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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by oneidacountyhunter

  1. Where the hell is Volney so I can stay outta there, (just remember to feed the cat for me please) LOL Seriously though I couldn't agree more. Although I don't have much expierence with tresspassers I would hate to have so much time and energy involved with the land just to have some knucklehead ruin it. I usually just have the friendly hunter who finds me at the base of a tree on state land and wanders up to ask me if I seen anything...... No buddy just you! Thanks for ruining my spot.
  2. WOW hang on, give me a minute to pick my jaw back up before I comment...........
  3. I can usually only make it till around 10am then I'm either too cold or just gotta move before I go insane. Longest I ever sat till was 11 and that was rough.
  4. It would be even worse if after waiting that long in line the pumps were empty! LOL hope I didn't jinx ya
  5. Northern tier rifle is open now. Been open for a couple of weeks
  6. I was going to say the same thing. Lots of state land in 46 corners. On a side note I haven't been to Johnny Smith pond in a couple of years and was just thinking about it the other day. Thinking about doing some goose hunting over it. Have you ever done it or had any luck
  7. Hey congrats, meat is meat. I saw a tag in the ear, Law Enforcement tag?? hopefully you could salvage some meat from it. Plus the rack will look nice on the wall.
  8. I was looking for one for a while. Just acquired a 16ga side by side from my grandfather over the summer. Man I love that gun. My new small game/trap gun. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  9. I'm usually hungover the second day of southern tier gun. We usually spend the night if opening day drinking and catching up which turns into be being up too Damn late. Killed a deer two years in a row like that. Even been know to take a celebratory nip off the flask AFTER a kill in the woods. No drinking turning during hunting hours though. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  10. Sorry to hear, such a young age. One of my first thoughts everytime I see a rainbow is about the departed. Condolences Rick
  11. I have a simple 2.5x10x50 on mine. Think its either a tasco or simmons (can't remember). I've never had an issues with it. Both are pretty cheap
  12. Wow thug, thats a cool pic! Didn't realize that some still had their spots. Late birth???
  13. I'm not really one for controversy but I read that we are not supposed to promote a personal website. I know DL supports the site with money and that's great. Plus he shot a real nice buck also. I also don't think that his app is considered tracking because I also text "hey got a couple heading your way" WNY aka the gadget man probably aready has the app LOL. Just saying.... HuntingNY.com rules and terms By using our forums (this includes but is not limited to signing up as a member, logging in as a member, or even browsing our forums without signing up) you agree to the following: The owner and administrators moderators of HuntingNY.com will not be held liable for any objectionable messages posted on this forum; ownership and liability lie with the original poster of the message in question. It is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and NOT HuntingNY.com and neither the owners of HuntingNY.com, nor the developers of this site will be held responsible for the content of any message, regardless of what the message says or implies or any posts replying to said message. You warrant that by registering for our forums, or simply just browsing our forums, you will indemnify HuntingNY.com from any and all legal liability civil, criminal, or otherwise. You warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws. The owners of HuntingNY.com reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content on the site which includes a thread, PM, page, contest, and advertisement for any reason but are not compelled to do so unless they deem it to be necessary. Be respectful, do not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, contain curses, or otherwise violate of any laws All posts should be and remain courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in this forum, you are expected to obey this rule. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team). Phrases such as "shut up, idiot," are indicative of problematic posts and should be reported. Please, remember to stay mature and thoughtful at all times. Do not upload, attach, or otherwise post any copyrighted material which you are not free to redistribute. If you have a question about having permission to post or attach a specific item, please ask a moderator. Any posts or threads found in violation of this rule will be edited or deleted, and the poster warned or possibly banned; at the moderation team's discretion. Do not spam or self-promote in the forums. These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites or posts with little, no or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums. Using the PM system to solicit business and circumvent the advertising rules and regulations is not allowed. Violating this rule may result in your ability to send PMs to be disabled, or your account being banned. If you wish to advertise on the forums please use the contact form, we would be happy to discuss our numerous and affordable sponsoring options. Classifieds – HuntingNY.com takes ZERO responsibility for what members are buying and selling in the classifieds section. No spamming or commercial solicitation of any kind allowed on our sites other than authorized individuals representing a given level of advertiser. Any such messages violating these terms will be removed at the discretion of the moderators and/or staff. Multiple Registrations Prohibited - Impersonation of any person or entity, forgery of headers or other manipulation of identifiers including, but not limited to, multiple registrations by an individual, is prohibited. If you continue to create new accounts after you have been banned, your IP address may well be blocked from the forums. If you then start to register using different IP addresses, we reserve the right to take legal action against you. Using proxy servers will not get you anywhere.
  14. I spent the day raking leaves instead of hunting the heat yesterday. Next week we will need a rain suit with this "Franken-storm" coming in!
  15. Yeah they always seem to go nocturnal after that first gun shot is fired on opening day! Congrats on the new hunter also Is your husband on this forum as well?
  16. WOW, had a hard time understanding that due to all the grammar errors! KIDDING KIDDING KIDDING The best thing you could do is just keep looking for signs. Head out after the season with some snowshoes if you can check for rubs and sheds. Also start scouting around July/August. Durning the season find a nice trail and sit. Then walk SLOWLY through the woods. You'll get em. Took me a season or two to get going Good Luck
  17. Wow hats off to you NYC folk, I complain about driving 25 minutes for northern tier and 45 minutes for southern tier. There are closer spots but that's where I choose to go. Man I couldn't afford the gas to go hunting if I live in NYC! Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  18. Wow, I must have a great deal. I have access to 800 acres with state land on one side, a camp, year round access with a 2 acre pond for $720/year. There is around 12 guys total but usually not all hunt the same days. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  19. Back down south with the bow. Drizzly morning, chill in the air. Pretty foggy as well. Listening to the rain fall off the trees. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  20. Nothing yet. My brother in law has been seeing quite a few doe and a buck or two. Me, not so much LOL. Heading out for an afternoon sit soon. Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk 2
  21. Awesome, I've always wanted to plant a food plot. No room/land to do so, so I'll just drool over these pics
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