rattling. Makes for a pretty intense afternoon when you hit it right. I just see the "mandatory" part of is as too big of a negative and the ends don't justify the means. I've put my shoulder behind the education and voluntary AR and really have people understand QDM. I really believe from what I have seen with hunters that I know well, that once they start experiencing the effects they get on board pretty quickly. Reality is though, some just never will and I am ok with that too.
  16. I hunted in 8 H all bow season. An area that they pulled the ability to shoot a buck the first two weeks last year, becasue the population is so high and out of control. I passed on 12 different 1.5 and 2.5 year old bucks, saw three i would have loved to been able to take and one doe. Yup.....one doe and I let her go becasue she had a buck on her heels and he ended up being a small one. So here I am an area that is supposedly supper high in doe population and couldn't buy one...lol
  17. So if you want a big buck and don't have them where you are, hop in the car and go get one.
  18. Why? If there are hunters in any part of the state that could give two craps about how big a buck is. Who are you or me or anyone else to tell them that they need to modify THEIR yard stick for a successful season so it matches ours? Who the hell are we?
  19. Oh you....just go sit in the corner with that license you bought, be quiet and wait a couple years. They promise you won't even notice the two years for the magic to happen.
  20. Do I need to list the WMU's that do NOT issue antlerless permits? Or the ones that are very restrictive in issuing? As I have said before that AR's will not impact the way I hunt. My personal standards are higher than anything they would ever impose. I will tell you this. If they decide on a state wide AR I would fight tooth and nail against it and if it was going to go through, push that ALL antlerless was done through the lottery system. NO MORE Antlerless or either sex for bow/ML. Give the gun hunters across the state the same opportunity to have a shot at an antlerless as the bow/ML hunters.
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