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Everything posted by Nomad

  1. You were right thats for sure. However,the bad guys,losers whatever often know the system and they know how it works. The first to call the cops is the VICTIM,remember that and do it. If he calls and I know times they have you will be explaining things. Now sit down, he will lie when he calls and turn it on you, after all you left and did not report anything he did. I'm speaking in general terms now not this incident. Everything needs to be documented you don't want the bad guy to be the one doing it...... guys Guy comes to my house he's asked to leave once,twice, 911 all they'll do is have him leave but its on record .
  2. BPS smooth bore. Dead on at 75 yards with Federal Truball . Held a little high this year on a 95 yard shot, dropped him where he stood .I shoot a fair number of slugs, don't want to pay the price of sabots. Gander mtn . has a sale each year on them 99 cents a box after rebates. couple trips through line for the wife and I as there is a limit. Watching fields with longer then 100 shots I'll bring the ML
  3. Just picked up buck from butcher. He said good numbers so far, up from last year at this point. Some really nice bucks there !
  4. No. The clock thing effects only man. If they come through just after daylight on sat. Then on Sunday it not as if they set their clocks back, they should still move just after daylight no matter what time "man" says it is. Btw I often have the week or two after the time change off from work , I don't set mine back, as its a mental thing for me, I'd rather think its still 5 not 4 when I get up . But the deer are spared it all, I can count on one hand all the deer I killed that were wearing watches.
  5. 8h where I hunt, farm land north of 5/20 was great.We took deer and everyone saw more then most opening days. They were running fields all day,chasing . Today i popped a nice doe by 8:00 buck chasing 3 doe in clover, lots of shoots too. When we brought our bucks to the meat cutter at 7:00 we were numbers 26 and 27.
  6. Great job NY T.hunter !! We did have a good opening day Dave! I set up on a field i watched bucks cut a corner all bow season, I figured opening day would be my one chance at them in gun.For once it worked like I thought... The big 8 was that guys best buck to date, not super hard core hunter,but a guy who gets out a few times. After taking mine in the AM I put him in my best stand for the afternoon hunt, the spot I planned on using that PM. Took a nice doe this AM young buck chasing 3 all around the clover I was set up on. Filling a couple DMAPS and freezers for others now. Good luck to all.
  7. 18 inch 7 pt at a few minutes after 7:00. 95 yards with my smooth bore Browning. Dropped in its tracts . Let it lay for an hour as another guy was on stand watching same field, figured I let him have a chance at anything else that may come by. Saw 14 plus deer today, another guy I was with took a big 8pt. Just a cell phone pic. I'd have no idea how to post it .
  8. 132 8pt. hey I live in and sometimes hunt Webster as well . I did the town hunt the first year. Large part of it is in my old childhood stomping grounds..... Friend lives right in the middle of the town land,he also owns land there . he knows the land well as he hunted it for 15 plus year before the town 'green spaced it ". A ton of large bucks .
  9. Ya Rob thanks for the answer . I'm a freedom guy myself ,rode motorcycles for 20 years,would never ride without a helmet, yet I'm against helmet laws. But i've lived life 52 years and know guys who fell and got hurt out of stands and a good friend on the job who broke his back saving a woman at a fire. Bone graft from his hip and 6 inch steel rods in his back . Falling = very bad.
  10. Yes life comes with risks. I face them in my job as well,I'm on roofs too. Steep city house roofs with fires under them..... for 22 plus years now.I'm comfortable climbing a 110 ladder as well. But you won't find me in a tree stand with out a harness because thats a risk there is zero need to take . That and while my dept. of 500 has not had a guy fall off a roof or ladder in some time, 2 guys who hunt fell out of trees this year.One was hanging it prior to the season, the other climbing up .3 years back a good friend who is a contractor and comfortable up high as well fell and broke his femur. Being comfortable up high has very little to do with it,its the slip,missteep,broke strap,loss of balance that does it. If nothing else I look at it like this,if I fall on the job, I'm covered and my family is covered,if I fall hunting I'm s.o.l. Oh I also go for roofers who fall at least 2/3 times a year . This year one guy who fell off scaffolding died. OHSA requires rails or fall restraints don't they? So don't you wear one on the job ? I don't handle that end but as a roofer I thought you could answer that. stay safe.
  11. Lawdwaz thats the way to go, you get what you pay for. Buy the best cry only once .
  12. Life NRA member here. I'm all for it. Right now I have NYS permit ( 30 years ) I also have the Fla. and Utah permits so I'm good for 38 ? states .
  13. I'm going tomorrow morning. I've been off for 2 weeks ,hunting a lot ! took a doe early can't get a big buck in close , so I'll give it one more sit. Thursday afternoon and Friday,I'm sitting in the hot tub smoking cigars,resting, going over my gun stuff ,going out to diner. I can use the break. Good luck to all.
  14. Start off In a Timothy field I've watched a good buck cross mornings in bow. If he's a no show I'll walk 1/2 mile or so to my main spot,where I got 2 friends placed. Our woods/brush is surrounded by 100,s of acres of crops ( all down but clover) so the nearest other hunters are 1/2 mile away for the most part. The ones I know will all be sitting as well,thats how the farm does it no drives,walking etc. it seems to be catching on all around as well , so not to many running escape routes except ones that start from far away . Kinda like bow season in gun.....
  15. All deer seasons are good ! As far as deer seen and freezers filled it was good. Took a doe my first hunt on oct.17th. Had 3 weeks off during bow,hunted a lot enjoyed it all. Saw 12 -15 differant bucks, would say i "passed" on a bunch of young bucks but the farm is mature bucks only so not really a choice.Did see 4 'shooters" and one I called in 400 yards but he hung up at 60 . I also saw a very nice buck 2 out of 3 mornings cross a Timothy field in the same spot. I'll be there with my ML on Sat.morning ! But that'll be his day off I figure.... But I'm still off till after opening week end of gun,and with seeing 4 bucks in the first hour today I still got hopes of a big one walking under me the next few days.A guy can hope can't he ?
