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Everything posted by ants

  1. POPIT..you are way too defensive and have a huge "these damn men" chip on your shoulder. A lot of "negativity" from you too ya know. Just respond and move on with out the bashing. No big deal And register those bucks. Its something to be proud of.
  2. out of 3 of us yesterday no one saw a thing. We hunted from first light till 1230. Today was a wash. High winds and rain. Frustrating because I saw a lot of bucks during bow (got one) and still getting a lot on trail cams. One last hurrah on Tue. I guess. Good luck.
  3. I think you should lose the "I am woman hear me roar" attitude, drop all the name calling and just have a conversation. If you don't like the topic move on. It's nothing to get so defensive and nasty about.
  4. The way I see it. there are tons of illegally possessed high cap. and paramilitary weapons out there right now that are in the hands of bad people. Those weapons will be out there for a long time. The thought that I can't have at least the same type of weapon that a bad guy or bad guys may try to use against me, my family , friends and neighbors makes no sense to me. You and I just look at it differently. You say it could never happen, I say it's possible.
  5. Those are darn nice, reliable cars and that one does look mint. Good find.....yeah go for the hitch/ hauler deal. I bought a hauler at Harbor Freight tools a while back for 40 bucks. I have always driven trucks, but the hauler was so cheap I grabbed it. Only used it a few times but they work well.
  6. When you say "we all know the answers are no" Who do you mean by "we all" ?
  7. Do we need high capacity magazines to hunt with- no Do we need high capacity magazines to defend ourselves with-yes Do we need paramilitary weapons to hunt with-no...or defend ourselves with- yes
  8. Im not a big marinade person either but what ever. 9 times out of 10 I just cook up the steaks/chops in a pan with butter and a little garlic
  9. Cool video. I hate to watch them wast all that ammo though
  10. I was thinking of getting a 22 mag. Maybe I'll hold off to see what this round is.
  11. Good find. I haven't found a shed in years
  12. Don't sweat it, sits in trees,(not that you would) It's typical of that ilk. No debate or honest conversation just condescending arrogance, intolerance and name calling. Spoiled child
  13. Man I screwed up. I like to share, but the inner loin??? Never. I had one last week, broiled with garlic and some spice....Once again .....Sob
  14. ants

    albino squirrel

    Cool! We have some black squirrels around here, some right in my yard, but I have never even heard of albino. That would be a sweet mount.
  15. When the kid sits down to eat put a quart of Valvoline in front of him along side the steaks. On a serious note....I gave my father in law some venison the other day ( he doesn't hunt much anymore) and I mistakenly gave him the inside tenderloins......Sob
  16. Went out this morning till 1230 and the woods were dead. I'll hit it again in the morning. The neighbor has been getting some nice deer on his trail cam.
  17. It kinda looks like a semi auto shotgun. Looked like a shot shell that came out and a shot shell carrier on the stock.
  18. If there were no "Black Guns" I'm pretty sure that this sick sack of crap would have used a pump shot gun, .22 rim fire, bolt action hunting gun.....what ever. The coward had easy targets....little kids stuck in a class room. Piece of F-ing CRAP!!
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