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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by hunter49

  1. I believe you can get hunting or target pellets now days.
  2. My buddy had a beagle that if he left it in the car & didn't run him for some reason every time he got back to his car the dog had the head liner ripped to shreds & all hanging down! He did it 2'xs that I knew of, lmao! We always had 3 beagles we ran, always loved rabbit hunting, I would like to get back into it someday!
  3. Time to contact our Reps. again and tell them how we feel about these bills!
  4. Got my first bow from Leo's, a long, long time ago! And shot there many times.
  5. My neighbor hangs some of his dirty underwear around edges of his garden all summer & he said it works great keeping the deer out.
  6. I haven't started in the basement yet but will be soon, I have 14yds. end to end. Just need to thread the arrows through the bras, panties, & socks on laundry days. lol
  7. I believe years ago the DEC. worked with & for the hunters, now days I think its all political & all the higher ups just use it as a step to move up in the world of bottom feeders!
  8. That's cool, nice pics! Thanks! Don't know why Biz thinks they would not have a ball bag, other cats do, where else would they carry them? Maybe a purse? jk, lol
  9. That's the problem now days, everyone sits in trees or ground blinds & no one is moving the deer. Years ago we would sit 2-3 hours the first day then after that we would put drives on the rest of the season. We would always move, see ,& everyone would get deer.
  10. And the only time they get the weather right is when they tell us what it did the day before! Most times they are wrong & they still get 100% of their pay, great job for them!
  11. Check the bottom sections that maybe rusted from being stuck in the ground, Also as mentioned check u-tube for many safety systems.
  12. You people need to get out to the farm! lol
  13. great story, hunt, & mounts, congrats!
  14. FYI You might want to check out HuntingWNY on facebook under their "hunting leases"
  15. My brother sends text on his phone with all words & sentences that don't make sense & ask him wth are you trying to say? lol He also sends out group messages & doesn't know who is getting them.! again lol!
  16. Very cool & some nice bucks ! Thanks. You said the 12 pt. was taken, were you the one? He was a great one.
  17. We have 12-17 turks coming to the bird feeder every day. One big tom but only about a 6" beard, 4-5 jakes & the rest are hens 3-4 have 2" beards. One hen has a silver band on its leg. They eat at the feeders then go 100 yds out back & sit under the pine trees, then a few hours later will show up again at the feeders eat & leave until the next day.
  18. WTH is this trying to say? lol ! Thanks for the rewrite, much easier to understand!
  19. Why can't we as lawful gun owners contact All these news sources and ask/demand that instead off doing the anti-gun thing, show & tell the public all the gun laws on the books that are not used or enforced. We need to turn this anti- gun thing around & put it back on to the gov't. & show the public the laws are out there, we don't need more stupid new ones,. The law officers & judges need to enforce the ones on the books! It would be great to show the laws & explain them to the non- gun owners every night on the evening news! We as gun owners know the laws , people that don't own guns don't know or care about the laws & need to be advised of them! We gun owners get all the info. from being brought up with guns, Scope , NRA, & other sources that anti's & non-gun owners don't get so they need to find out some how! jmo.
  20. Thanks for sharing, great story. I love seeing the old pics & hearing the stories. Can't even buy a box of shells for $21 today!
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