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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. That was Georgia's apprentice program. For the record there is NO minimum on the number of people attending a hunter ed class. if you have the instructor they can set up a PRIVATE class just for participants. That is what we did. just our 5 participants and our Secretary/Treasurer. 6 students
  2. I do know a few guys that you could air drop them into the middle of Four Season's farm and they wouldn't see a deer.
  3. Their apprenticeship program is great. No hunter education class required if the apprentice is directly with a licensed mentor. Makes it easier to get someone out.
  4. age and experience makes a smarter buck. Not genetics.
  5. i am curious where you got the 75%yearling number you keep using for NY buck harvest/
  6. So if I read this correctly you feel we have different priorities and you state yours. Would that mean that you believe that those aren't mine? Just for shits and giggles, how old were you when you started hunting and how long have you done it?
  7. Thanks. It's been a lot of work but very enjoyable. We aren't really doing it like National or some other states did. We won't all be hunting one property on the same day. We wanted a smallish class to be able to give them multiple outings with different mentors and on different properties. Hopefully to get them all at least a deer by season end. they have a pocket full of DMP's in varying areas so I hope it goes well. We already have 8 on next years waiting list. If popularity continues to grow about the program it may just end up being a word of mouth thing and other branches can pick up participants too.
  8. young hunters that gun hunt have 3 seasons to make that experience before the AR's limit them. (14-15 amd 16 years old) Beginning adults have no chance to gain that experience. You make is sound so easy to just be in an area that allows you to take a doe. How much of the state has NO or limited DMP's. It's quite a bit actually. My point is you shot young deer. You enjoyed the experience i would assume and you grew to a point where you wanted more. Personally i think that is the natural progression of a hunter. IMO the AR's choose to legislate and mandate a hunters progression. I'd rather have this come through education rather than legislation. I'd also like to add one this. Buck act differently than does. We act differently when a buck appears. Heck just look at the buck fever threads and some of the live from the woods stuff
  9. It's been really fun for me and I am sure the other mentors as well. I am looking forward to opening day like it is my first hunt...lol
  10. I hunt with a TC encore in 308 win. 15" barrel. Rested it is capable of tennis ball groups at 200 yards. I load my own and shoot 130 grain Hornady soft points over 34 grains of H4895
  11. Once I decide I am shootign I don't look at the antlers anymore. Pick the spot to shoot at and keep telling myself to hold the sights on the spot.
  12. That is valuable experience and in the AR areas the young or first time hunters don't have that luxury.
  13. As part of our Field to Fork program we had hoped to show the participants how to skin and butcher a deer before the firearms season started. Up until Saturday the deer didn't seem the understand our schedule and our mentors had not connected with a deer that we could demonstrate on. On Saturday morning I was lucky enough to get a good buck and I sent out a group text for butchering on Sunday. 3 participants were able to make it and we went through skinning, breaking the deer down into major muscle groups and trimming and processing into good wholesome food for the table. In the one picture is our 3 participants Kati, Braden and Ryan giving a little "cheers salute" with their first sample of fried heart. It was a hit and I commend them for stepping outside their comfort zone to give it a try. That attitude is what will make them successful hunters. Stay tuned in for some pics of their deer throughout the season. It always takes longer to properly instruct someone rather than doing it yourself but what I kept stressing to them was "you can't screw it up". Break it into muscles and let your fingers show you where to make the cuts. Worse case scenario, if you handled the deer properly while gutting, transporting and hanging, you get delicious ground and stew meat. If you want steaks, cut across the grain. They did a wonderful job and even if they choose to take their deer to a butcher in the future, they have done it and would be able to in a pinch.
  14. I have to second that choice. Wife got it for me for my birthday and I put 15# of sliced venison in it and still had one tray left empty. Never had to rotate trays. It worked equally well on sliced jerky and using the jerky shooter.
  15. Well it happened this morning. Was windy when I got In the stand. Then at about 7 am it went calm. Looked across the creek and up the side hill and saw a good sized deer walking within 10 yards of my buddy’s stand. Oh did I mention he slept in this morning and didn’t come? Looked through binos and it had a decent rack. He is about 200 yards away or better. I hit the grunt call and he turns and starts that bristled stiff legged walk towards me. I had my crossbow. Seemed like forever for him to cover that ground but he came in a straight line towards me. Got to the path I walked I. And started sniffing twigs I had rubbed against walking in. But he kept coming. 25 yards and he turned broadside to walk up a path. Shot. He bolted for about 40 yards through the thick crap and I saw him stand for a few seconds and then walk off. Gave him and hour and he was down about 15’ from the last I saw him.
  16. wasn't that the thread with the neighbor slinging mud onto his truck thread that got resolved? I didn't think anything happened here.
  17. Even with the barrel out the window on this it is going to be louder than normal because of the over hang. I have never noticed a big difference in how loud a shot is when out of a normal window but that overhang is going to reflect it back.
  18. It says visible in the middle of your back. if it's on your coast and then you put on a backpack it no longer is. Personally I will take my chances having it on my backpack. I can't see any officer giving you a ticket for that unless you are wise mouthed or have other tickets issued as well.
  19. I agree. Personally I wouldn't push my crossbow beyond 40 and that would have to be a relaxed deer with perfect conditions. To me the noise will get there before the arrow so the further you push it the more likely they are to react to the loud crossbows.
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