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Everything posted by d-bone20917

  1. On the Havalon website you can get 100 for $35, but you can find them cheaper elsewhere on the web. I have been using the Piranta-Edge for gutting and skinning and love it. This year I bought the Piranta-Bolt which has a slightly thicker and stronger blade. I've yet to use it on an animal though. They are scary sharp.
  2. If he wanted to do that he would have started a crossbow thread.
  3. Havalon Piranta Bolt. Once you use one you will be hooked and you never need to sharpen it.
  4. This one is pretty good too. http://vimeo.com/71614844
  5. I skin quarter and put in a large cooler with ice until I can cut it up. Hopefully it will cool down soon so we can just let them hang.
  6. We weren't able to close the deal but we got close. One of the guys got to within 28 yards of a huge 6X6, but couldn't get a shot and one of the other guys missed a nice 5X5. Not bad considering it was the first elk hunt for all of us and was in an OTC unit on public land. I took a lot of pictures and I'll try and get some posted up. This was my first trip to Colorado and I can't wait to get back.
  7. 30 minutes before sunrise and after sunset is the way it should be and the way it is in nearly every other state. Hopefully NY will make this change someday.
  8. Four of us did an elk hunt the first week of September in Colorado and it cost us a little over $1000 each if you want to go DIY on public land. And $585 of that was the non-resident tag. Then we had $365 in gas, 2 nights in a hotel/motel, and groceries. We were gone 12 days total and spent 8 of those hunting. We were into elk nearly everyday. It may cost you more if you need to upgrade some of your gear but I can't recommend it enough. It was awesome. If you would rather be led around by a guide and not have to do any of the work yourself it will cost you much more.
  9. Wasn't this change also going to include a change of the license year so it went from September 1 to August 31? I haven't heard if this was included. I wonder if our archery season will still start September 27 in the north as that is usually with last years leftover tag.
  10. I use hot melt as well and have never had a problem. I like being able to change inserts or rotate them if needed and hot melt lets me do that.
  11. Neutral. I don't really care either way.
  12. I just started wearing a harness 2 years ago, but even with that I'm getting so I don't really like being in treestands. I rarely use one during rifle season.
  13. Nice looking bows. I guess I need to take some pictures of mine. Hoyt Buffalo 47# @ 27" Beman ICS Bowhunter 400s with 100 gr brass insert and 175 gr VPA Terminators
  14. Now that is a real d*ck move if I've ever heard one.
  15. And it's inaccurate. Everyone owns the deer.
  16. I see what you are saying but you still don't own the deer. We all own that deer, it just happens to be on your property which makes it off limits for everyone else. If a farmers cow gets out and wanders onto your land do you own that too? Saying you own it implies you can kill it anytime you want as if you were raising sheep, which isn't the case. You need to follow all the same game laws as the rest of us.
  17. Good post Mike. I'll have to check out the video when I get a chance. Protecting the North American model and access to our public lands throughout the U.S. should be the number 1 priority of all sportsman.
  18. Not far enough if you ask my wife. Two weeks from tomorrow I head to Colorado for two weeks elk hunting, so I'm trying to do whatever the family wants ahead of time and prep for the trip. Time is tight.
  19. I think someone said it earlier, but learn how to skin and quarter them in the field. I see a lot of discussion on dragging them above and that is a big PITA. It is much easier to pack them out even if it takes multiple trips. I've never killed a bear, but I know that is the case with other animals. I've always wanted to do a spring bear hunt because that tends to be the time of year when there is nothing else to hunt. I have been looking at going out west, but maybe a DIY public land hunt in Maine is worth looking into.
  20. If you liked those two then read Rinella's other book. A Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine. It was very entertaining.
  21. You won't be disappointed. You will get better blood trails with the 4 blades due to the bleeder blades, but I didn't like having to take them apart to sharpen them.
  22. Fresh Tracks (used to be On Your Own Adventures) and Meat Eater are my favorites too. The Western Hunter is also a very good public land hunting show. Meat Eater is definitely tops though. If you like elk hunting the new Uncommon Ground looks good too, but I've only watched one so far.
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