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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. This cracks me up.....We read into the deer too much. Actually I was thinking the same thing coming home. If its above 45 the deer stop moving down below 20 the deer stop moving. Someone should take the posts on this site and do a correlation with the weather. Honestly as I get older I truly believe if you get the opportunity to harvest a deer and waste it, it will bite you in the arse more times than not in the end. extremely true for us weekend warriors.
  2. As I get older the lust to kill a deer fades and is replaced with what I really need in the freezer and what is good for the deer. I have no problems killing a doe, I rather a big doe than a 1.5 year old buck. The little ones are off limits for me, yes they taste good, I just can't see it unless your a first timer. We are all different in the way we feel and the way we hunt.
  3. Was talking to my brother on our way home from camp yesterday. He regretted not shooting a real big spike horn opening day. We are basically weekend warriors headed to camp to deer hunt. I told him unless you are holding out for one of the big boys you better not waste an opportunity. I shot a doe opening morning at 7:00. It didn't scare any of the deer around and I had a nice 8 pt come into a scrape two hours later. She was big and the thought of letting her walk was not an option. As it goes I did not get another chance at a big doe all Thanksgiving weekend. I can't make the last weekend so I'm basically done. Right time right place take the shot and don't regret it.
  4. or look for a pool of blood below the meat! The ice cube trick is good Thanks.
  5. Saran wrap and wax paper. Each one is labeled with the cut of meat. No need for the date and kill on it.
  6. We saw 1 deer Sunday on the back of a truck. That was 5 hours on Rt 17, we usually see in the teens. In area 8P very little gun shots and no deer movement. Saturday morning was 7 degrees...........
  7. Nothing saturday night and Sunday morning. The trees are iced over pines hanging low. I would imagine they aren't too far from the standing corn. There is a good amount still standing i my area. Picked up the 4 deer we had cut up and had some sausage, man was it good. That may be it for the cabin this year, may sneak out the last weekend of muzzleloader but not sure. Not many shots at all this weekend. The ride home in 6 hours we only saw one spike on the back of a car. That is a first we usually get into the teens..........
  8. Glad it all came together!
  9. We didn't see a thing on Saturday. It was 9 degrees when we went out!!!! Made it until 10 then came back to thaw out.
  10. No deer taken this afternoon but we did see them. Jeff hunted the cabin and saw a doe with two fawns. I hunted at my bil property and saw 2 doe and a nice 8 pt that was off limits. He is into qdm and has a few bucks he wants to let grow. So far they have made it through season. At 4:00 I let out some estrous bleets and here comes a buck. My bil warned me about an 8 pt that was hanging around and not to shoot it. Well he came in to the bleets on a string. Had him at 50 yards broadside and let him walk. Real nice deer hope he makes it. It got cold today for sure!!!
  11. Forgot my new boots at home.....this sucks .Almost at camp.
  12. Forgot my new boots at home.....this sucks .Almost at camp.
  13. Headed back to camp this morning. Going up with my brother. I'll drop him off around 11 and I'll double back to Burdett to hunt at my BIL house this afternoon. This is the place I used to hunt years back. It will be fun going back.......We will hunt until Sunday afternoon. Neighbor said we can do some pushes on his property on Sunday, that is always fun. Good luck!
  14. Special thanks for all the men and woman serving overseas that aren't with their families today! No place like home, Happy Thanksgiving!
  15. I believe sunset is at 4:27, that would be a 2 minute sit!!! Be careful buddy.
  16. Hunt until 10, get your a ss home by 11 and do all you can for the wonderful woman you married. ps-just don't shoot one at 9:55 it will screw up everything!!
  17. I love that shot placement. I have dropped many deer where they stand with that shot, big bucks included. Congrats!
  18. Got a bit slippery for the wiener!!!!
  19. Culver, What do you do when your in camp and heavy snow is expected? Leave the trucks at the bottom and hike back in? I have 300 feet and sometimes that is a problem for me, 1 mile could suck.
  20. Looks to be a good read. http://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20131209,00.html
  21. Neighbor said we got 5 inches with a crusty top. That is near Bath.
  22. Feet and socks are soaked. Damn shoes that are 6 months old suck.
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