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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Better rephrase that. You aren't supposed to be able to. But there are places that allow it contrary to the regulations.
  2. Add to that the push for the extension of the unemployment benefits. I know many need this but it too is being abused. I would be for the extension if employers had the option of reporting ones on it that turn down work. In the last two years I have offered to bring over two dozen back to work and were refused because they still had weeks left to collect.
  3. I think I remember that tattoo. Was it the one that said "Place beer here"
  4. You weren't commenting about he immature buck thing were you? LOL
  5. There could be a positive with the A Hole pushing this. He already has many many gun owners up in arms (pun intended) because of the safe act. Let's look at die hard bow hunters that really might not have an axe to grind with the safe act unless they CC. Hopefully the crossbow passing and inclusion will just piss off a whole other group of New Yorkers and gear them the vote the guy out.
  6. He is giving us the use of the Crossbow so they can still get deer taken when the guns are gone or you cant afford ammo.
  7. I want the name of that Doe for mating with an immature buck. Isn't that called "statutory something or other"? Some one needs to hold her accountable.
  8. " I am the only one in the room, responsible enough to carry this Glock 40" ummmmmmmmm.....NO.....You aren't
  9. I know was is supposed to happen but it seems they safe act has clouded everything for everyone, including LEO's. Would have been a crime even before but now. Who knows?
  10. Wonder what time today they stopped in to pick up the rest of his guns?
  11. I do think there are parts of NY that have population densities nearing those in those parts of MD. Typically the areas with limited access. I have been involved in trying to fill DMAP's for a landowner. Nursery and farms. Stacking them is expected. best we did was 13 in one day with 5 guys and there were still 5 DMAP's that didn't get filled. The next year is was just like we never had taken a deer off the property.
  12. I have found that most of the times it is the ones that THINK they have a skill or a superior work ethic are the ones that as so quick to pull out the "Unethical card"
  13. Huh...Unethical to shoot at moving deer. Unethical to put a stand up following all regulations. Unethical to try and fill all your tags. They way these threads are going could one of you guys, that know just how things should really be, please make up a list of the unethical things. Better yet. Make a list of Ethical things. Apparently that list will be smaller
  14. Fairness- ok Ethical- Still don't see how his method or shots were unethical. Legal and resulted in quick kills. Respect-How do you measure respect as you slam an ounce of lead through a deer at over 1,000FPS? but Ok. He had tags and quick kills. Seems more respectful than poking one with an arrow to run off 50 to 100 yards or more. Fellowship-Yes. If I were doing drives and he couldn't make it I sure would hope some one was shooting as well as he did.
  15. Has only been linked since using this new system where you get the wad of tags to put in your pocket...lol. When we had the stamps it wasn't. The Non-resident cuts are the ones that piss me off. Give the people that aren't burdened with NY's crazy taxes the break on the licenses. That seems fair. I actually like the a la carte feature of this. It could save guys that don't hunt everything of fish a break.
  16. So what part of him (this hunt) doesn't make the cut in that definition, In you opinion?
  17. I am not so sure it couldn't be ready now to implement. Even if it isn't they could have it before November but no way will they roll it out until after the election. I would love to see the impact of this used in ads and such prior to the election. The word has to get to those that normally wouldn't vote but will feel the impact. We have to at least talk to every fire arms owner we know.
  18. Great Video. Grew up doing that. I really miss hearing them on a hot track.
  19. If it is allowed I see no problem with it. It is allowed on any state land I have been on. I think there is a time frame where they must be removed by the end of the season. When you say you "have been doing this" for 40 years do you mean carrying in and setting up ladder stands every day you hunt?
  20. Very easy to fillet out. And worth the extra seconds
  21. Buddy of mine had pretty good luck too this weekend. 3 eyes and a host of panfish. Shawn. spend the 15 bucks and buy a set of the ice cleats that go on the bottom of your boots. worth every penny.
  22. Probably not, unless one is unsafe and careless in one it is likely they would be in the other. I wouldn't want this guy at camp.
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