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Everything posted by moog5050

  1. Think about where you will be tossing the guts! But I agree - weather and time from shot to recovery dependent (and wildcat makes a good point on shot location) it should be fine.
  2. Culver creek was at my office this morning for an employment law update. That turned into a hunt together this afternoon. How did that happen? Lol
  3. I think belo was pointing out the hypocrisy of the original post - before revisions were made.
  4. Nah - I politely explained that it would be my pleasure to make his life a living hell with lawsuits and it doesn't cost me a thing. Everyone now knows that its best to stay off the lawyer's land. lol He did call to ask to recover a deer once and of course I said go ahead. But trespassing has not been an issue since year 1. He hunts the neighbor's and stays there. WE are all happy.
  5. Give it a week, take the stand and leave a note. They will call. Had it happen first year at my place and have not had them return since. They called asking for the bottom of the ladder stand. I gave it back and told them not to return.
  6. No offense Storm, but this whole thread and revisions to it have been misleading. Lol
  7. You can’t rewrite the original post to which everyone responded. Lol
  8. I much prefer doing something than watching it. After playing ball in college, I pretty much lost interest in watching sports with the exception of some of the finals (Super Bowl etc), ncaa b-ball tourney and olympics. Even then, I am no rabid fan. Never understood that mentality - to be so invested in a team that you have nothing to do with other than watch them.
  9. I am sure that private landowner appreciates your help with stopping trespassing 15” over the line assuming that owner was not the hunter. But seriously if his line is on a public trail, i suspect this 5yd invasion from the public trail is the least of the owners concerns. I thought the concern was camo or facing the trail, not trespassing?
  10. Seems like you are assuming much. But out of curiousity, what distance from trail would be OK? What about during gun season? Perhaps we need more legislation or regulation. Uhhh no thanks.
  11. I am confused why it’s ok for you to small game hunt on the trail and he can’t big game hunt near the trail. Not the spot I would choose but I see no reason why it’s a scumbag move.
  12. Perhaps he thought it was a well used and manicured deer trail. The mother load of all deer trails. A deer highway.
  13. Fruit of the Loom of course - its also like baiting with all that fruit hanging there!
  14. To clear up the record, I wore the track pants to the stand and then stripped to camo boxer briefs - it felt way hotter than 73. And I did not technically drop my bow. It fell when the loose hanger turned upside down. I also think the corn was being cut in the field behind the property for whatever that was worth. Carry on.
  15. lol - not if you install it upside down
  16. Always fun to see a bunch of deer. You will get that big doe or big buck in range soon!
  17. Ladder. I have a climber and hang ons but 95 percent of my hunts are from ladders.
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