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About BigRed44

  • Birthday 09/13/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Newfield, NY

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  • Hunting Location
    Newfield NY/ Ridgebury PA
  • Hunting Gun
    Savage .308 or CVA .50 cal
  • Bow
    Hoyt Protec
  • HuntingNY.com
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  1. I didn't see this mentioned yet. While checking for spark, put a new plug in it. Even if the old plug looks fine, it could still be at fault. I had this happen recently that the plug looked okay and had spark but it just wasn't hot enough to start a cold engine. And please, do not put a champion plug in it. Go to a powersports shop and get the right NGK plug. Good luck.
  2. Not many fawn in my area this year. Haven't seen or heard much of turkey since the spring either. Last trail cam check shows about as many coyote pics as deer. This is the worst I have seen them here. They look to be very well fed too.
  3. Seems like mine is always later than everyone else. Usually sometime in August.
  4. Deer camp is for me is at home. Breakfast will likely be smiley face pancakes. Lunch will consist of some PB&J sandwiches with the crust cut off, paw patrol cheese sticks and fruit snacks. And for dinner, maybe we'll go all out with chicken nuggets and tater tots.
  5. I think this is pretty cool. Look forward to hearing this side of Clapton. Thanks for sharing.
  6. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/15huntguide.pdf Page 26 breaks it down.
  7. Page 26 of the hunting and trapping regulation guide. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/16huntguide.pdf
  8. Seems pretty straight forward. Never thought of using the jerky shooter to stuff casings. Was it tricky fitting the casing on the shooter nozzle?
  9. I was surprised to see one at about 5:30 pm last Friday in a soybean field near my house. After looking closer I could see 4 or 5 turkey out there too. I guess I spooked him away before he had a chance to grab some dinner.
  10. Do a search for Millport hunting and fishing club. They're off rt 14 between horseheads and Watkins. Also, lots of state land around. Connecticut hill state forest is only 30-40 minute drive from Elmira
  11. Had crow once at a wild game dinner at a rod and gun club. It was done in a crock pot like chicken wing dip... couldn't tell the difference.
  12. I've watched it a couple times. Very good documentary about deer. Cayuga heights, which they reference multiple times throughout the video is close to where I work in Ithaca. They are not exaggerating about the deer population at all. Its kind of weird having to watch out for deer when doing 10 mph in a parking lot.
  13. Here is one from last year. Got him from about 15 yards.
  14. Any good recipe's you'd like to share? I have been itching to go harvest some myself but I have a hard time getting the woman to eat them.
  15. I've taken my mosin nagant out a couple times in PA but never harvested a deer with it. Plan to try again this year and might take out the .303 British sometime too. I think it would be cool to take a deer with an older gun.
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