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ny hunter

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ny hunter

  1. That’s a tank….. Good luck
  2. Nice deer ..........Hope you get a shot at him..
  3. No room for alcohol and firearms.....Not even a little bit..
  4. Hope you and the family have a quick recovery feel better,,,,,
  5. Great deer......................Good luck...
  6. 1 Ruger 44mag 1 Smith&Wesson 44Mag..1 Colt 357 mag…, Shot all with factory ammo..,
  7. LOL......... Shot them all....Well spend Sunday morning cleaning....
  8. Was'nt there a remington in 270 on here not long ago.....Was going for a great price,,,
  9. Great mount,Beautiful deer.........
  10. Took the day off so I thought i would relax a bit at the cabin,,,,,,
  11. Sunday is the day we see you next to him .............
  12. I used to get asked that all the time and I would tell the person I am using the ammo in a lever action rifle he always said ok thats fine........This was before we able to buy ammo on line...
  13. Looks to be like a good size.....
  14. Grerat pics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks for sharing.......
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