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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. And another Dallas nurse that was exposed similarly is now on a cruise ship And e have a new Czar of Ebola that has...get ready....absolutely NO medical experience at all.
  2. NO way out the door. too noisy. Windows are much quieter and don't let as much heat our from the wood stove.
  3. Joe, Thanks for giving the youth hunters the attention. Nice to see their trophies and their happiness.
  4. It doesn't get much better than coordinates. If it were me I would email the complaint and have a photo as well.
  5. high heavy duty rubber gloves like sold in the cleaning or paint stripping section of hardware store. they come up mid forearm. buy one pair. turn you right one inside out and put both on the left hand. (or the other way depending on the hand. I did this for a sliced palm one year and works great.
  6. GPS coordinates. Who's owns the property is irrelevant for the baiting activity.
  7. increase the fine to something that really matters and implement a change that the fines fund more help. (If I am wishing I will wish big, don't rain on my parade...lol)
  8. We have 3 seasons in with it (this is our 4th) and do at least 100# a year. 2 years ago we did over 160# We don't do a little at a time. we chunk what we are going to grind and freeze it. On the sausage weekend we partial thaw and shove it thorough. you can't feed that thing fast enough to keep up with it.
  9. Or if they actually responded to the TIPP complaints, people would be more likely to call.
  10. I don't think you do for a muzzleloader either. Buddy just had one shipped UPS from manufacturer right to his house
  11. If we could go back in a time machine to the time before the Civil War and talked to Native Americans of frontiersmen, they would be laughing their butts off at us. They were the ultimate "brown and down" people. The holier than thou tone and attitude we have brought to this activity is crazy. Almost like we are trying to evaluate what we are doing so we don't feel badly about it.
  12. Conrats. Get a container and see if you can collect the urine when you gut her. Getting to about that time...
  13. give me your address, I have to stock up for sausage making season...lol
  14. I am betting that since they are requiring a ML tag to use one it will be classified as other firearms and not be able to use a stand...it is however in the last two weeks of archery season so who knows. The whole tree stand crap makes no sense to me any way. you can be in a stand at 12 with a bow but not at 15 with a gun. I would suggest getting an email out instead of calling then you have a record of the answer. You are still region 8 at camp? right?
  15. The guys are right, It isn't hunting., but neither is stopping by the supermarket and picking up a steak. Meat for the freezer?....I would take her.
  16. need to tenderize it if you are keeping it. the grinding, canning and slow cooking are the best options. It can take as long to trim all that out as cutting up the rest of the whole deer....lol
  17. guy or gal, when I am at the range I watch everyone that comes up shoot. It isn't until I see that they know what they are doing that I can get my head around what I am there to do. And when they don't'. I get h phone out and wait for that youtube moment...lol
  18. totally not true. No regulations on private sales.
  19. Joining a club or an organization may be the best way to go for many of them if they don't have other support. I know some shooting schools and instructors are offering women only courses to take the awkward feelings away. Good idea if you ask me.
  20. 1982 Doe. Back when they still had party permits for my area
  21. Well I can see how you stay here on Hunting NY will be...unbelievable.
  22. Go to the recipe section. Someone just post a good recipe a while ago for venison Osso buco. a knife and a saw and cut right across and save the pieces.
  23. when I was putting them on State land I etched my info right on them. used something like this. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Dremel-Electric-Engraver-Tool-290-01/100394725
  24. Welcome and unfortunately, as hunters, we are not immune to the same scum that exist in every other aspect of life. I remember growing up as a kid (am 49 now) and my parents didn't even know where the key was to the lock on the front door to our house. It was never locked unless we went away and then the back door was opened so we could get in. We see too many of these posts on this forum around this time of year. Sorry for your loss.
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