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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I do have to say, though, posting with him in the pic, the deer and saying basically that you heard something wasn't right about the kill but since you don't know for sure you aren't saying.......you already said
  2. yup. I have 3 styles but like shape that is far left the best. My heavier guns is is nice to have the very wide one but I never carry a pack if I am doing something like chuck hunting.
  3. how do you know they are not tagged? Are you assuming they have to be tagged on the antlers? I always tag mine through the rear hock where I would have to cut anyway to hang it. Zipped tied right to the leg.
  4. Not at all. I agree with Moog. Do t sweat it. You've shot enough. If you said 1 or 2 I would have said to start shooting some. Do what makes you happy and don't get caught in "keeping up with the Jonses "
  5. I have seen a slew of late season older bucks that were taken. strategy and where they are hanging out in day light changes but they are still there.
  6. I see the Cinnamon in the pic. I use the sticks so there isn't much sediment. If I don't have sticks I empty a tea bag and put the spices in it, restaple it and it gets the flavor in very well without leaving little floaters in the drink.
  7. how many deer have you actually shot? and recovered?
  8. A little off topic but I LOVE the Claw slings I have. I use a backpack too and it stays put no matter the fabric of the coat I am using. even grips well on the backpack straps.
  9. based on how the arrow exited I would bet the deer was ever quartering too even more that the camera pic shows.
  10. but sitting all season and not shooting deer make you......well,,,,,,a bird watcher...lol. just kidding
  11. Once I mount a sling on my gun it only comes off if I am sighting in the lead sled. Never during hunting and can't say that it has ever cost me a shot of a deer. I can say that it probably allowed me to make some shots that I wouldn't have taken with a 100% free hand without a sling to help steady. i rally only use it for waling in and out and as a shooting aid. when on stand the gun is in my hands or laying across my shootign rail
  12. Never heard that $hit flows down hill? And I'd have to say that place deserves every bit they can get.
  13. If you have the tags, take the does. Build some confidence. Forget the doe with fawns hang up. They can survive just fine and there is a school of thought to take the one that have button bucks with them so the button bucks hang around that area rather than being pushed out. Don't sweat it. Keep it light, shoot some deer and enjoy
  14. in my experience taking deer is an important part of the whole process. Without it you can not develop the skills you need to be a successful hunter. I know guys that have great property, practice like crazy and pay attention to all the details you are supposed to but fall apart when a deer shows up (not to mention a buck of a lifetime). Making that covert draw of the bow, talking yourself through the shot and then the follow up of tracking are just as important skills to develop in my opinion.
  15. I guess those people they polled should have gone out and voted on November 8th then, becasue the ones that did vote did not favor that position.
  16. Maybe you should as well 23. "Large capacity ammunition feeding device" means a magazine, belt, 22 drum, feed strip, or similar device, [manufactured after September thir- 23 teenth, nineteen hundred ninety-four,] that (a) has a capacity of, or 24 that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten 25 rounds of ammunition,_or_(b)_contains_more_than_seven_rounds_of_ammuni- 26 tion,_or_(c)_is_obtained_after_the_effective_date_of_the_chapter_of__the 27 laws__of__two_thousand_thirteen_which_amended_this_subdivision_and_has_a 28 capacity_of,_or_that_can_be_readily_restored__or__converted__to__accept, 29 more__than_seven_rounds_of_ammunition; provided, however, that such term 30 does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and 31 capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition or_a 32 feeding_device_that_is_a_curio_or_relic._A__feeding__device__that__is__a 33 curio_or_relic_is_defined_as_a_device_that_(i)_was_manufactured_at_least 34 fifty__years__prior__to__the_current_date,_(ii)_is_only_capable_of_being 35 used_exclusively_in_a_firearm,_rifle,_or_shotgun_that__was__manufactured 36 at_least_fifty_years_prior_to_the_current_date,_but_not_including_repli- 37 cas__thereof,__ So based on this being a new manufacture item that accepts the old style magazines the magazines in capacity of over 10 are banned.
  17. The only way it would be possible is if the magazine only fit that weapon that is older than 50 years and can be used in no other weapon that is newer than 50 years. The fact that they are making new ones that will fit the older magazines it makes those magazines a banned item. For the average guys to be able to say that their magazine fits NO OTHER MODERN weapon might be a stretch. especially with some of the questions we see here. If that isn't the section you were referencing, please fill me in.
  18. NO MAGAZINES IN NY OVER 10. Age of the weapon has no bearing on that portion.
  19. I can see how having the muzzle of a loaded shotgun in very close proximity pointed at a person, with the safety off , resulting in a fatal discharge could meet that. It is also a deviation from ANY standard a reasonable hunter, firearms owner or the majority of average people would know is an unjustifiable risk.
  20. That would seem to fit in my opinion. For what that is worth
  21. I didn't hear it on the radio but that is the same account I heard from a friend that knows the family.
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