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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. And if you can't hit a running deer at that distance then don't. It isn't an ethical issue. If you don't have the skill, do a little more practice or at least don't hate on those that can. I think this guy can. Little back on #2 but with 4 der and 4 down it was not luck.
  2. I would like to hear the members on the forum that didn't have a problem with the safe act because no one needed a AW or a high capacity mag and "I only hunt so it won't effect me" types, chime in on this. How does that $25 box of slugs feel as it is pushed up sideways
  3. Well if you honestly believe what you wrote in your previous post and bow hunt you are a hypocrite. Same goes if you are carrying a rifle that you chamber more than one round in.
  4. What guns do you hunt with? Do you bow hunt?
  5. As close as those were if you didn't understand your back drop or possible dangers in the are prior to them showing up I would agree that you shouldn't be shooting
  6. They have had contact with the State Police that there will initially be a $10 fee for ammo background checks with an increase expected to go up to $20. How is the cost of that box of hunting ammo looking now? Seems like they are promoting bulk purchases. Isn't that counter productive to what "they" would want?
  7. Wonder what stuffing would be best in an Eagle? Do you think a Cab would go well or should you stay with a Chardonnay?
  8. I work with several guys that live and hint in MD. Many of there areas have crazy high tags issued. If you hunt in some of those areas the one guy took over 20 deer.
  9. The Authors didn't agree with you but that doesn't matter. we can agree they are "given" and they should be absolute.
  10. 3 for 4 needing no finishing shot is sloppy?
  11. Doc, I blame that dam Walt Disney character. It is all his fault!!!! LOL. Seriously thought I think the media (all forms) have almost done some brain washing, whether intentional or not to give animals feelings and human characteristics. That didn't happen years ago, at least to this extent.
  12. Did have a very troubled time in his life but he seems to have turned things around. I will never get on anyone for failing or falling down. But lay there in self pity and refuse to TRY and pick yourself up and then there is an issue. All said and done their $$$ will go up because of this. and I would bet you see Phil run for some sort of office in the next 4 years.
  13. And Prior and since his stint on A&E he was preaching, Publically presenting the same messages. In the employment business and HR world it is about consistency. If a behavior or action occurs and no action is taken once and then is at another time it can be problematic legally.
  14. Everyone have a safe and happy holiday season. Get to your destinations in one piece and hold family close.
  15. NOT a fan but I have done it once at 25 yards on a wounded buck and it was all I had. Didn't want to risk having it get up after the 1/4 mile track. It was bedded and looking away with bad wind and crunchy leaves. Once it is wounded I will take about anything that is offered as a target.
  16. I never did but I knew if I lipped off to an elder (other than my parents) and they took action like a slap, a spank or a soap in the mouth action My parents would take action. Not today's action of calling the cops but calling the one I mouthed off too and apologizing and then the real punishment would start for me. I once was just with two guys that egged the house of the neighborhood grumpy old man. You know the kind that thought he owned the street in front of his house. Come out yelling anytime kids stopped in front of his house type.. I never threw an egg. I was there. I was in 3rd grade. the other to kids' parents did nothing to them when we were caught. My parents made me clean the house and mow the guys lawn for the entire season once a week. Taught me a good lesson in how being associated with the wrong people can effect you.
  17. I was born in 65. I remember many of the same sayings and situations you guys are talking about. I had very little issue with the "clean your plate" rule until it came to beets and broccoli. I can remember gagging to get it down so I didn't have to sit until it was gone. Like Greybreard said we have had many many advances and I too take advantage of soooo many of them. They have made our lives "better" What they have done though is remove the newer generations from what used to be or even what it actually takes to do things like produce a product. A steak is something on a foam tray. How many could plant a garden. Besides my Father and Uncles Boy Scouts was a huge contributor to a lot of kids back then. I lived in a small town and the Troop I was in was very very active. We camped at least once every other month all year long. rain, snow or shine. Fire making, survival, use of firearms and shooting, archery, shelter building, fire starting, primitive trap building. Cooking, How to purify or sanitize water. It wasn't in a Prepper type of mentality but it was skills that used to be needed and were being passed down even though it probably wouldn't be needed. It taught independence as well as working in a group. Probably the biggest skill I still use all the time today is actual knot tying. amazing sometimes just watching someone at Lowes trying to put something on the top of their car. Good thing they invented ratchet straps...lol. One of the first things I did when I ran home from school was to grab the shotgun and hit the back woods for grouse squirrel and rabbit. Everyone knew each other around you and you could go anywhere. Everything seemed more connected back then.
  18. Carbon risers. Rubber grips on the Hoyt. Never cold
  19. Depending on the size gun you actually want there always is the option of getting the Sig that you can buy the kits for also to just change calibers.
  20. Lol. I know. Reality shows are anything but
  21. Just one that can spit ignorance and you are painted with it. Your view on this amazes me. You have a need to see bigotry where there is none. Obviously have an issue with his choice of faith. I'll pray for you, seems you need it
  22. Bingo. I think this was their way out. I think a move to a better paying deal is just what was in mind. 200k per episode for the whole family is small change for th popularity they have.
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