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Everything posted by Guns&ReligionCop

  1. If its not to late I just want to throw my two cents in and see if it helps. A few years ago I doubled lung a large doe and she ran crashing into the woods. She was spraying lung blood out of both sides like crazy and then the trail just stopped. I got nervous and backed out and got my dad. He followed the trail up to the point that I did and then he back peddled looking off to the right and left and low and behold my deer had actually turned around walked back about 10 feet and died 10 feet of to the side. I walked right past her following the blood trail. If maybe you hit it a little high and she got some distance she might have went to a water source because losing blood makes you thirsty.
  2. Wheelie Man, That why its called hunting and not shooting. Don't kick yourself. We all have missed
  3. WNYBuckHunter, on 01 October 2012 - 03:19 PM, said: BTW, ever hunted near apple trees? Acorns? Farm fields? Were you appalled at yourself then? Its the same thing as a food plot. I have but I moved my stand near them not the apples trees, acorns, etc near my stand.
  4. Just wanted to say this is possibly the best thread I've seen so far. Hunters helping out other hunters and possibly new friendships. Well done
  5. Head shot is unethical period, You did the right thing by not shooting. I would never take a shot that wasn't broad side to quartering away with a bow. That kind of a shot with a bow your chances of wounding the animal increase exponentially. I would reccomend getting to your stand earlier in the morning and be settled before sunrise and then hunting the sunset. I usually only hunt the afternoon during the rut.
  6. Food Plots are fixed and naturally grown and can't be moved day to day for your hunting convience. Dumping crushed sugar beats in a pile in the woods around no other food sources is completely different then having some clover growing in the middle of a field.
  7. Can't watch the video at work post a pic for those who aren't out there today!
  8. I like putnam because you can still get to the island or the city within a hour yet the cost of living is a heck of lot cheaper. Theres several hospitals right in the area here in Brewster (Theres Putnam Hospital, Danbury Hospital and several others in westchester)
  9. A lot of talk about how accurate a rifled barrel shot gun is the best.What I've seen from studies is the most accurate is a 20 gauge sabot round out of a rifled barrel just under 2" at hundred yards. You want accuracy stick to a muzzleloader. I 'll use my trusty knock around smooth bore!!!
  10. Wow!! Tell us how you really feel I just don't understand peoples strong opposition to Antler Restrictions. Everything I hear from them sounds like excuses for wanting to shoot the first thing they see. I've heard everything from you can't tell what your shooting at to I (pounding on chest) "I only hunt for substance" ie fill my freezer and "you only want AR's so you can brag and feel like more of a man to your friends". Meat hunters don't want to shoot the largest deer with the most meat? unfornately I feel this is going to turn into shit storm of a thread with very little or no meaningful conversation just people all the way to oneside or another expressing their opinion but refusing to try and process the other side. Regardless good luck to every this season. I can't wait to see all the pics of spike bucks and fawns
  11. Liberal teachers want you to expand your mind and learn, learn things they like or else you are wrong. I recently had a huge argument with a teacher because my Nephew got into trouble at school because he talked about shooting "Guns" and apparently you aren't supposed to talk about guns in school because educating a child about firearms is more dangerous than leaving a curious child? I work in law enforcement and so does much of my family as well as us being hunters. There might be a gun or two in our homes but I was raised with a family that educated us about firearms so there was never a problem. Some people rather stick their head in the sand. She's most likely teaching children how to be tolerant of others no matter what unless they hunt. Thank god I had great teachers growing up. I'm sorry you experienced this I hope you have made a few friends now.
  12. I explored the area quite a bit before I looked at a map so it makes sense now but my first time I walked around for hours not sure where the hell I was. If you make your way off the island again another place to try is the great swamp. When you come up 22 instead of making that right at Thunder ridge go past it and make left towards Patterson. Once you get into town make the first left as soon you cross the railroad tracks. You drive past the train station and at the second stop sign make a left and cross the tracks again. You can park there and walk around. They have maps as soon as you pull in bu there aren't trails. This also a great spot to launch a canoe and pick it up down by green chimneys if your into that sort of thing.
  13. I like Antler Restrictions because you see more deer with big antlers so I can brag and show how big of a man I am. That being said they also fill my freezer with more meat because the deer are twice the size and I feel more accomplished because what no one seems to mention is that regardless of AR's a older is a smarter deer. The older they are regardless of AR's the harder they are to find! Is anyone going to argue with me that a spike 1.5 year deer is harder to hunt than an older deer regardless of AR's?
  14. It may have been my fault as well because they have a 6 month guarantee and after about 7 months I was getting a little antsy and possibly making a few to many inquiries. The job wasn't bad but the form was to small so they cut a strip out of the back of the hide to make it fit. So the neck was much smaller than when I shot the deer and there was a bump where the hide was to big around the nose for the smaller mount. I might be a little to picky because overall its decent and you are going to be looking at the horns anyway.
  15. I was at cranberry mt last week and got 2 and saw a bunch. Try walking slow along the path up to the right and take all the way down back behind the big pond and out towards thunder ridge. They spook easy up there but if you sit they come out.
  16. Love or hate AR's you do see more deer with bigger horns after a few years and don't lie everyone likes deer with biggers horns even meat hunters.
  17. I went to Jonas Brothers in Brewster last year. A little over $600 for a shoulder mount and I was a little disappointed. I saw others he did though that were amazing!
  18. Amazing deer, I would guess 3.5-4.5 years old with great genes and about 145 class. I hope you can get them so we can find out for sure. Best of luck to you chasing that monster!
  19. Stupid hippies are going to cross paths with the wrong hunter.
  20. Pretty sure they meat seekers are illegal in NY because they are considered barbed
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