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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. do little research into Honey burns. Once you locate a likely area and set up using the wind it can really be a scent attractant.
  2. Happy birthday Eddie. Wishing you a great season and many many more years.
  3. I don't see how an opposite shoulder shot on a quartering too puts you in the vitals?
  4. I can touch up my 3 hunting heads on my diamond stone to razor sharp in under 15 minutes. They sharpen on a normal flat stone. Honestly if you don't have that amount of extra time in your schedule, I do't know what to say. I bet I could resharpen in the time it takes to switch out the blades on a Rage
  5. Makes no sense at all. they can be in there is not hunting but as soon as they hunt they can't. idiots.
  6. Do what works for you. Was just cautioning new people so they weren't caught unaware. Based on the OSHA standards that I deal with an attachment point needs to hold 5,000 pounds or be part of a fully designed system. Their basis is a 220# person falling 6' without the aid of a deceleration device. That has a safety factor of 2 becasue the force placed on the anchor point is about 2,250# during such a fall.
  7. Is rifling counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere too?
  8. Is rifling counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere too?
  9. so if I shoot east or west it is just bullet drop becasue of the spin of the earth, but if I shoot north and south I have to compensate for drop and windage becasue of the rotation? lol
  10. This is a pretty straight forward explanation of the forces that cause wind. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/synoptic/wind.html
  11. I just looked up the strap and carabiner system and they are $26 for a 3 pack. Doesn't seem that expensive to get them and place them at each stand location for the season. I can't imagine that the buckle would be more noisy that tapping the step with a duct tape covered pipe. Don't take this the wrong way, but we have a lot of new folks on this site and we need to be careful with suggestions like these.
  12. I wouldn't use that in any situation. Heating and bending metal will change the properties of it and you are using a step outside it's intended purpose. I am not saying it won't work and keep you from hitting the ground but the products that are designed and manufactured for the purpose of fall arrest have calculations and safety factor that are ASSURED to work. I appreciate the testing you did but I suggest you look into how fall arrest systems are tested. The "shock" of a fall is much different loading than what you tested. In my mind having an anchor point that MAY work is almost worse than no anchor point at all. With a false sense of security we may do what we wouldn't when not tied in.
  13. terain and large features can effect the funneling of them as well. can be subtly different a half mile up the road.
  14. pressure systems will vary that in the short term though. I like using this map to show what we are up against in general. http://hint.fm/wind/
  15. Normal weather flow in the northern hemisphere is west to east.
  16. I lease from this company. might be something in you price range and distances you want. http://www.cottonhanlon.com/#!hunting-leases/c16gk
  17. Freedom of speech isn't without consequences though. You can certainly have the right to say what you wish but if those words adversely effect the image of, say, the company you work for, you can have consequences. If enough people get on the NFL becasue Kap doesn't portray the "image" of the sportsman that the public is buying then he could end up DTFR.
  18. Hope Solo says 'We played a bunch of Cowards', when referencing the Swede's play during the US loss. She gets a six month suspension.
  19. I always use the ones with the rubber interior boot with the wax outer ring. They a fool proof. I had a issue at camp though. the pipe rises and settles about 1/2" with the frost. would squeeze out the wax and not be sealed when the thaw came. I used on of the new style foam and rubber ones and it has worked great for to winters. Didn't leak a bit, even with that movement.
  20. I have cooked with them. I have rehydrated and used in soups. I've even done it with apples for use in things like cobbler. I think the best pairing with a dehydrator is a vacuum sealer. BUT the flavor is NOT as the fresh was. Not bad but not as flavorful. As a bonus Doc they maker very good jerky too.
  21. He wasn't even close to my first choice and didn't get my primary vote but if he just did two things he said, nominate SCOTUS from his list and repeal the executive orders from Obama, I would be a happy camper. After that I really don't care if the government is in total gridlock. As far as I am concerned if they can't pass a law they can't further screw things up.
  22. If in fact they are equally POS's, I ask you to consider one this that may set them apart. Who will end up sitting on the Supreme Court if either one gets in. That is what is governing my vote.
  23. I would add that he could even enhance it with the introduction of a few food source species
  24. one pin slider. Still have to add the touch master to mine for "at full draw adjust ability". I love the simplicity and accuracy of these. I am on target to 30 and if I ever go beyond and need adjustment there is plenty of time becasue the shot would need to be perfect and plenty of time for me to take it. http://www.sight-master.com/p22.html
  25. A 10 acres of golden rod field can provide cover, travel corridors and some food sources. they can also be some of the most frustrating areas to hunt...lol. Typically a mower or brush hog is habitats worst enemy but I have seen it work well to modify the travel patterns to the hunters advantage. You said there were hedgerows in these fields. Nothing more frustrating than seeing that big rack about 50 yards out in the golden rod walking parallel to you and only seeing the rack. The one place we used to hunt we brushhogged center sections to force the travel closer to the hedgerows (where our stands were)
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