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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I bet that scares the guy away and he decides no to pursue this endeavor.
  2. I miss the days when size in a deer meant body size. Plus i love how so many have to imitate the fools on tv and name the deer they see on a camera. Everyone wants to be Michael Waddell Love it. Is he big enough? No wait his left g2 is a half inch shorter than his right he is no good. Shoot the deer eat the meat simple as that.
  3. 22 dollars for 15 bullets from midway. I sure hope they kill a deer deader than the cast ones I use.
  4. bubba


    As mentioned in another thread donate a part of the money to get andy out of office. Most on here had no clue they were getting a check. shows how much they really pay attention to what is really going on. Funny part it is a tax refund and a huge chunk of it is going to people who do not pay taxes and are on public assistance. If you think that will not sway their vote in hopes of getting another check, you are really clueless. it is not intended to sway our votes, but theirs to out vote us. Put some of it to good use to get rid of him. if all the gun owners sent 20 bucks of their refund to astorino, it would make a huge difference. then send 25 to Paula. It really will not hurt you that much.
  5. You guys are way behind the curve. We have had an early ml season here in the north for many many years. I want to say early 80s. Always the week before regular season. it is either sex in my area. Works well. The handwriting on the wall for crossbow and now early ml season, I guess the bow hunters are not as strong as they thought they were. Slowly moving toward universal seasons across the state. Sells guns sells tags all good for the state coffers.
  6. And you guys wonder why people pay no attention to the safe act. hell they do not even know they are getting a check from the king. I envision a bunch of ostriches with their head buried in the sand. When it is a surprise, it is much better welcomed. Wait until January, after he buys your vote and you will be very surprised.
  7. here in the north half of the state, we started today. It has been that way for many years and works well. I would think if one is patterning a "big Buck" during warm summer weather, this type of weather would be ideal. But what do I know I have only been hunting quite successfully for 40 years. I guess I will learn someday. At 9 am today I had seen a spike 2 does and 3 fawns. All out of range, but they sure seemed to be moving. I had to come out due to working at 3. Good luck to all who brave these horrid weather conditions.
  8. Rumor is scotus after the first of the year. The rulings yesterday were not in his favor in all the investigations. gewt out now get pardoned and try for the bench ok, so here is the deal, who do you think is up for the Holder position - Preet is. How odd this all happens when there is pressure to take Andy Cuomo down through Preet and now all of a sudden Holder resigns and Preet is in line to take over. everything happens for a reason and plans are made for 2016. This is Obama's way to get back at the Clintons and pave the way for Cuomo to the white House.
  9. Rob Astorino for Governor: It’s not only about the Second Amendment, not only our state government but our Federal government are trampling all over our rights. Gun owners have not seen anything yet, if the dictator CUOMO wins he will come after us with a vengeance. Why do you think the ammo registration was delayed and other facets of the unsafe act like renewing our pistol permits have been on hold. He wants to not piss any voters off until he gets back in power. Make sure you vote. Only 9 percent showed up to vote in the primary's, don’t let minority pick the legislators for the majority. Astorino quote of the day
  10. No offense because you have been looking for a while. My phone rings every day now asking when my next class is. When I say in the spring they become indignant and say they can never get in a class. I have taught 4 gun and 2 bow classes this year already. People wait until the last minute usually and tell me I need to teach more classes. I taught a class in April which filled up. June and august was way below expectations. I would check the dec web site daily and see, but it is getting toward the time where instructors are hunting also. Good luck to you and your daughters.
  11. both for me and a week of early ml season, so I put the recurve away early
  12. new poll out today according to the paper. Lead is down to 9 points for Cuomo. I guess they are doing something right.
  13. Hopefully filling an old tag or two between 9/27 and the end of the month. I am getting a lot of pics of nice does and a few decent bucks. First one that walks in range will be camp meat for the fall. If I get one or two, I will be much more selective the rest of the season. That will be it for me until the 18th when muzzleloader season opens
  14. I just paid 4 bucks for a gallon of milk at the local store. funny part is most people will pay 2 bucks for a 16 ounce soda, or bottle of water which is 16 bucks a gallon.
  15. I am glad I raise my own beef and veggies. It is going to get worse very soon.
  16. a week from tomorrow here, and tags from last year to use. Off tomorrow to camp to do a little early day grouse hunting then sit for a bear in the evening.
  17. Actually there are 38 states including NY that require a certificate. a hunting license is not acceptable. These 38 states all report together also. So if you lose your privileges in NY, you lose them in the other 37 states also.
  18. This is not about safety. it is about control. They want the guns in control. this was all a well planned out scheme. The dems on the federal level got into Andy's ear and convinced him that this was his ticket to Washington. We were a test state. The safe act was penned by bloombergs boys and they were waiting fore just the right tragedy to roll it out. Andy used it as a political feather in his cap. If he gets reelected that is a referendum that this was all ok and move on to more control and more ststes will attmept to roll out similar legislation. Psychological testing of children will not help. Most people suffer their first break in late teens early 20's. If you trust the school system to do this testing, trust me they are on board with getting rid of guns. Look at the common core curriculum and see what they say about the 2nd amendment. They are influencing children that guns are bad. believe me one of the questions on that test will be do mommy and daddy have guns and if so are you scared to be in your home. They say yes t both guess who will be at your door. Surrender your guns or your children. So expecting that system to be an ally is not a good plan.
  19. ok turn that panic into something positive for the campaign. Posting on here is no where near enough
  20. or guns or licenses or equipment etc.
  21. Gotta start somewhere. He has been in social media which is much cheaper for quite some time
  22. hmm right after the primaries. I think I heard that somewhere
  23. but who gets to say what is the right thing?
  24. well sort of. If you were there and witnessed it and did not report it, you are involved.
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