Hes a great guy. He actually introduced me to my fiance! But we both work for him....so its a squabble over who gets opening morning off. She just took her hunter safety course yesterday so i told her i should go first to make sure the woods are ok lol!
Great article. Completely right about calling before the season. I find i do better when i get a new call and go hunting sounding like a beginner. Heck the birds probably come in just to investigate the odd noise lol.
Been seeing alot of turkeys on field edges. Only a few strutting but you can tell there are gobblers in the mix. Hope it shapes up to be a great opening morning. Boss already knows ill be in at 1 pm!
Agreed. I wouldnt oppose a mid april opener for turkeys. I would think if all the breeding is done is march/april, a mid april opener wouldnt be a big burden on the breeding cycle. Im no expert just my thoughts
Im gonna go out on a limb here....and correct me if im wrong. If all the breeding takes place in march/april....then what are we hunting? Late breeding phase?
I have to go by visual proof. Could be predators...but the last two seasons we have had an earlier "spring" than what would be considered normal. Seems as though this spring is shaping up to be a good one. Small brain but can easily fool a hunter
Ive seen more turkeys in the past two days here then i did all season last year. Last year i saw tons of turkeys in march....a few in april and a handful during the turkey season. Its strange how it is from one year to the next. And as stated....they like throwing curveballs!