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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by ants

  1. Will a 22mag do the trick ,inside of 100yds???
  2. The most important thing is to keep the human stink down. The arm pit smell, the oily hair smell the rotten crotch..
  3. Just heard on the news that they ticketed this Long guy for filing a false report. Loser
  4. Atv's rock....I remember, way back in the day, riding three wheelers. At the time the were awesome but compared to the stuff out there now...They sucked
  5. I have a Ruger M-77 in 7mm-08, before that I had one in .243. It is an excellent rifle (accurate) . The action on both of mine were a little stiff too, but after working it for a while and applying a little oil, it smoothed right out. 270 is a great round. You should be happy.
  6. Screw them!! If you're stopped by DEC I doubt they will have a reason to frisk you. Carry on!
  7. I took a buck the year before last with a regular Rage. It caught a little bone (my fault) and didn't penetrate that well, but I still got the deer. My buddy has been using them for a while. If you hit them in the sweet spot they do make an a$$ nasty big hole. I think they came out with a Chisel tip this year, which is a big improvement.
  8. It's waaaaaay early. Plenty of time.
  9. What does everyone think about shooting a buck that has come into a mock scrape??
  10. With the advent of food plots, rifles come in handy!!! LOL
  11. When I was in my teens I shot a big doe that had two little ones with her. They wouldn't leave. The whole time I was dressing her out they just hung around, close. I even chased them off a couple times, but they came back. The doe still had milk in her. Since then I give them a pass, but like I've said before, it's your tag fill it the way you want to.
  12. When I was in my teens I shot a big doe that had two little ones with her. They wouldn't leave. The whole time I was dressing her out they just hung around, close. I even chased them off a couple times, but they came back. The doe still had milk in her. Since then I give them a pass, but like I've said before, it's your tag fill it the way you want to.
  13. ants

    Junk broadheads!

    Shot another one today, into a block target, and the blades all bent! JUNK!
  14. I have 2 Winchester deer guns. (shotguns) one smooth and one rifled. The rifled barreled gun is way more accurate past 60 or so yards, with Lightfield slugs. Granted most shots, where I hunt, are inside of 60 yards but the rifled barrel is a more accurate gun. Don't get me wrong. If someone told me that from now on I could only hunt with a smooth bore, I wouldn't cry but when it comes to accuracy rifled is better. IMHO
  15. My smooth bore, that I haven't used in years, loved plain Federals. It shot them way tighter than Remington, Winchester or even Brenneke . You might have to try a few different brands before you decide.
  16. The neighbor saw two decent bucks hanging together this past Thursday. They were just milling around the edge of a field picking at some clover. So far I have found one rub line but no scrapes. Going out today for another look around.
  17. ants

    Spike report

    Year before last I passed on a scrub five point, opening week of bow. I took that same deer the second to last day of bow after not seeing many bucks, having an empty freezer and after not taking a deer with a bow for two years. How many people have a problem with that?? Really. Jetmec...no offense but get over yourself
  18. ants

    Spike report

    I pass up small bucks and does all the time. But if the freezer is low or its getting down to crunch time I will gladly drop the hammer on a scrub rack or spike. Its your tag fill it. The wife jab was a bit much
  19. Maybe its a regional thing. The closer you are to NYC or NJ the more apt the stores are to play cover your a$$. In upstate it's never been an issue that I can recall. The local Gander Mnt. has all their ammo out on the floor. Pistol included. You just take what you need and check out.
  20. you almost scored enough cover scent for the whole season
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