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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Perfectly logical. Good luck and there had better be pictures.
  2. Especially since in these high population areas DEC is doing everything but making them line up for the firing squad.
  3. I will agree it will increase the tax revenue. at least until the Govt gets greedy and the taxes make it feasible for a black market again. Now with the revenue there are cost. and those are what is really debated. Social, economic, rehabilitation, increases in drug use. Imagine how sue happy NY is and how much the system favors the worker, how the workers comp and accident injury claims will pan out.
  4. Oh it is possible and is in full swing. Pouring money to those that don't earn it. Funny you use the United States big forerunner for socialist welfare programs. One benefit of then compared to now. At least they had them do busy work for the money
  5. How about this. To shore up NY's failing printing industry, help out the post office and public transportation, why give every deer in these high density areas a PO box. Then we can mail them a formally printed invitation and a free one way pass on the bus or train of their choice and just let them know where we want them to relocate to?
  6. So pouring money down the toilet (OUR MONEY, I might add) justifies pouring more down? There is liberal logic for you...lol
  7. You are better off. Your blood pressure will thank you.
  8. In reality we are not all that brutal compared to Mother Nature.
  9. KE = 0.5 • m • v2 Any idea what the "v" is?
  10. without the speed and arrow weight I couldn't know for sure but sure does sound light to me. Pick your shot wisely. You only have to get to the heart but just do get the broad head TO the heart is probably like shooting through 1 1/2 whitetails. A bison's chest has to be 3' across. and the ribs are much heavier than a deer's.
  11. Cost shouldn't be an issue? Can we just lock this thread right now? lol
  12. Out of a properly tuned bow, any quality broadhead will.
  13. You just can't make this stuff up. To think that these idiots are out there breeding and voting. How many of them that are championing for the deer would be lined up to carry a sign in a free choice rally?
  14. the ones that run into the car are the best. usually broken neck and what is damaged can be front quarters. Hinds are usually pretty good.
  15. get the tag, strap her on the trunk and bring her home.
  16. he did go on. Talked to land owner at both deer. Both Said nothing he could do. Both deer were 140+ bucks so that probably played I to the owners decision.
  17. would or wouldn't? The landowner doesn't hunt, why wouldn't they issue the tag?
  18. the last two nights the 1.5 year old bucks are dogging the does hard. (college frat boy freshman on their first Friday night away form home). I have 6 does in the two nights with 10 yards of my stand at different times and couldn't get a shot because they were in full out fleeing. The one does had her tongue hanging right out from being run so hard. The young bucks just haven't figured out that the "time" isn't there yet. But it is getting close.
  19. Well if anyone here has an IPhone it would seem to be a good Idea to get this set up. Might save you $$$
  20. yeah, that was it. I think it is a setting though and not an app you had to download. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201472
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