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Everything posted by wheelieman

  1. thats what im thinking so i have the check made out in front of me now, i can only give 1500, its what i got i hope he takes it,
  2. only thing is he wont take money from us, we have tried for 4 years to give him money he owns 125 acres out of the 125 only about 75 is huntable, We agreed at the beginning to pay for all the land at 10 dollars an acre, we gave him the cash, and a few days later he came back and gave it back saying give me some venison, and you can hunt it all you want, we approached again this summer with the same offer, he just wont take anything from us, In return we fix fences and throw hay, chase cows in the middle of the night, but he wont take money,
  3. i know, its a scary thought thats why ill be fixing his brake lines for him this weekend,
  4. I talked to the landowner of the property i hunt today, and he told me that he has had 5 guys stop and offer him money to hunt, 3 out of the five people i know, its discouraging one even offered 3,500 for the season, I know why they want to hunt there but it makes me angry that they think its ok to go behind my back, Has anybody else had this happen, Only giggles i get out of the whole thing is my brother and i originally agreed to lease the place for 1,200 and since then the farmer has allowed us to hunt for some steaks and a roast, lol We get to post it, And have written consent to have people arrested for trespassing, I think im going to exercise that this year, Big bucks come and go to throw a friendship away because of it is senseless, Big deal if we have a couple nice shooters out there, In the end all they had to do was ask and help us out, Just venting sorry although these are nice bucks i wouldnt throw away a friendship of years over it
  5. Went out yesterday and my buddy killed his first ever goose, ( he is the little guy) and it was a good day did better than we thought for not having any cover in the field,
  6. The US based alternative media blogger Paul Craig Roberts, who once worked as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy recently blogged about the fact that the American police pose a much greater threat to the public than do the criminals who operate without a police badge. And he’s right – the greatest threat to the life and well being of your average, law abiding citizen are not the criminals, but the police. We here on Best Gore have seen the proof of that unfold before our very eyes. It is therefore hard to argue with Mr. Roberts conclusion that people would be safer if police didn’t exist. Interestingly enough, as I read through his article and replaced each instance of the word “American” with the word “Canadian”, the article lost none of its sense. Police state clearly is as police state does. I do however realize that an article like then would seem rather exaggerated to people who live in true democracies, but to the lot of us who are witnessing the bit by bit transformation of our paper democracies into police states, this rings truer with each passing day. Leastways to us who don’t live with a teleprompter conditioning us to bleat on denand in front of our eyes. In the light of human rights abuses Mark Marek is subjected to by the Canadian authorities, take a look at the Canadianized repost of Paul Craig Roberts’ article and tell me if you don’t think it’s spot on: The worse threat every Canadian faces comes from his/her own government. Every Canadian faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their weapons in the faces of small children. In Canada today, police murder with impunity. All the psychopaths have to say is, “I thought his wallet was a gun,” or “we had to taser the unconscious guy we found lying on the ground, because he wouldn’t obey our commands to get up.” Many Canadians take solace in their erroneous belief that this only happens to the natives who they believe deserve it, but psychopaths use their unaccountable power against everyone. The Canadian police are a brutal criminal gang free of civilian control. Unaccountable power, which the police have, always attracts psychopaths. You are lucky if you only get bullies, but mainly police forces attract people who enjoy hurting people and tyrannizing them. To inflict harm on the public is why psychopaths join police forces. Calling the police is a risky thing to do. Often it is the person who calls for help or some innocent person who ends up brutalized or murdered by the police. Canadian prosecutors seem to be the equal to police in terms of the psychopaths in their ranks.Just try to find a prosecutor who gives a hoot about the innocence or guilt of the accused who is in her clutches. All the prosecutor cares about is her conviction rate. The higher her conviction rate, the greater her success even if every person convicted is innocent. The higher her conviction rate, the more likely she can run for public office. Many prosecutors, such as thode prosecuting Matk target well known people so that they can gain name recognition via the names of their victims. The Canadian justice system serves the political ambitions of prosecutors and the murderous lusts of police psychopaths, but you can bet your life that the Canadian justice system does not serve justice. While writing this article, I googled “police brutality,” and google delivered 4,100,000 results. If a person googles “police brutality videos,” he will discover that there are more videos than could be watched in a lifetime. And these are only those acts of police brutality that are witnessed and caught on camera. It would take thousands of pages just to compile the information available. The facts seem to support the case that police commit more crimes and acts of violence against the public than do the criminals who do not wear badges. The Canadian public is too brainwashed to be able to defend itself. Consider the fact that cops seldom face any consequence when they murder citizens. We never hear cops called “citizen killer.” But if a citizen kills some overbearing cop bully, the media go ballistic: “Cop killer, cop killer.” The screaming doesn’t stop until the cop killer is executed. As long as a brainwashed public continues to accept that cop lives are more precious than their own, citizens will continue to be brutalized and murdered by police psychopaths. I can remember when the police were different. If there was a fight, the police broke it up. If it was a case of people coming to blows over a dispute, charges were not filed. If it was a clear case of assault, unless it was brutal or done with use of a weapon, the police usually left it up to the victim to file charges. When I lived in England, the police walked their beats armed only with their billysticks. When and why did it all go wrong? Among the collection of probable causes are the growth or urban populations, the onslaught of heavy immigration on formerly stable and predictable neighborhoods, the war on drugs, and management consultants called in to improve efficiency who focused police on quantitative results, such as the number of arrests, and away from such traditional goals as keeping the peace and investigating reported crimes. The replacement of jury trials with plea bargains meant that police investigations ceased to be tested in court or even to support the plea, usually a fictitious crime reached by negotiation in order to obtain a guilty plea. Police learned that all prosecutors needed was a charge and that little depended on police investigations. Police work became sloppy. It was easier simply to pick up a suspect who had a record of having committed a similar crime. As justice receded as the goal, the quality of people drawn into police work changed. Idealistic people found that their motivations were not compatible with the process, while bullies and psychopaths were attracted by largely unaccountable power. The Canadian population of the past, suspicious of government and jealous of its liberty, has been replaced by a brainwashed and fearful people, who are increasingly referred to as “the sheeple.” True that!