  16. Some good posts by Ny Antler,Doc,and 4seasons . It is going to happen no matter what the weapon, but like I said in another thread I see little good that can come from posting on line about it, or walking into a diner and loudly proclaiming you "lost a good buck" or telling everyone at work etc. Something I see/hear every year, as well as all the non hunters near by..... Nobody who when asked,"hey hows the family?' replies, "not bad my oldest is smoking a lot of dope though, my son is flunking 2 classes, my wife is seeing larry302 on the side..." But there seems to be no shortage of hunters who loudly tell all over and over through the season," lost a deer", when asked,' how's the season going?".
  17. You need to try and get there on other days to catch them and keep them off guard. I hunt and own farm land near you . Here's a couple things I do.Starting late Aug. when guys are driving around looking in fields etc. in the evenings, I make it a point to go down and check my posted signs along the road as often as i can. I do this with either an AR 15 over my shoulder or a combat shotgun and a Glock on my hip. Next I sit at my parking spot smoking a cigar, with said gun leaning against my chair and smile at the p/u's driving by. Some nice nights I sleep in my truck out by the road. Next I have had a dec cop come by and do the robo deer, night time watches etc. Trust me have them parked at your spot while you talk for awhile and word gets around . Helps though since I spread it.... This started years ago when we had poacher issues and the dec was great. When I got the name of the suspected poacher, I would often park across from his house , just so he could see the same truck from where he was poaching. Look you gotta be the hard a$$ sometimes . I have not had so much as a foot print on my spot in years . For what its worth a large number of bow hunters I know "carry" while hunting. I don't because that would be illegal.
  18. Sully, you handled that well ! Imagine a guy online with thick skin and a sense of humor,next thing ya know NYS Bowhunters will endorse crossbows......
  19. I agree about the height, BUT. 20 some years ago I got a job as a firefighter something I learned right away was this. Most of the new stories have mistakes in them ,i would say almost always. Any fire,shooting or union issue that I knew first hand about had errors. It got to the point that every news story I see/read, I wonder 'whats wrong with this one". This held true to today. a couple weeks ago i went to a shooting,3 hits right leg and torso. The news ? " Man shot in leg". Who knows where they got the 35 feet, and it may be right but I'd guess it was someones guess ..... Stay safe. bowhuntersully,look do what you want man its a free country.I'd just say harnesses come with every stand,I wear mine under my camo,and i wear it in and out .that and I know 3 guys who fell,one who broke a femur.
  20. http://www.shop.gregmcgeeengineering.com/C3-907-170-Lumen-002.htm I'm a flashlight geek,over many years i've owned many from Surefire,Fenix,Four Sevens, on down to store brands.I go on flashlight forums,yes the exist... Now Surefires are bullet proof made in the U.S. never fail stake your life on them, lights . they cost $75 to a few hundred. The above link is the BEST $25 light you'll ever find,in fact its better then many that go 2-3 times that.trust me i've bought tons of "cheap" lights that were just that CHEAP. This light has 4 main settings high,med,low and moon glow.This makes it great for hunters.Moon glow saves night vision and is great for digging in your pack etc. Low for walking in and out, and high will light up a field better then any gaint Magite could ever dream of, and it fits in the palm of your hand ! There are also,strobes, S.O.S and beacon modes.you may think what good are these,till you get hurt or fall out of your stand at night.Set it on SOS,call on your cell, and even if you pass out the beacon/ sos will show the searchers where to go. You will not find any light built this well for anywhere near this price. Now it is more of a spot,then a flood, just so you know if you like a flood better.
  21. I'll second 2 lights and a compass.... I hunt farm land and I can tell you first hand about a gun buck and thick brush and a long drag the wrong way ! I would leave the buck and scout ahead wondering why I was not out, then i could not find the deer again ! So I would hang my headlamp over deer while i went ahead to scout my way out,leave pack and gun go back to deer . It was crazy I hunted here over 20 years was near the edge,yet went the wrong way not realizing the deer had turned while running off, so i ended up dragging in the wrong direction. As for those deer lights I never used one,but I'm a flashlight geek. i own many from Surefire, Fenix,Four Sevens, Quark and so on and would be glad to help anyone fit a top notch light to their budget.
  22. One word, believe in yourself.20 some years ago I was the capt. of a upper div. dart team ( real darts not those plastic tip things...) I was good, i played in touremnets as well and often won $. I can't count the number of good players who fell apart as soon as they fell behind a little. I never did i knew how good i was and even when i was way behind I knew as soon as I started to hit big, they would start to fall, which they often did. I honestly shoot myt compound close to a traditional archer, I draw, place the pin and whack, very little thought or time . Like shooting your gun on the range the more you hold it up and try to hold the crosshairs perfect the more it moves around . You know you can make the shot, think less and make the shot !
  23. Buckstops here,thanks for posting, you have a lot of knowledge,thanks for sharing it. BTW I have a friend who has 1/2 of Glen St.Charles's work bench along with some of his tools.He's a friend of the St.Charles family and past pres. of Wash. state bow hunters group. I got to meet them at the first Pope and Young museum, at his bow shop North West Archery, years ago !
  24. I'm seeing bucks chasing does, pic.s of nice bucks my buddies killed, emails from guys watching bucks on the prowel mid day. i don't know what moon phase were in what C.Alsheimer says, I just know i filled my freezer with doe meat couple weeks ago and the bucks have been moving a lot since oct. 31
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