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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Karpteach

  1. They are predicting more snow on Friday. > . Getting sick and tired (literally my back is killing me) of the snow.
  2. Thanks fellas, the 3 blade was a typo it is the 2 blade. Skyzmine checked out the carbon express, they look good.
  3. In the market for new arrows. I am shooting a drop away at 58 pounds and 3 blade rage broad heads. I'm thinking about gold tips XT hunters with blazer vanes. What are your thoughts?
  4. CulverCreek, very well said. I also think that the customer is always right, even if they are a pain in the ARSE. Had a restaurant for over 15 years, before teaching. We had a rule cash only! People would fight with the cashier, she would point to the sign next to the register that said " In GOD we trust all others pay CASH! As long as you are nice with the customers they keep coming back.
  5. It seems that they let anyone on TV nowadays. Even a lying bastage that helped put a Jackass as a NY Governor(Paterson) .
  6. Welcome aboard, fellow EmpireHunting orphan!
  7. Thanks for the info. LongIslandhunter sent you PM.
  8. It's about time. This is going to be a very heavily debated subject. I foresee mean words and anger in the near future.
  9. Heard he got tin trouble with the law, cause of drinking. I'm not sure which one of the two it was.
  10. When i get the rewards, I'm usually broke to get anything worthwhile.
  11. Good frosty snowy evening all. Does anyone know anything about the suffolk archers. I always pass their place when I go to my sister-in-laws house in south huntington?
  12. Burmjohn, thanks for the update. It sad to hear that it isn't gonna be at the coliseum.
  13. You are sooo right. I think if our politicians don't get it together we will see more of this. It's the sign of the times.
  14. never got that either... I always understood that it was because the rich and famous don't really mind the hunting during the week when they aren't out there. But on the weekend the east end belongs to them, and you the old saying about money talks!! I can't verify that it is the case but it sure sounds like that's the case!! : That and DEC claims that non-hunters use the lands for hiking, fishing and bike riding.
  15. Great looking buck, good for him. Wonder if this lucky young man can ever top this brute?
  16. That is one tough truck. Thank god your lady is alright. Wish her (and your back) a speedy recovery.
  17. Here we go again, snow storm on Tuesday and another next Saturday. The cold is great, the stars at night wonderful but, the snow suxxxx.
  18. Looks like you guys had some fun. I've hunted rabbits and birds with dogs but, never heard of hunting yoties with dogs.
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