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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. Same with wth MK85, the rod end unscrewed , you'd pull it out to lengthen screw it tight . Yes Mark your rod to see loaded / unloaded . ILL not comment on the " bad loads " you guys have experienced . John didn't Mark shoot his rod out of the barrel one time way back ? I recall hearing that .
  2. Different . Saw 13 deer 4/5 bucks first morning of bow then downhill from there . Daughter and I only matched work schedules two times for maybe 5 hours of hunting , only hunted with my good friend Joe once and we had both killed bucks by then and neither of us wanted a doe ...... First year in many I didn't kill a buck in bow, heck I never had one decent one in range, which is really really odd for my spot . Good reality check I guess ? Learned I'm done with hang ons. second year in a row I killed a coyote while on deer stand , and I passed up an easy 15 yard bow shot another time .
  3. My ML Knight MK 85, used 11 caps and loose powder . I would hang it in my garage , till one day I decided to dump the powder , and it was one black wet mass . After that I emptied it every night . Back to,the woods, I was going to,sit this afternoon as its warm, but to windy and muddy .
  4. I'm not a fan of small enclosures ,with feeders , I'm ok with it just not for me . Then there is a friend that hunts free range deer in Montana, he drives back roads, well that's all they got ... and glasses deer out of his truck, he can see 200-300 a day . Find one you want , park perhaps circle around , use a ditch , or duck walk till you're in rifle range , set up shooting sticks and drop it . Often other guys will wave him over , " you Joe's friend ?" , go,over to ( insert spot here ) there's some real nice bucks there now . Sometimes I think we're the only hunters getting cold , wet and muddy .
  5. 1. The new world record NT whitetail , 47 points , killed by the cousin of my nephews hunting partner btw, was aged at 3 1/2 years . http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/articles/big-bucks/update-official-scoring-is-312-for-world-record-nontypical-buck 2. 6k is not a lot of money to many people 3. One does not pay a hooker for sex , one pays her to leave afterwords .
  6. Only place I buy , well I did buy a Glock from the Firing Pin , through the blue line discount program , as there was no wait time .Brand new Glock 19 for around $400. Biekirchs is very good , staff has been working there 20-30 years , I deal with Jim he sits in the corner of the counters . If you're police / fire they'll hook you up pretty good . But over all they know there sh!t . East Rochester , NY right off rt 490 .
  7. Well I never have traveled on Christmas, but I would like it prior to hunting season . I seem to end up buying hunting stuff just prior to the season , then not having much on my list .
  8. That makes sense, I do know guys like that . In fact nephew from out of state said that to me after seeing my small buck this year . Myself I generally kill a decent one in bow, then have self imposed rule of any gun buck much be much larger , than hasn't happened In so,many years I can't name the year .
  9. For the record I'm not for manditory AR's , we're improving now with education . Only 5% of deer hunters kill two,bucks , so I don't see much of a gain there either .
  10. It should not be written so " kids" get a pass on AR's as many new hunters aren't kids . I should be written so new license holders get a pass . Perhaps your first 3 years or so,of hunting your tags are marked accordingly . I say this because at work every year we get guys who,take it up in their 30's and 40's . I taken a couple on hunts where they got their first deer . My daughter is 27 and this year got out twice for maybe a combined 5-6 hours , our schedules just didn't line up . She has not yet killed a buck , and thereby is exempt from the farms rules on buck size . Having it aged based would hurt our numbers .
  11. Lots of fresh tracks in here, but the excitement of bring on stand again lasted 30 minutes . I just want to sit on the hot tub with a drink , eat dinner and relax . Just off nights , so sleep would be good too .
  12. Been out a total of about ten hours since third day of gun , just parked in Canandaigua! Perfect wind for the same ladder I got my gun buck out of . Wife’s making pot roast and a guy at work gave me a bottle of Woodford Reserve , add big buck for perfect day !
  13. I agree, my nephew has no,problem killing very nice free range bucks , but if he's out of town and has time he has time he'll go whack one . He's honest about it , its kinda like how some will buy a t shirt or other souvenir .
