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Everything posted by tughillhunter

  1. i use oats as a cover plot, and brassicas. havent had great lck with the brassicas yet, but i think the colder the weather gets, the more they hit them up. i wanna try corn and clover next year for an expirement.
  2. the pic is only 25 yards from my stand, and if you notice, there are 2 scrapes side by side. im hoping to see him again. seen him on a thursday night, and last tues day night on a doe in thick cover.
  3. seen this guy in the daytime twice, had no good shot at him. the date on cam says 2005, but it was taken last night, i didnt set time and date, was in a hurry to get camera up. Hopefully he will make a mistake during the day
  4. ive never seen them do it, but ive seen turdlets on scrapes numerous times
  5. I live 5 mins from redfield. had 3 inches yesterdat, just a dusting this a.m. it all melted off.
  6. i sure do like that cart...... nice deer, congrats
  7. I am a union ironworker, local 60, syracuse ny. I do my own welding/fabricating on the side. Eventualy i would like to have my own ornamental ironworks company when i get going a lil more.
  8. Im off topic, since im in northern zone and its rifle season.... its been hit and miss for me. one night im grunting in 8 pts, the next night nothing. Tonight was a flop, not one deer, then when i left my in laws, there was a six point running up their fence line. Another night i had a shot that i couldnt take because of safety reasons on same 8 pt. He is either in a range that i cant shoot because of safety, or he is in a thicket and only see his head and refuse to shoot and just wound him. ugghhhhh. I just have to remain patient. He will come into the zone i hope.
  9. try deer creek marsh..... its a pretty good spot, and, chateagway up here by me, lots of activity, and no one hunts it.
  10. exactly. i think sum1 just had it out for the dog or something, idk. he was an awesome dog.
  11. Simiar situation happened to me, about the same age. Someone shot my great dane twice, in the neck, with a .22. It was awful. Nobody did anything about it. Ill never forget it.
  12. Starting last season, my family started a hunt for dissabled veterans. It was a huge success. We took hunters around to various spots on our land and placed them in ground blinds. I want to do it again this year, and try to get other hunters thru the state to participate. Any ideas?
  13. i hate it when i walk in the early a.m. and the deer snort at me. scares me to death everytime, lol
  14. I have heard that the dialation of the eyes is different, from the brightness of the spotlight. Read it in ny conservation a few years back. As how reliable this is, i do not know.
  15. im going off topic for a sec...... whats the deal with crossbows? I thought u had to have some kind of disability to use the crossbow, unless that was a rumor. To be super honest, i dont know, but it would be cool to try one out.
  16. Just sick. I dont know how something could go so long un noticed.
  17. i was diagnosed too, a few years back, and then another doc said i didnt have it.... i recently heard there was some med for repelling ticks, but idk the truth behind it. you may want to call your local dr office.
  18. thats my problem..... i watched a you tube video and it said every 30 mins or so.... i dont really know
  19. ill post a pic of the rack... im new to rattling kind of
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