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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wheelieman

  1. I believe under 16 does not need a stamp, It only takes a few minutes to register for HIP online
  2. ive killed a lot of birds with one,My brother and a few buddies have too. keep it clean and lightly oiled and you will be good, Ive seen Brownings,Benellis,Mossburg,Remingtons all fail, because they were dirty or had to much oil in them, 15 degrees with 20mph winds in a wide open field half buried in the snow, you will be hard pressed to find a great gun if its dirty and there is too much oil, JMHO
  3. I did it,Antler restrictions, One buck a year, Dove hunting, All seem ok to me,
  4. Actually it was an Ontario county corrections officer and the sheriff is doing his own own investigation; however the person is still at work, Fingerlakes1.com
  5. Just another example of the big brother is going to slowly remove firearms from out country, 1 at a time and making examples of people in the process.
  6. Depends you have to go to their site and find out, Then you can register and pick your times/
  7. There are different classes my brother shoots open, Im shooting hunter, no plans on winning lol but it is gonna feel good to get out of the house for awhile.
  8. Its a 3-D shoot put on by Elite Archery 2 courses each with 21 targets, American game and exotic, My brother got called back last year to shoot in the finals, So i figured why not ill give it a shot this year, Its in Rochester, you can learn more by searching Winter Cam Classic
  9. It really depends but no matter what you find just make sure you read the numbers right, I read some thing last night that said compound and crossbow shooters were responsible for 60 percent of deer that were wounded, Thats with a survey of 225,ooo archers that shoot, Out of that 225,00 79% shot crossbows or compounds, So to me that says the traditional guys the other 21% were responsible for 40 percent of the wounded animals, Now this might have been propaganda at my archery club due to the article being printed out and left there, But the numbers alone are amazing if you think about it, Now that article might be totally fictional but if its not im sticking with the compound or crossbow, JMHO
  10. International Defensive Pistol Assc.
  11. Theatre was silent through the entire movie, Its on of the best movies ive seen in a long time,
  12. Settle it all, Allow a 3 points on one side rule, And for all you "meat" hunters, go to an earn a buck program, No buck tag until you harvest a set number of does, Of course thats in areas that need a large doe population removal program, One buck a year would be nice, I never shoot more than one anyway, Bucks are few and far between during gun season, Most of the ones i see are little bucks and out of them the majority would still fall with in the AR standard, Everbody would be Happy, Happy, Happy the state gets the funds for licences and you get your deer,
  13. There are a lot of things they can use against you too take your guns, Did you know that Chantix the quit smoking aid is an anti depressant, How many people do you know want to quit smoking, Some thing as simple as that could remove your right to own firearms, So when i see an article like this it is something to care about, All it takes is one nurse or Dr. to right the wrong thing on your chart,
  14. moultries work for me and the battery life is great,
  15. Right down the road from me, Im glad its coming the biggest thing in this county is the landfill, We need the jobs and it can be really good for the economy, There is a lot of people who dont want it and im not sure i understand whats wrong with it coming here, Some residents in the town of Tyre arent happy but the rest of the county will gain, Some of these people were offered what they owed on the properties with life time use if they dropped the lawsuits, If it were me id be all over that deal,
  16. Its who i am, Always has been and i dont see that changing anytime soon, Im driven to hunt, Ive gone through some of the stages and cant wait for the other stages to come, Its the challenge of getting that first deer, My heart pounding when i see the next one, The challenge of figuring out that one buck and the self control to let the others walk, The time spent with friends and family,The early mornings sitting there watching the world come to life, The sunrises and sunsets,The anxious feeling you get the night before the opener, Its me Its who i am,
  17. This is the off side of the doe, Because im lying
  18. 100% positive i just looked at the pics and you cant tell where the round entered i cleaned her up before i posted her pic on Fingerlakes Whitetails on face book. You can see a little red in the photo it looks back a bit but i think its just the way i have her legs under her, I did look at the hits when i cleaned her and all three were behind the shoulder and through the ribs,
  19. Thank you for the input guys, I went to bass pro and bought some Cl and some LR's and as soon as season is over its off too the range,
  20. Did your model 94 not have the hammer safety, Mines got a bar that you have to move to fire the gun, its a safety it stops the hammer from hitting the firing pin at all.
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