  7. Agree, strongly if it would help the health of the heard overall
  8. well sir not trying to talk crap it was supposed to be funny, but apparently you cant handle it and have to pick it apart and comment on nothing im sorryy you have no sense of humor, Get over it i wasnt talking about you, Pull up your big girl panties and move, nuff said
  9. Depends on the hunter a truly dedicated hunter would be proud regardless, but is it one of those annoying weekend hunters who go out twice a year and are experts from that day forward, But really cant tell their a## from a hole in the ground, like when they talk about buck tracks and call rubs scrapes and scrapes rubs, They say its easy to kill big bucks,, you just dont know what your doing they tell you lol, If it is screw him, but if not and he is humble there is no reason not to brag, As long as you dont forget the part about being bottle fed and him sleeping on a couch and coming when you whistled, then its ok
  10. wheelieman


    This is the harvest moon, That means the next one is the rutting moon right
  11. lmao imp, cyl is gonna get the job done my brother told me i had to have all these fancy chokes and i couldnt hit anything i went back to a imp,cyl, and i have missed maybe 10 percent of the birds i shoot at
  12. listen the mod, choke is nice but if you cant get it throw your imp, cyl, in the gun it will do the job and you might just like it better
  13. 13 out of 13 the peeing from your stand one almost got me, i dont care what it says im not peeing from my stand,
  14. http://www.peakperformancetraining.info/ give these girls a call, they are in my opinion the best around,
  15. Depends on what you plan on hunting with it, You should start with the basics first, keep the retrieving up but short sessions and make it fun, 2-3 retrieves, for pheasant start dragging a cloth bumper in zig zags first with him chasing then with him in the house then bring him out to work on is nose work, use the pheasant scent, keep it fun and keep the sessions short, dont ever let him chew on a bumper and always reward by petting,i dont like treat training, Keep it fun and keep the sessions short, let him be a pet but make sure you do the basics first, Sit, here, down, get him to walk at heel and work on these all the time but make it fun, a correction collar and a leash and you will get the basics in a week or so, but make it fun for him and give him lots of praise,
  16. just switched out the tuscon, for a 2010 chevy colorado crew cab 4x4
  17. In my area the legal distance is beyond the state maintained portion of the highway, The other side of the ditch or telephones, If none of them are apparent the salt line is used, The dwelling rule is only in effect unless you have permission from the dwelling owner, if the dwelling owner says you can sit on the front porch then you can sit on the front porch, but make sure you have it in writing
  18. Sunday is the last 30 target 3D at Buckskin Bowmen in Waterloo N.Y. , It would be nice to see some of you guys there, the club is 10 minutes from exit 42 behind the State troopers barracks on rt 5&20 between Waterloo and Geneva, Chicken BBQ while it lasts, Sausage, refreshments, Dogs are welcome and so arent the kiddies, 10 dollars for non-members and 8 for members, There is a 50/50 drawing at noon and if enough people show up we will pull out the steel pig and the running coyote, Multiple treestand shots set in a wooded environment Get those bows and and shoot the dust off, And bring a few buddies, its a good time,
  19. Ive never had a negative reaction to this guys regular doe pee, his estrus when used to early will make them run, but the regular they stop and smell it then walk away, Then as the does in the area start getting closer to heat, The stops on the drag trail start getting longer and then they start following it, Thats when i switch to top shelf estrus and sit back and watch the train, its worked good after using the right sent at the right time, and breakdown i keep mine in the fridge and the biggest buck i ever had come to a scent came in to a bottle of this stuff that was over a year old,
  20. a guy in lyons bottles in what is my opinion the best scents in the Fingerlakes and his shop is right up the road from where i hunt, i love sitting in my tree and watching the reactions and mixing things up,
  21. Regular doe urine on my boots, and i use calls all the time,
  22. Biggest 3 bucks on cam get the hit list, unless i see one wounded real bad ill wait till i see one of them, I never shoot does until after i have filled m buck tag,
  23. i had my acl replaced and the tunnel where they attached it to my leg opened up and a cyst pops out and when it does it pushes thru my tendons and causes extreme pain, they are going in to remove it, he said 5 days light duty no pain killers prescribed, I wouldnt take them anyway,
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