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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. I'm in 8p and med prob doe permit, wow. I'm a land owner and should get one anyway, hope that didn't change?
  2. I like the story and the work by the biologists that solved this mystery. I like to give a bit of credit to these guys, DNA is very hard to disprove. Think about it, there aren't many of these cats around so when they do find evidence they take dna samples and have a data base. Very easy for them to take samples from this cat and match it up. I believe the story and I believe that there are some cats in the east, cats that roam around not establishing a population.
  3. Tough to disprove DNA, why not? Just goes to show even when they have proof some still won't believe.
  4. It traveled from South Dakota, go figure. Had to pass through NYS so they do exist in the wild. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/27/officials-mountain-lion-traveled-from-south-dakota-to-connecticut/?&hpt=hp_c2
  5. Talk about clowns, it had to be 20 years ago I was on private property and along came two local guys. My BIL tells me they have permission and won't bother us, they entered the woods with no orange visible wearing brown Carhartts!!
  6. Basically what you think happened in that accident is true. I won't comment on the other things, enough hurt.
  7. I have heard a whole different story from people from that neighborhood then what this guy is saying.
  8. You have to remember to always put safety first. This is hard sometimes "in the moment" quick and clear thinking must prevail. I know of one person who shot himself in the foot. I think age and maturity makes you slow down and think about what type of situation you will be in. I'm with you on the paranoid side. You want to believe your in a safe situation but the fact is anything can happen at any time, be prepared.
  9. We have had them for the last two years. That little sucker is getting around.
  10. Don't miss that commute, did it for 38 years by train and car. To Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, and Westchester.Dave I can't wait till the day I'm siting on the porch of my cabin thinking I don't have to do it any more.
  11. So it looks like most of us will continue as we were in bow season. I just want to put out a scenario and you guys tell me what you think. Your a member of a hunting club and for the most part only 50% of the hunters hunt during bow season. DEC lets the use of the crossbow in bow season and now you have another 15% of the guys getting out. We know how a seasoned bowhunter acts in the woods, well now you have these guys in the woods at the same time you bow hunt. A couple of guys shoot decent bucks with the crossbow. How are you going to react? ??? ?
  12. I think it was 150 in NYC today. OMG it was the worst ever. My train only managed to be 30 minutes late, not bad!!!! lol
  13. Funny! They go in the barn! Thanks guys, I'll post more picts when done.
  14. Well I pulled the trigger on the addition I wanted to put on the cabin. Adding a 14x18 room with a full basement. It will also have a back porch. Staircase to the basement will be inside the room. Using the same guys who built the cabin 4 years ago, they did a great job! They tell me the foundation will be done next week and they will come back and finish the structure in Sept. When they built the cabin a Mennonite crew did all the construction, don't know if they will be using them again.
  15. My first place I ever owned was in the Catskills. Before buying the place we used to hunt state land in Roscoe on Morton Hill road. It's a huge track of 15,000 acres we camped near Campell brook trail.. Camping is great and we always had a wonderful time. The deer hunting isn't the best but I haven't been there in a long time so maybe it got better? This is camping only, maybe your looking for a cabin to rent? Good luck.
  16. When I bought my property there were 3 nice shooting boxes on it. Each piece of lumber was marked so they knew where it went during assembly out in the field. Each box also had a big funnel with a lid that drained to a buried 5 gal bucket.
  17. I been running 3 miles a day for years now. Its a good distance for me and keeps me in good shape. Since that episode with the cholesterol medicine I'm trying to lower my Triglycerides naturally. Doc has me on a low carb diet. lost 18lbs so far in about month and a half. Don't mind the diet and I still get to drink lite beer on the weekends! It works. keep it up Eddie!
  18. So let's just say the DEC will let you use the crossbow during the traditional bow season. There is a wide range of bowhunters out there. Those that shoot very often to guys who just pick up the bow 3 weeks before season and shoot a hundred arrows and off we go. For those hunters that are not so serious about using a compound bow my question is, will you be switching to a crossbow when DEC makes it legal in NY? This isn't a put-down, I think anyone who goes out with a bow (who practices) is serious but some may want to switch over. Thoughts??? I am a serious bow hunter but limited to the time I get to camp it's usually two 4 day weekends for me, right now my feeling is to stick with the compound bow, I also don't have the bucks to blow on a crossbow. :'(
  19. Van full of Mennonites crashed head-on into the tractor. A car tried to pass the tractor on a curve and the van avoided the car but hit the tractor. Prayers go out to them.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2011/US/07/19/new.york.tractor.accident/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  21. So are you telling us that you don't wear Scentlok garments like T-Bone on the other thread?? Too expensive for me. BTW never said I was against shooting does, just pointed out a scenario where you might want to think twice. That probably went right over your head. ;D We're just playing with you, Burt! We've never known you to take things as seriously as some others here. I know Steve. Doe, I do tend to screw up the shot more often with the bow. Odds are in your favor!!
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