  14. Toss in some spent shells too ( try for a different caliber then you use ) always fun to drop under friends stands .....
  15. I'm taking the keys to the harem . My nephew and family down in Tenn. clean up on good bucks . Here's his daughter with hers this year. Then one he shot in Texas on a canned hunt , he'll be the first to say the canned hunt is not like hunting , but he was there on business and had some free time . It scored I think 170, and cost was I THINK 10k, he has the coin to spare though .
  16. Just a hunch but I'll bet Oldnewbie's kids are pretty squared away . Best post in a long time .
  17. Congrats . Try taking a class or two that may help you , also restrictions are administrative only . You were issued a carry permit , some judges put their own restrictions on them , but you have a carry permit . You Would not be breaking any law by carring it other times , however the judge will revoke it if he finds out . You're young , you may want to just play the game ,take some classes , wait, a bit and try to get them removed .
  18. Never bought land , wife came with it, come up,think of it that was a huge cost .... However I could have , bought my first house in my mid 20's as a single man . Started maxing out my retirement the day I start working , plus matual funds on the Side . Never bought new cars , did travel though . Never had a car loan , mort. Was $749 a month . We live in what many would call a starter home , raised our kids here , folks who,have never been to,our home will ask if we'll down size now that the kids are gone . We tell them we've lived downsize forever . Could I have bought land in my 20's ? No. 30's or 40's sure , but our financial goals were paying for kids college and retirement . Land , new cars and big houses would have got in the way . We need a financial area here .
  19. Made this bell in kindergarten, which would be 1,964. Just wrote our name on it in glue, then sprinkled glitter on it . Each year I would pull it out call the kids over and in my best Clark Griswald , go “ kids did I ever tell you about this bell....” they’d grown, and I keep on telling the story as if it’s the first time .
  20. Some guys have jobs where they can't bring it inside , well only at the risk of being fired. That's a time where a study safe , inside a locked vehicle may be an option . But yes I'm not entirely comfortable even then . Ill say this mine goes to work and is locked up inside there , some don't have that option .
  21. Most guys I work with have put a safe in their center counsel , it bolts right through into " frame " or rather whats underneath . I'm waiting for the 'one for my '18 to,come out . One guy leaves like twenty bucks in fives and ones on top of his, with the hope once they once they open the cover and see safe they'll just take the cash and dash . Although the safe is pretty sturdy . One a whole I'm not a fan of leaving guns in cars . Cars are broken into far more often then homes, and it's only increasing with all the addicts out there . So one Capt I work,with lives in Pittsford, for those not from here , it's a well off suburb . He leaves nothing in his car and in fact leaves it unlocked in his driveway, got tired of having to replace his Windows . My friend who lives in half million dollar home on the Bay has caught addicts looking in his truck Windows on his trail cam, that he put out for deer in his yard . Trust me they're in Webster as well. I know a RPD officer who's part of his job is revoking pistol permits ( and he's very pro gun ). I asked what kind of things does he revoke for , one was guns stolen from unlocked center cousels , he said it's just not responsible . Now I'm not sure if that was from unlocked cars as well . Now I'm sure he alone can't revoke , rather he recommends that to a judge . Nothing like reporting your truck stolen and then having to,tell the cops ," oh ya I got a loaded handgun in there to ." My intended use of the safe is for times I can't bring it inside , like the gym. I used to have a lock box in my trunk with a cable that locked to the trunk hinge , I lock mag and one from chamber in glove box an empty gun in lock box. My one buddy parks inside a locked garage , locks his truck and has the safe in truck . That Im comfortable with .
  22. We made more land , by extending the break wall out into the water and filling it in . Guess they frown on that today though .
  23. That hunting is an enjoyable hobby , and in the big picture of little importance .
  24. Decided to read this thread and was surprised to see I,posted last night . No soup,involved just some Gin , last night was my " Friday night " ." Tag soup is no deer taken , passes ,misses whatever ..
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