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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Just so we all are on the same page. I cringe whenever I see a "low" brass or "High" brass comment, because it is kind of deceiving. Kind of like saying doe the Nickel coated 30-06 case have more power than the brass case? It really is about the powder charge and the weight of the shot. While high brass tends to be more and low brass, less it isn't a great indicator. If you have ever slug hunted for deer and seen the old "Activ" shells, they were all plastic and not brass at all.
  2. The Raptor is gas operated. It must have some very stiff springs to only cycle heavy loads. even the older recoil operated Remington 1148 and Browning square backs had provisions to flip components to allow for shooting light loads.
  3. Couple hour trip out to Henrietta but you won't find a better hat. There is a reason celebrities come to get his custom hats. They are fantastic. http://www.davebrownhats.com
  4. if you go down the side of the sternum it is light cartilage and no need for any hammering. cuts through pretty easy
  5. Hair won't be an issue either direction if you open the stomach area with the sharp side up. The hair won't end up on the meat unless you cut it. same for skinning, sharp edge out. I go at it about like others, I work Butt to sternum, but, unless I plan on saving the cape I go right up the side of the sternum and split the ribs and make for easy access to the lungs and the windpipe.
  6. Papabear, so sorry, losing a member of the family is the worst.
  7. I have a Remington 11-48 in 16. It has a poly type factory choke. wonderful little small game gun and very useful for deer when they are standing around a corner from you. Just aim straight ahead and it is capable of 89 degree turns with the slug...lol
  8. Not anymore. It is optional in many schools and the kids aren't not required to even stand to say nothing about actually reciting the Pledge. Seems like the ones so offended by the Confederate battle flag are the ones that feel kids should not have to acknowledge the US flag either. At least they are consistent in that regards.
  9. Not a fan a see though rings. proper head placement and steadiness is loss with your head elevated to the height to use the scope. when that steadiness is gone so is your accuracy. I would rather see it mounted low and with a very low magnification variable scope of low power fixed. check out the vortex low power variables life time warranty and their customer service is great. http://www.cameralandny.com/optics/vortex.pl?page=vortexcrossfireii2-7x32
  10. Personally I don't think any flag should fly over an government building other that the US , state and local flag if applicable. I can see some appropriate use on government property of the Confederate battle flag, in a historical sense, but in typical US fashion everything it over the top and taken to the extreme. I feel it is totally appropriate for the flag to be displayed at Fort Sumter and in and historical reference. But now that wont be happening.
  11. I deal with them too. That is why I was asking the questions. Finding a way to keep someone on the payroll and being a nice guy can actually come back to bite you if it isn't done for everyone. It really boils down to consistency and that is all of these cases when having any dealings with any protected class. This is in the framework of an employer. The other topic that has been all across the media is the issues with businesses that deny services for what ever reason. I think we went over it some on here but it really is a tough subject if you are a business and have strong beliefs.
  12. But what do you do if they can do Most of the job duties? Just not all of them? In our legal and regulated system I am just saying that it isn't always what makes sense. Your comment may or may not be legal depending on other factors.
  13. Don't get me wrong, I am not disagreeing with you. The Department of Labor however does not share some of your "radical and oppressive" views.
  14. how about a woman that becomes pregnant and can not longer physically perform the duties of her position?
  15. how about the supermarket cashiers that are Muslim but refuse to ring up purchases that has pork? I seem to recall a case not that long ago where the employer had to make accommodations.
  16. Others have also done it. I think with a formal position to allow it, the result will be more abductions.
  17. I was referring to votes that reflect popular opinion. I don't get that same view from appointees.
  18. What vote are you referring to? The only "votes' I am aware of were at the State levels. That really is my point. gay marriage is not the popular view point in many areas of the nation however the Amendments are being used as vague justification for it. In the same breath the "popular" stance on Gun Control is used as justification to side step a specified and enumerated right. I guess it just makes a difference which side it serves.
  19. So if they bring it down to a whisper in your ear, that would turn you on? Sorry Steve, had to...lol
  20. I was speaking to the unequal approach to "interpreting" the Constitution.
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